Saturday, May 19, 2012

Crusaders Part 3



Dawn in the forest with the high trees and spread out canopies of thick leaves makes the place a wet place to get up to. More so when you are camping next to the stream, and the animals of the forest are out for a drink. I sat up on my sleeping mat and looked around. There is the two of them still sleeping but the Squire is missing. He is somewhere in the forest where he is most comfortable.

"I think you had a good sleep last night. Your catch was a good one and completed the mission. I think its now I am to brief you on the real task at hand." I looked at the psyche whom I have become familiar now in the human form with the name called Gabriel. With this Angel you do not asked him why but do he instruct as his words come from God himself for us. We are the version of the Four Horseman but we are the good guys. In a manner of speech we are as we are battling demons of all kind to make the place safe for the people.

"What you been doing is removing the factions of demons which we assist in extracting them to our realm." Gabriel continued on what he wanted to say. "You never questioned us what we do there but in actual works, we read their memories. We are trying to piece together on locating the main target of ours; the Prince of Darkness. He is missing and we need to find him. Rescue him at what ever cost."

"Pardon me, my Holy Angel. We been doing your works for the last year to locate and removed the demons form this world. Now you tell me we are to locate the man who is the Demon Controller. Should it not we find the creature and terminate it." I have stood up and grabbing my stuff as I answered the Angel.

"Lucifer is a fallen Angel. He was one of us but he developed his own agenda. God banished him and since then he did enticed some bad followers. But he is the opposite of me, and both of us played an equal balance to the conflict here. If one of us is eliminated, then there would be a series of infighting for our position. That would amount to total chaos and we would end up losers on all sides. So you understand why we need to find it and restore the balance."

"Then we change the balance. We made our good ones with more leverage so we don't have to fight so much of them. Why it must be equal balance? I am getting tired of doing this. Tell me I am saying the truth." I tossed my sleeping blanket to the Angel.

"No, Gerard. You are wrong. We are fighting a war which is has been ongoing for eons. Its the never ending war between the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness. The three of you are the descendants of the original tribes; Levi, Judah and Benjamin. Your Squire as you named him is an exile like the original exiled of the Desert. You are our army to fight the Sons of Darkness now. You have removed some of them but you would never be cleared of them." The Angel we know to be our custodian is now taking me on my pledge that I made a year ago. Its a pledge which would sanctioned my action to remove these threats without persecution by other courts. An honor bestow by the Vatican itself; unquestioned by the members which upheld it nobility and position.


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