Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Highland Tale; The King Act Five Scene Seven Sub Act One







“My King, the walls have been breached.” The servant approached the king at Dunsinane.

“Where is my scout?” MacBeth was upset. He was studying the castle defenses and was sure that they were impregnable. “How was it that you reported to me?”

“My King, most of the army has defected to the other side. The gates are thrown open by them, and the invaders are in our courtyard.”

MacBeth rushed to the window and saw the man-suits there. They were not of his color and were seen to aim their cannons at the castle. He saw out on the plains the Juggernauts with their cannons trained on the castle.

“Is it the end?” MacBeth asked. He turned to look for the servant, but that figure had left the chamber.

“Seyton! Where are you?” MacBeth called out.

“I am here, my king. I will fight for you.” Seyton appeared, holding the saber in his right hand. “I could still swing the sabre here."

MacBeth looked at the elderly servant and sighed.

“They have tied me to a stake. I cannot run.” MacBeth sighed. “I will not run. I must stand and fight, like a bear.”

“Where is the man who was not born from a woman? I fear him and no one else.” MacBeth grabbed hold of his sabre. “Show me that man.”

It was then that the young Lord Siward entered. He was accompanied by his personal guards. They were armed with guns and sabres. Young Siward looked at MacBeth.

“What is your name?”

“Insolence, pup. How dare you address me in that manner?” Macbeth roared. “You will be afraid to hear it if I tell you.”

“No, not even if you called yourself a name evilr than any demon that's in Hell.” Young Siward called out. “I want your name before I am going to kill you.”

“My name’s MacBeth. Heed that name and remembered it well when you met your ancestors.”

“The devil himself could not have said a name I hated more.” Young Siward said. “No, nor more fearful.”

“No, nor could the devil’s name be more frightening.” MacBeth laughed.

“You lie, hated tyrant. My sabre will prove that you speak lies.” Young Siward then told his guards to stay back. “I will fight him alone in combat.”

“Not if I am.” Seyton lunged at Young Siward, but he was gunned down by the guards.

“Seyton!” MacBeth saw his devoted servant fall to the floor. “You killed Seyton, my servant.”

“Whoever he was, he is dead. Soon, you will be.” Young Siward rushed forward. The younger soldier was trained in the art of the sabre, but he was not battle-hardened. The young soldier thrust was deflected by Macbeth and sidestepped to avoid the swing of the blade by the other.

MacBeth feigned several swings that caused Young Siward to attack, but with a calculated move, MacBeth thrust his blade at the young soldier’s left thigh.

“Touche!” MacBeth stepped back.

“Arghh….” Young Siward stepped back while holding his left thigh. “I will get you for that.”

“Emotions, my young one. You cannot kill me. You are born from the womb of the woman.” MacBeth said.

“Do not taunt my mother, you devil.” Young Siward charged at the King. It was a wrong move, and MacBeth’s blade was at the other’s chest.

“Then die.” MacBeth called out. The blade stabbed into the chest had ruptured the organs there. Young Siward fell onto his knees and then lay dead on the flooring.

“You were born from a woman. I smile at swords and laugh at any weapon held by a man born from a woman.” MacBeth laughed.

“Murderer!” The voice of MacDuff was heard. “You murdered a good man. He is a young siward.”

“The insolent Thane. I would have welcomed you home, but you chose to serve the English.’ MacBeth looked at MacDuff.

“MacBeth, I come with vengeance. If you are killed without a strike from my own sword, the ghosts of my wife and children will haunt me forever.” MacDuff cursed at MacBeth.

“Not only yours, but many more. I have killed or have had them killed by the dozens.” MacBeth said. “Do you recall the number of soldiers you have killed in battle? They are dead, but their families will curse us for years. Did you feel the regrets there?”

“He is just another one.” MacBeth motioned to the dead Siward. “Another soul I have to take.”

“Kill or be killed, MacDuff. That is what we are told.” MacBeth smiled.

“You are wrong. It was Alba gu brĂ th,” MacDuff called out. (A phrase that means 'Scotland for ever')






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