Thursday, May 31, 2012

Crusaders Part 13

Eleven years ago

The boy is now a growing lad who is now a hunter of the wild. He has been to the forest many times but he did not see the old man or the beast. It was not till he was about that age when he stumbled on his knowledge of his birthright. He was on his way back to the house when he heard his sister screams. He dropped the hares and fowl to run ahead to his house. There is a man standing at outside the house dressed in the brown cloth and sporting a musket in his hands. The boy did not pause in his run as he ran towards the man. He was not know what did happened but it did as he transformed from the lad he was into a beast of furry coat and long claws. He pounced on the man and slash at his throat. He did not stop in his action as he leaped into the house through the open window. He saw the man holding his sister while another was attending to his mother. She is tied spread eagled on the table the family used for their supper and the man hovering over her is holding a wooden stake in his hands. He is reciting some words but the beast understand not a syllable spoke by the man's mouth.

The beast knows those in his care are in trouble as he leap onto the table and slashed at the man holding the wooden stake. He then turned his attention to the one holding his sister. The man is trembling with fright as his hand holding the pistol at his sister's head pulled the trigger. She fell down on her side with a hole in the side of her face. The man who shot her was attacked by the beast who slammed him back to the kitchen area. The beast crouched over the fallen man and his claws dug deep into every cut he inflicted on the man.

"Sam, stop..... Please. You are not do that."

The beast stopped and looked at the man it just killed. It stood up and then bolted out through the back door.

The lad named Sam came back that evening after dark and walked into the house. His mother is sitting there by the same table she was laid on this afternoon. The mother on seeing her son ran up to him and held him tightly. The lad started to weep and begged his mother for forgiveness.

"There is none to give you, my son. You are cursed like your father and his before him. The blood of the beast runs in your blood and only the male heir gets it. We were discovered and almost persecuted by the Holy ones before we found sanctuary here. Your father would had known what to do with you but he was called away by the war. But he may come back any day and you would be told on the heritage. For now you need to rest and recuperate. If you are to asked of your sister, I have buried her in the woods near the stream. Of the three men who came here, they are now the food of the forest. Rest now, my son. But today's event remain our secret. When your father comes back, I would tell him your sister died of sickness. Do not tell him you have become one like him. He would kill you."

That was the the secret he promised his mother.



"Our destination has arrived. Welcome to the New World." We have arrived at the port which was soon to be called as Port of Spain.

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