Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Highland Tale; The Truth Epilogue One Scene Zero (FINALE)






Inverness was once again celebrating the new event.

It was the King’s coronation that day.

“Hail King Malcolm.”

Trumpets and bagpipes sounded everywhere.

The King was making his inaugural speech then.

“It will not take long for me to repay my debt to you all by rewarding each of you as much as your loyalty and service deserve.” King Malcolm looked to the gathered. “My Thanes and kinsmen, I name you all Earls ……he first ever to be named Earls in Scotland.”

“We have much else to do as well, which should be started soon as the beginning of a new era. We must call home our exiled friends who fled from the trap of MacBeth’s tyranny, and we must find all those cruel attendants who helped this dead butcher and his demon-like queen, who is thought to have killed herself.”

“This and whatever else we must do, by the grace of God, we will do in the right amount, at the right time, and in the right place. So, I thank you all together and individually, and I invite you to come see me be crowned King of Scotland at Scone.”

All the gathered there cheered. There was one who stepped away to the chamber where Duncan once laid.

“I trust you are well, King Duncan. King MacBeth had been toppled and your son, Malcolm is King. I am retained as the Adviser.” Lennox stood before the bedding where Duncan was murdered.

“I know you may be wondering too why I killed you that night.”

“It was needed. You had plans to remove me as Adviser once Malcolm become King. I had you killed; ironically, the guards were all asleep, later I was to know that it was works of Lady Elleanor that drugged their drink. I had you stabbed in the heart ……. Your evil heart. I have loved you dearly and yet you betrayed me to let your son be King without me.”

“I was surprised that night when MacBeth came in. He had wanted to do the same to you but was not aware that you were already dead. He dropped his dagger after stabbing the guards and left. I took the dagger in you and left. Later I was to know that the lady returned to place the dagger on the guard.”

“All was done but the report that one of the guards was alive. I had wanted to kill that guard but MacBeth was ahead. It was all done, and with my persuasion, I had MacBeth made King. He was grateful to me and retained me as Adviser.”

“From there, my tasks were as usual. Those with me were kept at the side of the King and those who were not I have the King do the task. Banquo was one I disliked; he stands in my way with the MacBeth, so I had the king removed him. I got the mercenaries to perform the task. I was there to make sure the task was done. Sadly, the son escaped but that was insignificant. I had the widow moved to Ireland for her safety and was told that the son had reunited with her there.”

“Lady Elleanor was not of my doing. She was delusional since young. Her father had told me then that Elleanor felt her sister was given more care than her. I nursed that when she was Queen. A whisper in her ears or to her maid, can be effective.”

“As I had done with you on Donalbain. All it took was to implant the notion that he was with the Irish and that infuriates you.”

“Above it all, I had the Citadel shut down. My ancestors did a great task, and with our devoted services, we knew how to fortified the place, and where are the switches to turn on, or off. Many previous Kings, and not you had been served by those crystal there. They were …… the soothsayers of the King.”

“Hail Merlin, my ancestor to hold the foresight for us to survive so long.” Lennox smiled. “I am the last of the line and may it all rest well.”

The arm went around Lennox’s waist while the lips laid kisses on the nape.

“Jacque, you could not wait huh?”

Elsewhere in the castle, two figures stood by the river banks and discussed their future.

“Bonnie, I think it is time we retire. I had enough of the tasks.” Clyde looked at Bonnie.

“I can agree with you. We will retire and be forgotten as the deadly duo.” Bonnie pass over the goblet of wine. “Drink heartly, my companion. It will be over soon.”

The very next morning. Bonnie had ridden on the horse towards the hills. She was alone and headed to her home by the glen. It will be a different life for her without Clyde, who had drowned in the river the previous night. He was drunk.

By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes,
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond,
Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae,
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

O ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road,
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye,
But me and my true love will never meet again,
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

"The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond", or "Loch Lomond" for short, is a Scottish song

At the ruins of the Citadel, crystal shattered by the works of man, a low hum was heard that next day.

“Voices, are you on?”

“Yes, One. This is Two.”

“Yes, this is Three.”

“Do you have your backups?”

Need I say more.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And the days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll drink a cup of kindness yet
For the sake of auld lang syne


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