The first action called for a replacement vessel for me. I so used to Butler that at times i began to think like him. But its not the time to be sentimental. I went to the street to select my replacement vessel. No two Aroint can reside in one vessel. If I come in the other dies. Its a playoff for us but one is needed to complete the mission. I found him in the street; a man of my height but lanky in build yet with well toned muscles. I known him previously as Ernie West; hoodlum and collector of debts for one of the gangs. He was supposed to climb the ranks but his limp in the leg put there by some others caused him to lose out in the ranking. So he is reduced to that as collector.
Ernie saw me coming towards him and he can smelt a rat trap from afar. He took to his heels but he is no runner as his leg dragged him. I let him run to the alley and I wrestle him down. But he is not called Ernie 'Western' for he has the drop on me with the gun. Its pointed at my face as he turned to get up.
"Officer Butler, how nice of you turn up here?" He knows me well as I used to bang his nose against the wall for information. "I heard you gone rogue and I loved rogue officers.They are not protected by their authority and who cares if they come in alive or dead."
"Ernie, you talk too much." It was then I kicked his groin from underneath and grabbed the gun arm with my right hand. I twisted it so that he will drop the gun and I pushed him to the ground. With his hand held at the back. My left hand reached for the syringe gun. I jabbed it into his neck and pressed the plunger to extract out the identity. A few seconds later he is lying there unmoving and I got up. I saw Martha come in with her bag and she crouched down to looked at Ernie.
"He is alive, and we need to work fast."
I saw down on the ground and clamp the handcuffs on both of my hands. I told Martha to do the same for Ernie. I then bend forward my head to expose my neck. Martha knows what was to be done and she pressed the plunger into my neck and extract my identity of Butler. I needed that for the work I was to do too. The body of Butler went slack as his mind is now blank of any identity. Martha then plunged the Butler identity into Ernie. Ernie body went rigid and then dropped down flat onto the floor.She then took her syringe of the anti-serum and plunged it into Ernie's forearm.
It was then I woke up from my slumber. I am now in Ernie's vessel. I looked at the mess that my previous vessel did to me. Then it hit me that my groin is very painful. I had to crouched down to ease the pain on it.
"You okay?" Martha bend down to looked at me.
"I kicked my balls just now..." But she had to laughed. I would if not for the pain.
We left Butler lifeless, and we dragged his body to the car. The body of Enforcer Butler could not walk as his mind is dead. Martha saw next to me while I drove the car.
"I wondered how he is like?" She has placed her hand on my upper thigh.
"Older and probably as energetic. We could try it our but now I got a delivery to make."
"Tell Agent, I need a team for a heist. This is the target and I will be back tomorrow. Here is my payment." I passed the piece of paper to the guy who runs for the Agent. I point to the body slumped on the ground and walked back to my car. I am sure Agent will be pleased to have Officer Butler's head for my new team. "Ask him to call me at this number."
The call came at an hour earlier than expected and my team is ready. They will work for Ernie West for a percentage of the heist. I agreed. And the new vessel did not disappoint me and Martha despite his physical handicap. Ernie made up for it in other areas.
I see before me three possible team members for my heist.
Patrick Crane; ex-Enforcer now driver for the mob. He was a rally driver before and he knows the street well. But behind the wheel, you can't see him much as he is a small frame man with only his eyes above the dashboard. He used to say he wanted to be a jockey but there are horses good enough for him, so he settle for cars.
Nisha Iran; an immigrant with a nasty habit of setting up explosives although her frame of the body could fit into a Junior High dress anytime. She is responsible for ten other safe heist but they cannot pinpoint her location. One Enforcer did and ended up dead in the alley courtesy of her protector; the mob. She is one of the best and they like to see her free.
Micheal Bastion aka the Bastard as he leaves no witnesses in his scene. He is a professional hit man with the long range specialty and yet to missed.
I told them my plan. And the action is tomorrow morning. I set up a safe house for them with their required wares in place.
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