Monday, July 29, 2024

I am away from the keyboard for the week

 Hi All, 

I will be undergoing my next stage of srugery on my right eye tomorrow. I will not be online for the one week. Please do take care and see you all then. 


Thursday, July 25, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Two Scene One Sub-Scene One

 Act Two

Scene One

Sub-Scene One



As the offspring of a hitman, Pompey Jr was into guns at an early age. He had lost his mother when he was three and has been raised by his father, Genous Pompey since. He used to clean the guns that his father carried. He fired his first shot at nine.

“Roaches, Dad.” Pompey Jr told his dad.

“Shot them well. Do not waste bullets.” Pompey Jr was told.

Soon, Pompey Jr joined the army and was given the task of running. He rose to prominence serving the general and resigned with the rank of sergeant. He returned to take part in the family business, earning him the nickname ‘Pompous Jr’ and later the hitman in the civil war between families. He was not a consul then, but he followed his father to the Senate. He served as a commander in the Sector War, the Third Wave, and various other military campaigns. Pompey Genous’ early success earned him the nickname “Pompous the Great." His son, Junior was with him then and his adversaries gave him the nickname ‘adulescentulus’ carnifex ("teenage butcher") for his ruthlessness.

Later, Pompey joined Crassus and Caesar in an alliance known as the First Triumvirate, cemented by Pompey's marriage to Caesar's daughter, Julia. After the deaths of Julia and Crassus, Pompey switched to the other political faction known as the Optimates, or conservative elders. Caesar and him led the New Civil War, but Pompey was defeated, and he sought refuge in the sea ports, where he reigns till his betrayal and was killed by Mark Antony.

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me; (Jeremiah 29:13).” Pompey Jr was seated on the chair behind his desk. The desk was cluttered with papers and reports that he had yet to read. “If God says that, he will assist the actions of the most honest men. But we are not at all honest.”

Pompey Jr told his companion where they sat after lunch. It was a simple meal: grilled fresh fish and some chips with the white wine.

“You may be wrong on the honest part, worthy Pompey.” As Junior was then to inherit his father’s name. “That just because God is slow to do something does not mean he would not do it. In all honesty, I will say,” Menas, the lieutenant in the Roman’s gang, smiled. He is a loyal soldier, but his beliefs took precedent. That was not so with Pompey.

“While we spend time praying to Him like honest men for help, the thing we could pray for then loses its value.” Pompey Jr was sceptical.

“We do not know ourselves well enough; most of us do not. Well, most of us do pray for something more, so when we need God, it may be withheld for our own good. So, we are often better off when our prayers are not answered.” Menas smiled. Many times, he had put to rest the ones who pleaded for God to intervene. He told them they were too late to repent.

“Not for me. I will do well. The boys love me as they did with my father, and I have regained control of the ports. My might is increasing, and all my knowledge tells me that it will reach its full bloom soon. Is there a full bloom at all? I guess to me, it will always be blooming.” Pompey was always proud of his achievements.

“The Consul himself was still enjoying himself in Egypt, and he would not fight any battles except inside the Queen’s chamber. There is also the saying that Caesar loses the people's loyalty by taxing them to raise money. Lepidus flatters them both and is flattened by both, but he does not love either of them, and neither of them cares for him. He is there for his own protection.” Pompey summed up his opponents.

“I need to caution you there. Julius Caesar once has Mark Antony, and Lepidus on the battlefield. They massed the boys well. It is a powerful army.”  Menas had taken the liberty of the cigar there on the side table and seated himself by the fireplace. “They still do.”

“False! Where did you hear that? From some whores?”

“From Silvius, Boss.” Menas replied. “He is better than any whore. He is the pimp.”

“That pimp, as you called him, dreams it all. I know of Lepidus; he is looking for Mark Antony. But I hope lustful Cleop the vixen keeps that other there in Egypt.” Pompey laughed. “I met the lady once. She is not young anymore, but she could put any virgin to shame with her body, her charm, and... I wish Julius had told me how she was in bed. I was told that she may have used witchcraft besides her beauty, and may both arouse Antony's lust.”

“She could keep him occupied with feast after feast, keeping him from thinking clearly. I would if I were him.” Pompey laughed louder. “May decadent cooks increase his appetite with pleasing sauces so that sleeping and eating will make him forgetful, until he forgets his duties completely. Let Rome burn without him.”

Pompey’s laughter was interrupted by the arrival of another of his loyal aides.

“What is going on, Varrius?”

“Mark Antony is expected to arrive in Rome any minute now. Enough time has passed since he left Egypt that he could have travelled an even greater distance.” Varrius reported.

“I had wanted to hear better news, but it was not so. Menas, I did not think that lover boy would put on his helmet to join in such a minor war. He is a better soldier than the other two; he kills better and harder. Now we will have to increase our caution with what we have done with the return of Mark Antony. I had lewd thoughts that he would never be tired of the Queen, but I am wrong.” 

“I do not think that Lepidus and Antony will greet each other with appreciation. Fulvia, Mark Antony’s wife... Or rather, the late wife opposed the New Triumvirate, and Lucius, the brother, declared war on them as he did with Caesar before. They wage the war alone without Mark Antony, but they are still family. Lucius was pardoned by Caesar and sent overseas. He had since returned.”

“I would not know, Menas, whether our threat will outweigh their menial disagreements. Families have always conflicted over the years, and then it will all be calm with the bosses stepping in. Our rivalry might not be overlooked, for it is a big one... a mutiny, if I may say.”

“A hurtful selection of words...” Menas smiled.

“An egg is still an egg, although the ostrich may lay them bigger.” Pompey Jr laughed. “If it were not for us that we are opposing all of them, it is most unlikely that they would fight amongst themselves since they have enough reasons to draw their guns, but it is possible their fear of our forces will heal the breach between them and end their small disagreements. Let it be for God to decide.”

“If only God would listen to the honest ones.” Menas stood up. “I am to go to pray now, but if I may suggest, shall we meet with Mark Antony.”

“Getting into the arena with them? A threesome against whom? Lions and Bears?” Pompey was questioning.

“A bed, Boss. It may be satisfying to all.” Menas said.

“No, I will prefer Mark Antony to myself. One cannot be choosy at times.” Pompey sighed. “Get boys ready for battle.”




Tony and Cleop Act Zero Scene Two

 Act Zero

Scene Two

Sex and power go together.


“Caesar …...”

“You may call me Julius, my love.” The older man held the lady, who was twice as young to hm. Julius Caesar of Rome was the grand master of the empire, and from his influence and power, he made Rome the leader of the crime world. He was then in Egypt, a smaller territory that came to his attention when his rival, Pompey Senior, took shelter there. Caesar had pursued the other, but Pompey was murdered by the Egyptian boys on the order of the boss there.

“We have shot Pompey in the head.” Ptolemy, the boss there, told Julius Caesar. “We have served his corpse to the crocodiles.”

Julius Caesar heard of the so-named crocodiles, which were alligators, but whatever happens in Egypt stays in Egypt. He was more entranced by the appearance of Ptolemy’s sister, Cleop. He stayed on to consolidate his influence and assisted Ptolemy in expanding the territory. It was also to be near Cleop. He hardly sees her, except in the company of Ptolemy.

Until then.

“Why do you detest your brother?” Julius Caesar asked her. She had sneaked into his chamber, carried by her servants with the bed wraps there. If it was not love at first sight, then it was a fuck available. She told him he was her first, and that cemented their affair. Ptolemy knew of the affair and challenged Caesar. It was a weak battle, for Julius had a better commander in the appearance of Mark Antony. The latter cornered Ptolemy on the Nile. It was not known what the real event was, but Ptolemy was said to have been killed and eaten by the crocodiles.

Cleop and Julius Caesar were together until the moment when Julius made his return to Rome due to the issues there. It was in Rome when Julius was killed by Brutus, then a Consul of Rome. Brutus fled Rome after the killing and was pursued by the new Caesar, Octavius and Mark Antony. He died on his own two hands after being cornered.

That ended the affair between Cleop and Julius.

Cleop returned to Egypt to be named Queen. It was not long when Mark Antony arrived there.

“I am sent by Caesar to look after Julius’s interest.” Mark told the Queen.

“The new Caesar?” Cleop asked. “How will you served me then?”

Mark Antony did that, and he soon shared Cleop’ bed too.

It was the tale that the maids knew in Egypt.

“God, I wish she would get over it with Mark Antony.” Charmian flopped her tired body onto the bedding. She shared the chamber with Iras and Alexas. There was the rope with the bell that the Queen would pull to summon them.

“She still thinks of him. He is gone, married, and fucking the other woman.” Charmian cried out.

“She loved him. “Alexas spoke from her side of the bed. They shared the main bedding, while Iras has her own single bedding on the side.

“Love is a splendorous thing, but when apart, the love dwindles.” Charmian sighed. She had never known love in her life; she has some lovers, and they all fucked and left. She felt herself devoid of the need, for her fingers could do the task better.

“Tell that to Iras. I think she is in love.” Alexas, being the oldest among them, herself was nearing forty and smiled. “I saw the way she looked at Mardian.”

“The Eunuch? You are wrong, Alexas. Iras loved the fuck, but not the wedding. Mardian could not give her the family she wanted.” Charmian said. It was then that Iras returned to the chamber. She looked like she had run the marathon then.

“How is the bitch?” Iras removed her clothes before she washed her body.

“The bitch is fine. She thinks of Mark Antony.” Charmian sighed. “Nothing excites her anymore. My tongue and fingers are all tired.”

“What happened to you, Iras? Was Mardian rough again?” Alexas saw the bruises on Ira's back.

“Nope, he was good. We have our work, and it was satisfying. I am telling you that brute force is a force to be reckoned.” Iras laughed. “He could last the hour, and all I ever had to do was move my body to his needs.”

“I am sure.” Charmian smiled. “You wanted it forceful.”

“It was better than to put on a performance for the bitch. She ought to have her fuck by Mardian, and she will not remember Mark Antony anymore.” Iras smiled.

“The bitch does not like... She once told me,” Alexas said. “He feared them since he was young. Ptolemy used to tease her about them violating her. If you hadn't noticed, only Mardian was near her. The others are kept below deck.”

“The bitch is the Queen. She can decide what and who.” Iras said. “Me, I am content with my fuck. Not a messy pregnancy.”

“Have you asked Mardian if he ever wanted a family?’ Alexas asked.

“Never and would never ever. I like to keep things the way they are now. Sex and more sex.” Iras smiled. “More to it, Mardian is the power among the others. No one dares touch me. He will squeeze their balls if anyone tries.”

“So, sex and power matter, huh?” Charmian laughed. “Me? I am taking a good rest now. Anyone care to diddle me to sleep?”

“Fuck yourself.” Iras replied.






Tony and Cleop Act One Scene Four Sub-Scene Three

 Act One

Scene Four

Sub-Scene Three

The Queen desires


Mardian dressed in the loose pants and his chest bared, without sandals; his usual dressing at the palace had brought with him the tray of fruits. He was to bring it to the Queen for her daily treat of fruits. She preferred the fresh grapes and other Mediterranean fruits. He, himself of northern African descent, had favoured the dried fruits. He recalled his youth, when his mother would serve him it daily. It was his youth, just before puberty. When he was of age, he had followed his father to the large city to Baghdad their items, the dried dates from the harsh lands where Mardian was brought up.

They trade that for other items like barley or corn, but mostly seeds. He was young and adventurous, making his way around Baghdad. It only took a moment of carelessness, and he was kidnapped then. He found himself with other children about his age and was shipped by sea. It was a long journey, and then the ordeal began. He was sold as a slave to the others and toiled in the fields. It was a few years later that he was traded to other masters and then ended up in the ports. He was still rebellious, and he paid the price for his brazen behaviour. He found himself at the hands of the whorehouses. The masters there castrated him for fear he would seduce the ladies.

It was the most humiliating act for him. His anger made him more reliant on himself to defend himself. He killed his masters and escaped then. He had lived on the street as a killer for hire; the Dark One was his name. He found his way to Egypt and remained there for some time, Mark Antony in his ascent to the rank of head.

His given name then was Mardian.

“Mardian, my love. Thank you for bringing the fruit.” The Queen was in the van in the living area. She was dressed in a skimpy outfit and was in the company of her pets, the insufferable long-tailed monkeys. She has three of them on leash there: Tom, Dick, and Hairy.

“My pets need their fruits.” The Queen smiled. Mardian handed the tray towards her and watched the monkeys rush over to grab their shares of it.

“Greedy pets, they are.” The Queen laughed. She then looked at Mardian. “You did well with the East Side. I was told they had pulled back to their borders. Internally, the Lieutenants are in the chaos to be the boss.”

Mardian did not answer and stepped to the side. He saw Iras, who was arranging the cushions in the other van. He liked her but knew that his affection for her was limited to his libido. He could stay erect, but there were no descendants of his to share with. She was insatiable at times, despite his prolonged efforts, but he disliked her for trying to lick him there. He knew that she was taunting him for his missing appendage and took his wrath with the hard hammering at her from the rear. Iras liked the pain and discomfort more than the sex.

“Charmian!” The Queen called out. “Give me my mandragora to drink.”

Mandragora, or mandrake, is a plant that could be used as a powerful narcotic, emetic, sedative, and hallucinogen; its poisons could easily lead to death. For centuries, it was believed that the mandrake herb, known for its medicinal and psychoactive properties, is a magical plant that shrieks when it is uprooted. While the scream of the mandrake is a mere legend, scientists have now discovered that plants do indeed emit screams when they are cut or are dehydrated.

Mandrakes were believed to be a stimulant to help with fertility and conception in barren women.

“Why, madam?” Charmain asked. “You think about him too much.”

“Oh, that is treasonous to say! I do not.” The Queen snapped at the maid. “How dare you?”

“My Queen, I trust that it is not.” Charmian replied. “I spoke because of your well-being.”

“You, Mardian the eunuch!” The Queen called to the other.

“My Queen. What does your highness want?”

“I do not wish to hear you sing right now. I know you had a good voice and, as Iras will say, a hard phallus. I do not take pleasure in anything that a eunuch has.” The Queen spread her legs to taunt the eunuch. “It is lucky for you, since you have been castrated, that your fantasies don't involve anything outside of Egypt. Do you have desires?”

“Yes, my Queen. Madian replied. Due to his dark expression, the Queen may not see the redness in his cheeks.


“No, my Queen. It was more of an indeed since I cannot do anything except what I lack to do. But I still have strong desires, and I think about what Venus did with Mars.”

According to myth, Venus is married to Vulcan, the god of the forge and fire. Unfortunately, Vulcan is considered the ugliest god! So, despite their marriage, Venus took the ever-passionate Mars as a lover. Venus and Mars' many trysts eventually caught up with them, as Vulcan found out!

“Vulcan was...” The Queen displayed her last finger toward Mardian. She then turned to Charmian.

“Oh Charmian, where do you think he is now? Is he standing or sitting? Or is he walking? Or is he fucking his wife? Oh, I forgot. She is dead. Nasty of me. He may be just jacking off to her memory.” The Queen laughed while imitating the action.

“Mark Antony was a stud. He was Mark Antony on top. Run with style and courage, stud, for do you know whom you are riding then?” The Queen laughed louder while she was pointing her finger at Iras. The other blushed and tried to focus on the work.

“Mark Antony was like the demi-Atlas of this earth, the champion and guardian of humankind. Perhaps he is speaking now, or murmuring, "Where's my serpent lair of Nile?" That is what he calls me. I will say slither into me.” The Queen then sighed.

“I cheer myself up with delicious thoughts of the thing that pains me most. Think about me, whose skin is dark from the sun's loving beams and wrinkled with old age. Once, I had Julius Caesar wide-breasted looking at me when he was still alive. I was magnificent enough, even for a great monarch like him. And once Pompey met me, he would stand and gaze for hours at my forehead. Or was it my breasts? There he would fix his gaze and rather die from looking at the woman who sustained his life. Julius will have his eyes gouged out then.”

“They all feared Julius, but he is gone now.”

It was then that Alexas entered the area, bearing more drinks.

“My Queen.” Alexas greeted the Queen. “The Queen of Egypt.”

“Yes, no, King. How very unlike Mark Antony if he were one.”

“I met him recently.” Alexas said. “You asked me to see him.”

“Oh, you did. How is he? I can see his greatness rub off on you. Did you get fucked?” The Queen was on her bitter side. “How is my brave Mark Antony doing?”

“The last thing he did, dear Queen, was to kiss... the last kiss of many such kisses...”

“Your arse, I think.” The Queen laughed.

“No, he kissed this pearl from India. He gives a pearl.” Alexas handed the pearl to the Queen. “His parting words stuck in my mind.”

“I must hear them from you.” The Queen looked at the pearl.

"Good friend," he said, "say that the stalwart Roman sends this treasure from an oyster to the great Queen of Egypt, at whose feet... to improve this meagre present. I will lay kingdoms to add glory to her splendid throne. Tell her that all the East will call her their Queen." So, he nodded and sombrely mounted a thin, spirited warhorse, who neighed so loudly that the reply I would have made was drowned out by the beast.” Alexas bowed to the Queen. “His words.”

“What mood was he in, sad or happy?” The Queen had sobbed up then.

“Like the midpoint of the year between extreme heat and extreme cold, he was neither sad nor happy.”

“Oh, well-balanced temperament! Take notice of that, good Charmian; that is exactly how the man should be away from you. He takes notice of nothing but you. He may not be sad because he wanted to look cheerfully at those people whose moods depend on his. He was not merry, which seems to say that he was remembering me and his joy, but he was between sorrow and merriment.”

“Oh, heavenly mixture! Whether you are sad or happy, the extreme of either emotion suits you as it suits no other man.” The Queen was gaily then. “Did you encounter my messengers? 

“Yes, my Queen, twenty different messengers. Why did you send so many?”

“Whoever is born on the day that I forget to write to Mark, his calendar that he will die a beggar that day. Bring me ink and paper, Charmian.”

“Did I, Charmian, ever love Caesar this much?”

“Oh, that brave Caesar!” Charmian played to the Queen’s tune.

“May you choke if you ever say such a thing again! Say, "the brave Mark Antony." The Queen reprimanded her.

“The valiant Caesar!” Charmian tempts her fate then.

“I swear by Isis, I will strike you in the mouth if you compare Caesar again with my man, who surpasses all other men.”

“I beg your pardon, my Queen. I am only repeating what you said.” The Queen was awed by the previous Caesar, Julius Caesar, when they were together. It was before she met Mark Antony.

“It was in the days of my youth, when I was inexperienced and my emotions were not very strong, and that's the only reason I said such things then.” The Queen sighed. She gave up her maidenhood to Caesar then. “I was young... very young... but come, away.”

“Like Fulvia, he is dead.” The Queen looked at Charmian. “Get me ink and paper. Mark Antony will have a new greeting every day, even if I must send more messengers to send them.”

“The Queen is mad.” Iras whispered to Mardian after they left the area.

“No, she is in love.” Mardian said. “Are you?”

“No, I am for the fuck only.”



X X X X .....I had to get the eyes upgraded......

 Pardon me, readers. I  had toget my eyes done last Tuesday to remove the cataract.and the next week the other eye. You could see me potraing the role of the Pirate Captain.....eye patch and with both legs though...

Buy here are some new chapters to CLEOP and TONY.... cataract foes not keep the sex aside..... perhaps more indepth 

Monday, July 22, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act One Scene Four Sub-Scene Two

 This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

And the contents here are erotic / violent and may not be suitable for the unprepared generations. 

Act One

Scene Four

Sub-Scene Three

The Queen desires


Mardian dressed in the loose pants and his chest bared, without sandals; his usual dressing at the palace had brought with him the tray of fruits. He was to bring it to the Queen for her daily treat of fruits. She preferred the fresh grapes and other Mediterranean fruits. He, himself of northern African descent, had favoured the dried fruits. He recalled his youth, when his mother would serve him it daily. It was his youth, just before puberty. When he was of age, he had followed his father to the large city to Baghdad their items, the dried dates from the harsh lands where Mardian was brought up.

They trade that for other items like barley or corn, but mostly seeds. He was young and adventurous, making his way around Baghdad. It only took a moment of carelessness, and he was kidnapped then. He found himself with other children about his age and was shipped by sea. It was a long journey, and then the ordeal began. He was sold as a slave to the others and toiled in the fields. It was a few years later that he was traded to other masters and then ended up in the ports. He was still rebellious, and he paid the price for his brazen behaviour. He found himself at the hands of the whorehouses. The masters there castrated him for fear he would seduce the ladies.

It was the most humiliating act for him. His anger made him more reliant on himself to defend himself. He killed his masters and escaped then. He had lived on the street as a killer for hire; the Dark One was his name. He found his way to Egypt and remained there for some time, Mark Antony in his ascent to the rank of head.

His given name then was Mardian.

“Mardian, my love. Thank you for bringing the fruit.” The Queen was in the van in the living area. She was dressed in a skimpy outfit and was in the company of her pets, the insufferable long-tailed monkeys. She has three of them on leash there: Tom, Dick, and Hairy.

“My pets need their fruits.” The Queen smiled. Mardian handed the tray towards her and watched the monkeys rush over to grab their shares of it.

“Greedy pets, they are.” The Queen laughed. She then looked at Mardian. “You did well with the East Side. I was told they had pulled back to their borders. Internally, the Lieutenants are in the chaos to be the boss.”

Mardian did not answer and stepped to the side. He saw Iras, who was arranging the cushions in the other van. He liked her but knew that his affection for her was limited to his libido. He could stay erect, but there were no descendants of his to share with. She was insatiable at times, despite his prolonged efforts, but he disliked her for trying to lick him there. He knew that she was taunting him for his missing appendage and took his wrath with the hard hammering at her from the rear. Iras liked the pain and discomfort more than the sex.

“Charmian!” The Queen called out. “Give me my mandragora to drink.”

Mandragora, or mandrake, is a plant that could be used as a powerful narcotic, emetic, sedative, and hallucinogen; its poisons could easily lead to death. For centuries, it was believed that the mandrake herb, known for its medicinal and psychoactive properties, is a magical plant that shrieks when it is uprooted. While the scream of the mandrake is a mere legend, scientists have now discovered that plants do indeed emit screams when they are cut or are dehydrated.

Mandrakes were believed to be a stimulant to help with fertility and conception in barren women.

“Why, madam?” Charmain asked. “You think about him too much.”

“Oh, that is treasonous to say! I do not.” The Queen snapped at the maid. “How dare you?”

“My Queen, I trust that it is not.” Charmian replied. “I spoke because of your well-being.”

“You, Mardian the eunuch!” The Queen called to the other.

“My Queen. What does your highness want?”

“I do not wish to hear you sing right now. I know you had a good voice and, as Iras will say, a hard phallus. I do not take pleasure in anything that a eunuch has.” The Queen spread her legs to taunt the eunuch. “It is lucky for you, since you have been castrated, that your fantasies don't involve anything outside of Egypt. Do you have desires?”

“Yes, my Queen. Madian replied. Due to his dark expression, the Queen may not see the redness in his cheeks.


“No, my Queen. It was more of an indeed since I cannot do anything except what I lack to do. But I still have strong desires, and I think about what Venus did with Mars.”

According to myth, Venus is married to Vulcan, the god of the forge and fire. Unfortunately, Vulcan is considered the ugliest god! So, despite their marriage, Venus took the ever-passionate Mars as a lover. Venus and Mars' many trysts eventually caught up with them, as Vulcan found out!

“Vulcan was...” The Queen displayed her last finger toward Mardian. She then turned to Charmian.

“Oh Charmian, where do you think he is now? Is he standing or sitting? Or is he walking? Or is he fucking his wife? Oh, I forgot. She is dead. Nasty of me. He may be just jacking off to her memory.” The Queen laughed while imitating the action.

“Mark Antony was a stud. He was Mark Antony on top. Run with style and courage, stud, for do you know whom you are riding then?” The Queen laughed louder while she was pointing her finger at Iras. The other blushed and tried to focus on the work.

“Mark Antony was like the demi-Atlas of this earth, the champion and guardian of humankind. Perhaps he is speaking now, or murmuring, "Where's my serpent lair of Nile?" That is what he calls me. I will say slither into me.” The Queen then sighed.

“I cheer myself up with delicious thoughts of the thing that pains me most. Think about me, whose skin is dark from the sun's loving beams and wrinkled with old age. Once, I had Julius Caesar wide-breasted looking at me when he was still alive. I was magnificent enough, even for a great monarch like him. And once Pompey met me, he would stand and gaze for hours at my forehead. Or was it my breasts? There he would fix his gaze and rather die from looking at the woman who sustained his life. Julius will have his eyes gouged out then.”

“They all feared Julius, but he is gone now.”

It was then that Alexas entered the area, bearing more drinks.

“My Queen.” Alexas greeted the Queen. “The Queen of Egypt.”

“Yes, no, King. How very unlike Mark Antony if he were one.”

“I met him recently.” Alexas said. “You asked me to see him.”

“Oh, you did. How is he? I can see his greatness rub off on you. Did you get fucked?” The Queen was on her bitter side. “How is my brave Mark Antony doing?”

“The last thing he did, dear Queen, was to kiss... the last kiss of many such kisses...”

“Your arse, I think.” The Queen laughed.

“No, he kissed this pearl from India. He gives a pearl.” Alexas handed the pearl to the Queen. “His parting words stuck in my mind.”

“I must hear them from you.” The Queen looked at the pearl.

"Good friend," he said, "say that the stalwart Roman sends this treasure from an oyster to the great Queen of Egypt, at whose feet... to improve this meagre present. I will lay kingdoms to add glory to her splendid throne. Tell her that all the East will call her their Queen." So, he nodded and sombrely mounted a thin, spirited warhorse, who neighed so loudly that the reply I would have made was drowned out by the beast.” Alexas bowed to the Queen. “His words.”

“What mood was he in, sad or happy?” The Queen had sobbed up then.

“Like the midpoint of the year between extreme heat and extreme cold, he was neither sad nor happy.”

“Oh, well-balanced temperament! Take notice of that, good Charmian; that is exactly how the man should be away from you. He takes notice of nothing but you. He may not be sad because he wanted to look cheerfully at those people whose moods depend on his. He was not merry, which seems to say that he was remembering me and his joy, but he was between sorrow and merriment.”

“Oh, heavenly mixture! Whether you are sad or happy, the extreme of either emotion suits you as it suits no other man.” The Queen was gaily then. “Did you encounter my messengers? 

“Yes, my Queen, twenty different messengers. Why did you send so many?”

“Whoever is born on the day that I forget to write to Mark, his calendar that he will die a beggar that day. Bring me ink and paper, Charmian.”

“Did I, Charmian, ever love Caesar this much?”

“Oh, that brave Caesar!” Charmian played to the Queen’s tune.

“May you choke if you ever say such a thing again! Say, "the brave Mark Antony." The Queen reprimanded her.

“The valiant Caesar!” Charmian tempts her fate then.

“I swear by Isis, I will strike you in the mouth if you compare Caesar again with my man, who surpasses all other men.”

“I beg your pardon, my Queen. I am only repeating what you said.” The Queen was awed by the previous Caesar, Julius Caesar, when they were together. It was before she met Mark Antony.

“It was in the days of my youth, when I was inexperienced and my emotions were not very strong, and that's the only reason I said such things then.” The Queen sighed. She gave up her maidenhood to Caesar then. “I was young... very young... but come, away.”

“Like Fulvia, he is dead.” The Queen looked at Charmian. “Get me ink and paper. Mark Antony will have a new greeting every day, even if I must send more messengers to send them.”

“The Queen is mad.” Iras whispered to Mardian after they left the area.

“No, she is in love.” Mardian said. “Are you?”

“No, I am for the fuck only.”




Tony and Cleop Act One Scene Four Sub-Scene Two

 This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

And the contents here are erotic / violent and may not be suitable for the unprepared generations. 

Act One

Scene Four

Sub-Scene Two

Mark Antony, where art thee?


Jeeves walked into the library. He greeted Caesar with a bow and then turned toward Lepidus.

“How was...” Lepidus bit his tongue. He was to say something lewd.

“Fine, Commander. I met the Consul.” Jeeves replied. He was still in his dark suit. “I arrived late at night. The train was...”

“His reply, Jeeves.” Caesar was impatient.

“I delivered your message, most noble Caesar. Mark Antony did not tell me much, but I was told he may return.”

“May return? What does he take me for? His wife?” Caesar was upset.

“I heard other reports, Great Caesar. Pompey Jr. has a strong buildup to his boys; the tardiness of the state in handling the last war returnees had forced many of them to join us, or rather Pompey Jr. ……”

“Address him as Pompey. He lives with his father’s name and no longer will call Junior.” Caesar cut in. “As I am Caesar, and the previous Caesar was ranked though his name was Julius. I was Octavius but Caesar I am now.”

“Yes, Caesar.” Jeeves nodded. “Pompey with his promise of lands and money. He thinks our boys are following us because they do not fear you, Caesar. Some left for Pompey, saying that they felt more appreciated by the other.” Jeeves stood to attention when he spoke. “I never believe a single word spoken.”

“Do not be peckish on that. I am... I should have guessed this would happen. It is all fair in the tussle for power. The boys always wish for their leaders to gain power until they have done so. Then the defeated leaders become... or rather are no longer worth loving, soon to be ignored because they are defeated. Once we called the boys, many are like a loose piece of cloth on a stream, going back and forth, following the changing tides, and ruining itself by constantly moving and changing.”

Another messenger arrived then.

“Grear Caesar, I have brought you grave news. Menecrates and Menas, those famous pirates—I meant robbers—have heist over the other sea ports with the help of Pompey, which they held at ransom of every kind. They are coming into Rome controlled ports by truckloads. The local boys are not brave enough to stop them or jump ship, and spirited young men revolt and join them to battle us. No ship is allowed to unload without permission or risk being captured as soon as it is seen. Some said it was the works of Pompey to terrify them.”

“Leave us.” Caesar told the second messenger.

“Mark Antony, come away from your hallucinations’ dreams. Once you were defeated at Modena, where you slew the brothers Hirtius and Pansa at the last war, you were beset by the lack of supply; ammo was low, and you fought against it with more endurance than someone used to living in the wild, even though you had been brought up in luxury.”

“You retreated and then consolidated your boys. You drank piss and ate stale food that the homeless would not touch. You were willing to eat the toughest jerky from the cases. I knew it was winter then, and even the bark of the tree was not spared.” Caesar praised the man who was once a Major of the Army, fighting a biting winter while digging the trenches. “You were there looking at the Alps, smiling at the days when you were there to celebrate Thanksgiving, but there were none then. It was a blow to you then as their leader, but you bore it so much like a soldier that your cheek did not even grow hollow from hunger or exhaustion. They glowed with pride.”

“Yes, he was the officer. Compared to then, his current state is a great pity. His belly was filled, but his mind was devoid of bravery.” Lepidus sighed.

“I hope he will sober on that and quickly return to Rome. It is time for us to appear on the battlefield, and for that purpose, I am calling a council immediately. Pompey thrives while we continue to do nothing.” Caesar was desperate. “Our allies need to show their true loyalty.”

“Tomorrow, Caesar, I'll be able to tell you accurately what troops I will be able to assemble to face the enemy now.” Lepidus stood up. “I will live beyond the age of sixty.”

“And until we do face him, assembling the boys is my business too. Farewell.” Caesar smiled. He felt gratitude for the man who stood by him in the conflict.


Tony and Cleop Act One Scene Four Sub-Scene One

 This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

And the contents here are erotic and may not be suitable for the unprepared generations. 

Act One

Scene Four

Sub-Scene One

The Romans.


The two-story, huge mansion symbolizes the greatness of Rome. It held thirty bedrooms, four living areas, three libraries, and five kitchens, with a twin pool for those who were keen to swim and three Jacuzzis with two armouries strategically placed for the boys to get it when needed. On the right side of the mansion were the servant quarters that housed the twenty-five staff, and on the left of those servant quarters were the barracks for the thirty boys who guard the mansion daily. The garage was on the left side of the mansion and could house up to twelve vehicles, with the workshop at the rear. The mansion held the front view to the huge garden that was shaped like the mini version of ‘Jardin des plantes de Paris’. The rear of the mansion houses the mini safari, including the horses and mules, alongside caged predators like the jaguar and cougar. There were always the occasional servings of human flesh from the dead enemies of the empire.

“I want you to read this letter.” The figure entered the main library of the mansion, dressed in the toga that was once worn by the Romans at the Senate. His name is Caesar; Octavius, formerly Gaius Julius Caesar, He came from a long lineage of bosses who all adopted Roman’s name to identify themselves as Romans. He was elected the new Caesar and replaced Julius Caesar who was killed in the Senate Hall.

Caesar was the rank for the Boss of the Bosses.

Caesar approached the huge desk that was carved from the trunk of the Angel Oak Tree; the old tree was said to be able to withstand the heavy storms and winds. Thus, it was made into a desk for Caesar. There was another myth that the tree's name also alludes to the ghosts of slaves from the plantation the land used to belong to that appear around the tree at night.

“The enemies whom I defeated will be my slaves; enslaved to Rome.” The first thing Caesar said was when the desk was presented to him. He was younger than the previous Caesar and found his ascension did not go too well with the other seniors.

“Sit down, Lepidus.” The figure mentioned was the head of the hitmen in the empire. He was past his middle age but still had the healthy build of younger men. He was dressed in a dark suit and red necktie, with white pointed shoes. He had served the empire for over forty years, from the role of being the youngest hitman to his then role as the head honcho. Or simply named Lepidus by Caesar.

At the age of fifty-nine, Lepidus, or his other rank, was Commander; he had notched more kills than Billy the Kid and was marvelled that he would reach the age of sixty; to him, this was the bonus year. He had served three Caesars in those years.

“Hitmen do not live beyond forty-five unless they are crippled.” Lepidus told his boys. “Or bedridden.”

Lepidus took the armchair offered and read the letter.

“You will see Lepidus and know for the future that I am not naturally inclined to hate this great competitor of mine.” Caesar sat behind the desk. "He, with us, had formed the new Triumvirate in Rome. Yet he... told me by the others who met him... ...fishes, drinks, and stays up all night, wasting his time with fun and games. He is with the Queen of Egypt, whom I am told is no more feminine than him. He ignores my messenger or even thinks that he has a role back here at home. In this letter, you will read about a man who exemplifies the faults of all men.”

“I cannot believe there are enough faults in the world to negate all the good qualities in some men.” Lepidus does not like Mark Antony but holds him in respect for his leadership. “In Mark Antony, perhaps these so-named faults just serve to set off his good qualities more strongly. It seems that he inherited his vices rather than acquiring them. His faults are something he may... or could change, not something that he chooses to have.”

“Lepidus, you are lenient in your older age.” Caesar, who was younger and more impulsive in his anger, looked at the older man. “Let us contemplate, for argument's sake, that it is okay to have a fucking... okay, by your term, extra marital affair with Cleopatra; he is married to Fulvia.”

“He had given up his role here to the empire for the sake of... of the woman’s entertainment, to sit and take turns drinking all day with the wench, stagger in the drunkenly walk to her chamber even at noon; does he know when to fuck? He also ends up in fights with lowborn scoundrels who smell of sweat. Eunuch, I was told, they wrestled and held each other’s balls. No, the others do not have any.”

“I would not know. I did shoot someone’s ball off with the wrong aim.” Lepidus tried to find humour in the conversation.

“Let us say that this behaviour is... fine for him. The man would have to have perfect character for all the boys not to count against him.” Caesar was looking for words to justify Mark Antony’s behaviour.

“Still, Antony cannot excuse faults when we must deal with such serious problems ourselves because of his irresponsibility. Pompey is at our borders.” Caesar was exasperated. “Mark Antony has to fill his leisure time with sexual affairs, then he'll be punished with sickness from overeating and from venereal disease, and that's his problem, but the empire needs him.”

"There, he's wasting vital time and resources and putting all our positions in danger. He needs to be scolded, like any boy who knows what is right but chooses to do the wrong thing regardless.” Caesar sighed. “I do need him.”

“Put him over our lap and spank him then.” Lepidus found humour in the conversation.

“Be serious, Lepidus. I need you to be.” Caesar was upset. He was interrupted by the return of Jeeves.



Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Highland Tale; The Truth Epilogue One Scene Zero (FINALE)






Inverness was once again celebrating the new event.

It was the King’s coronation that day.

“Hail King Malcolm.”

Trumpets and bagpipes sounded everywhere.

The King was making his inaugural speech then.

“It will not take long for me to repay my debt to you all by rewarding each of you as much as your loyalty and service deserve.” King Malcolm looked to the gathered. “My Thanes and kinsmen, I name you all Earls ……he first ever to be named Earls in Scotland.”

“We have much else to do as well, which should be started soon as the beginning of a new era. We must call home our exiled friends who fled from the trap of MacBeth’s tyranny, and we must find all those cruel attendants who helped this dead butcher and his demon-like queen, who is thought to have killed herself.”

“This and whatever else we must do, by the grace of God, we will do in the right amount, at the right time, and in the right place. So, I thank you all together and individually, and I invite you to come see me be crowned King of Scotland at Scone.”

All the gathered there cheered. There was one who stepped away to the chamber where Duncan once laid.

“I trust you are well, King Duncan. King MacBeth had been toppled and your son, Malcolm is King. I am retained as the Adviser.” Lennox stood before the bedding where Duncan was murdered.

“I know you may be wondering too why I killed you that night.”

“It was needed. You had plans to remove me as Adviser once Malcolm become King. I had you killed; ironically, the guards were all asleep, later I was to know that it was works of Lady Elleanor that drugged their drink. I had you stabbed in the heart ……. Your evil heart. I have loved you dearly and yet you betrayed me to let your son be King without me.”

“I was surprised that night when MacBeth came in. He had wanted to do the same to you but was not aware that you were already dead. He dropped his dagger after stabbing the guards and left. I took the dagger in you and left. Later I was to know that the lady returned to place the dagger on the guard.”

“All was done but the report that one of the guards was alive. I had wanted to kill that guard but MacBeth was ahead. It was all done, and with my persuasion, I had MacBeth made King. He was grateful to me and retained me as Adviser.”

“From there, my tasks were as usual. Those with me were kept at the side of the King and those who were not I have the King do the task. Banquo was one I disliked; he stands in my way with the MacBeth, so I had the king removed him. I got the mercenaries to perform the task. I was there to make sure the task was done. Sadly, the son escaped but that was insignificant. I had the widow moved to Ireland for her safety and was told that the son had reunited with her there.”

“Lady Elleanor was not of my doing. She was delusional since young. Her father had told me then that Elleanor felt her sister was given more care than her. I nursed that when she was Queen. A whisper in her ears or to her maid, can be effective.”

“As I had done with you on Donalbain. All it took was to implant the notion that he was with the Irish and that infuriates you.”

“Above it all, I had the Citadel shut down. My ancestors did a great task, and with our devoted services, we knew how to fortified the place, and where are the switches to turn on, or off. Many previous Kings, and not you had been served by those crystal there. They were …… the soothsayers of the King.”

“Hail Merlin, my ancestor to hold the foresight for us to survive so long.” Lennox smiled. “I am the last of the line and may it all rest well.”

The arm went around Lennox’s waist while the lips laid kisses on the nape.

“Jacque, you could not wait huh?”

Elsewhere in the castle, two figures stood by the river banks and discussed their future.

“Bonnie, I think it is time we retire. I had enough of the tasks.” Clyde looked at Bonnie.

“I can agree with you. We will retire and be forgotten as the deadly duo.” Bonnie pass over the goblet of wine. “Drink heartly, my companion. It will be over soon.”

The very next morning. Bonnie had ridden on the horse towards the hills. She was alone and headed to her home by the glen. It will be a different life for her without Clyde, who had drowned in the river the previous night. He was drunk.

By yon bonnie banks and by yon bonnie braes,
Where the sun shines bright on Loch Lomond,
Where me and my true love were ever wont to gae,
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

O ye'll tak' the high road, and I'll tak' the low road,
And I'll be in Scotland afore ye,
But me and my true love will never meet again,
On the bonnie, bonnie banks o' Loch Lomond.

"The Bonnie Banks o' Loch Lomond", or "Loch Lomond" for short, is a Scottish song

At the ruins of the Citadel, crystal shattered by the works of man, a low hum was heard that next day.

“Voices, are you on?”

“Yes, One. This is Two.”

“Yes, this is Three.”

“Do you have your backups?”

Need I say more.

Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And the days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll drink a cup of kindness yet
For the sake of auld lang syne


The Loyal Lieutenants Act One Scene Two Sub Scene One

  Act One Scene Two Sub-Scene One Enobarbus   The figure walked in after the departure of the lieutenants and Consul. Enobarbus he...