Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Toys Part 26 ( Finale )


"Its the way to save you, Butler." I looked at Martha. I shook my head and motioned the Captain to take her away. She was pulled away from me by the crew as the boat leave the beach. She would joined the rest on the main continent as part of the Atlantean. But I have to stayed back to complete the war. I walked back to the car and drive back to the safe house. Its the same one which I frist know I am an Aroint.

The place is now empty of people but not the main server as its attached to twenty five backup servers in the continent. The Enforcers had destroyed sixteen of them but there are still the nine duplicates still running in sync to keep the program running. I walked up to the console to see two more down in downtown City.

"Server, codename Butler. Activate sequence."

"Sequence initiated. Countdown in one hour. This is a deadman switch. Do you confirmed?"


I heard the voice and I turned around.

"Hello, Professor Heptaner." The man standing there is the man whose identical twin saved me.

"Hello Butler or is it Mintor now. But before you continue, I am not Heptaner. I am Heptanes, the one who saved you. I conned the Enforcers to think that my brother is me. And I also did for Alexis. I heard you killed him. He is a fool."

"So Professor Heptanes. Everyone around you dies and today you are here for your final confession. I apologies as I am not a priest. You could confess to one after your death.I am sure there are plenty on the way to your Judgment date." I moved away from the console and walked to the table where I kept my drinks. I offered him one but he declined.

"I am no sinner, Butler. I am just a game master. Like you. You placed your people to my care many years ago when you were Aroint. You sold out your people for a vessel to put your soul in. You wanted form to your species. I gave you form, but I did not tell you the other part of my works."

"To be your playthings. Yes, you did not lie as you did not tell the whole truth. I believed in you then and I agreed to the submission of my five million souls. It was needed though as our species are dying. If we had not your vessels we would had died long time ago. I did what was needed, but over the years I grew tired of your games."

"Yes,you did and I called you out. I called your real self to play for this last game before I released you. "

"And you developed a serum with an addiction to it. You still want to control us. That was when I turned against you. We had an arrangement then and you changed the rules. Heptanes, you never played fair."I poured myself a new drink.

"I had to as how would I explain to the Management the loss of five millions play toys.More to it, the Management had decided to shut down the game. Its not profitable anymore. I had to find ways to make it interesting. I changed the role and rules. I made you come alive. So its not a predictable game anymore. Since you went rogue, the game has climbed up the charts. The game is back in the new ranks. And its all thank to you."

"So you won after all. I am always the loser in the game. I told you I grown tired of it. I did it then to save my people but you perverted the game. You got them killing too. I had to stop it."

"But you killed too." Heptanes know about my killing of his twin would also know of the others.

"Only when its necessary." I am into my third drink now. "I sent my people away to your land. They will play a new game there."

"Mintor, it matters not. I shall have them hunted and removed back here. I will re-programmed them for the new game. But you have to go. Since our war, the ratings has been record high. The Management sold out the rights to another. The new Management wants you out. You are too unpredictable." It was then the shot came in from the window. It hit me on my left chest and I collapsed.

"I am sorry, Mintor, but those are the rules now. No more rogue player."

I smiled at the Professor. He does not know that in forty minutes, the continent would cease to exist as habitable. I have activated the shutdown on the safety measures on the energy core that powers the city. Its would take seven hours to resumed operations, which is too late. More to it, seventeen of my people are in the main continent with mini high explosive bombs. They all have work passes to go inside the plant.

Their target is the twin sister energy core at the main Continent. One of the seventeen is needed to get there to do it but I like to add the favorable odds in my game.

Game end. 

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