Wednesday, May 16, 2012


1st January 2034 Moscow.

"They came, they saw and they left us a bloody Christmas gift with over twenty millions dead and more of that missing. I am talking about our motherland but we are not the only one. These bastards also took off ten times more of those figures in this place we called Earth. And guess what, we do not know how to stop it from continuing." That was General Comrade Vasilov briefing his men in the Special Forces Briefing. That was three months ago and since then nothing that the people in Earth could do to improve the odds.

15th May 2034
Sargeant Yuri laid his body flat on the dining table that he has moved next to the window. He adjust the tripod that holds his rifle on the table to make sure it leveled for the shot he is going to take. He moved the beret to the back of his head so that would not hamper his sight. Now he got his body in the comfort position, the Sargeant then adjust the night scope for the best clarity he can get. The KSVK anti-materiel (or large caliber sniper) rifle may be the best bet to take down his target. The rifle holds five 12.7mm cartridges but I probably need only one shot and if I missed, I would have maybe two seconds to get out of this position and a clearance of ten meters. My target is the forward guard droid of the invading aliens, and they are the forefront soldiers which is taking more of our soldier every day. The droid came out past the building corner and now is in my sight. Its a ugly piece of machinery to me now but I know our scientist find them very intriguing. That is why I am laying here with the rifle as my companion.

I held my finger on the trigger and watched the droid moving towards me on the road. It probably detected my presence and is now moving to apprehend me unless I react in a violent manner like shooting its head off. That would be a poor choice if my research is right. I have studied these droids for weeks and I seen them get shot at with machine guns and grenades. But they still coming forward and removed the opposition with ease. So the head is the wrong choice but I already considered a possible area; its just below the droid head near to its right shoulder. I saw one droid which we destroyed with a T-72 direct shot at fifty yards. The droid is now at a hundred yards and its powering its cannons in its arsenal, when I pulled the trigger back on the rifle. The recoil pushed against my right shoulder and then the cordite smell subside,. I looked out through my scope and was surprised to see the droid still standing but its not moving and the lights on it is no displaying.

"Da, you did it." She kissed me on the cheek and jumped on top of me.

"Please, Silvie. You are ruining my uniform. More to it, it should be you below." Corporal Silvie is my sniper equivalent in the Special Forces but for this shot, she is my spotter. She bit at my left ear and whisper into my ears.

"I thought you like me on top. Do you know I love snipers? They are so precise."

23th September 2034
The team of twelve volunteers all wade to the river bank hauling their equipment with their own strength. Six hours ago, they been hailed as the new heroes of the New World. The way the speech went, I was wondering why are we called heroes when we are on a suicide mission based on a technology equipment which they think can get us into the alien ship. I am a soldier so volunteering for suicide missions has been my norm. But I never expect the lady I am sharing my bed would be here too. She is also a 'suicide mission' expert and both of us are here as this is probably our last chance at saving mankind.

"Team Red, activate the sensor now. We are going in."

The perimeter of the alien camp is not more than ten meters away and its guarded by those droids again. I took a deep breath and so did the rest, as we walked towards the perimeter. Its one of my longest walk among all the missions I have ever taken. Silvie walked beside me and grabbed my hand.

"We should had fucked before we board the raft. There was a ten minutes interval." She whispered to my ears but in this quiet night, even a murmur would be heard by anyone. I clasped her hand in return and assured her that would be coming. We taken five steps and the droids did not shoot at us as yet. So the sensors could be working. That is one hurrah to our scientist.

I spoke too soon.

The droid turned to Sargeant Durdin who was knocking at the sensor. His must have de-activated or malfunction. I got my answer soon enough. His body parts flew all over us and if not for our training, we would had reacted in anger. The remaining nine of us walked past the droids and Silvie held my hand more tighter than ever. Soon we find ourselves at the base of the alien ship. The droids are busy there loading the ship with containers onto this machinery that looked like a vertical escalator. If it goes up there, and maybe we can send our loads up too. Its just that I felt the explosives would be more suited up there. But something tells me, I need to find out more about this aliens. We have been fighting their droids and never met a single alien unless they are the alien.

I signaled the rest to leave the explosives in some of the containers that was going up. While they were doing just that, I slipped in to the vertical escalator. It was a short ride but it was giving me the dizzy effect. The droids there did not pay notice to me as I stepped up. Its like standing in a large stadium but this one has container compartments instead of fan seats. I saw in the distance what may appear to be a doorway. I walked towards it ignoring the droids as they move the containers.

The doorway opened to some corridors and I walked along it. I could not find any others that resembled an alien unless you considered they are incorporeal form. Or maybe they are. That was when I stopped and looked around me. There is a flowing mist around me. I just noticed then of them and the mist is starting to formed more around me. Then the droids came and surrounded me. I reached for the remote in my vest pocket. It was then Silvie turned up round the corner.

"Vasilov, they are the mist around us. They are the aliens." I nodded and I smiled at her. We got our orders and that means she know what was to be done. She nodded her head and smiled at me.

Its just that this time we are not going going back as soldiers.

We are going back as heroes.

Dead ones.

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