Sunday, May 13, 2012

Toys Part 23

The bomb downstairs went off. The building rocked but it withstood the explosion. Sam came running and tell me he found something. I followed him and saw he has broken down part of the wall. We went into together and saw the main frames running in there. Its a fragging server farm here. But what does it do?


"It stored all our identities or the ones which we been assimilated together in the vessel. Its our memory banks." I listened to Martha as she checked through the console. The first battle is over, and we won a respite from them,. Air vehicles came to the city to withdraw the Enforcers trapped in the buildings and Units. The city is in chaos and I need time to calm it down.

I called on the leaders including crime bosses to Control Building. I had of them brief on the situation. There were some who resisted and I shot them there in front of their associates. Its a tough call but I made it. I told them if they want to continue living, do as I say. Or prepare to die now or in three months. I explain all that I know on the city to them They disbelieved me, and I told to stay here and see the results. There are materials inside the server which I could show them and in the end of it, I convinced most of them of what is really happening. I got one guy to be inoculated and they all saw the result.

"But I can't remove your identities as yet. I need you as you are to calm the city down. I need to have control on the city and reduce the sufferings. I need your help as leaders. For once you will play your role by your way. By our way and we have a coming war to win."

I don't know which worked well; Ernie or Butler or my Aroint leadership did the task. But they all agreed. I have now an army of five thousand over to enforce on the city and its inhabitants.

"Butler" Martha still calls me by my other name. "The Air Vehicles came and left us some fifty over container loads of stuff in the City. The men are bringing it in."

They are materials for our serum as asked for by Martha and Control kept his words. He send over weapons; guns, explosives and also launchers. He is enjoying himself like in a game. I sent Martha off to the Production Line to produce the serum, while I discussed with the leaders on the forthcoming plans. Its not easy to handle a meeting of forty over hoodlums and civil leaders but I managed. I had two of them removed when they were found to be plotting another game of their own. It out everyone in place and for once listened to the coming game plan.

I needed more men and that means recruitment by force or coercion; either method means well to the hoodlums. I need the district protected with the best of cover and also with surprises. That took some settling as some territory cross over one another. But we finally agreed. The civil leaders was asked to organized the reliefs center and also the medic support. In the end I told this.

"We won't win. But we will make sure they don't play this game anymore."

I left them with that last line as they contemplate their position. Their life to date has been a series of fake identities and now they are playing their last role.

Father Steven came up to me and asked the question I dread.

"Butler, if we are all fakes in us, are our beliefs also the same?"

"No, Father. Its the only thing that held us together as Aroint and also in our current identity. I am trying to preserved that belief so that we can die with pride of one belief; freedom from anarchy."

"You may be wrong, Son. Sometimes there is another belief. And that is your faith. Do you have one?"

"Father, my only faith now is my ability to survive and to bring my people to freedom. And that is something the faith of yours can assist but I doubt it can lead us to battle this war. I know what you want, but I am afraid the only true belief I have now is on myself to bring us out. Cursed me if you want, but let me complete the task on hand first. I begged of you."

"Son, I would not stop you but I wished you well. Your way is not to my liking but then again, you can be assured that I would be there when you have complete the battles. Then I will lead you to GOD to explain your sins and we will see his merciful ways for you then. I cannot promise you salvation but I can promise you a well balanced judgment."

"On all my identities, or this alone?"

"He would not discriminate on any or whatever form."

I turned my back to see Martha looking at me. She is looking concerned as I know she is worried about my soul with all the fake identities I have held could had tarnished my soul. All I cared now is my people's freedom.

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