Thursday, May 31, 2012

Claus Kitchen 4

Beauty school dropout,
No graduation day for you.
Beauty school dropout,
Missed your midterms and flunked shampoo!
Well at least you could have taken time, to wash and clean
your clothes up,
After spending all that dough to have the doctor fix your nose

( Excepts from 'Beauty School Dropout' from the Grease play. )

Mrs Claus pulled off the tight spandex off her full bodied chest. Its not that she does not looked bad in it; its just she can see her twin sets of bosom has got a joint twin sets just below. Its an absolute turn off; even my lingerie does not show all those excess. She has to looked into the mirror to see if her leggings are still intact. She is just feeling depressed at the thought.

"Darned you! All the workouts at the kitchen was supposed to ease the curves to concave but instead it added in more to the ligaments in the body. She looked back at the mirror and sighed.

"I wouldn't mind if I had muscles like Ms. Bodyworks but this...... is a housewife with ten kids hanging onto the apron looks. The worse part of it, I am without any to hang on." She muttered to herself as tears came down her cheeks. They been trying but honestly with their rounded frame sizes, they might as well sit on the 'see saw' on the park. She took up her usual flock that is more like a two square pieces of cloth sewn together with slots for the forearms. She draped it over her and walked to the kitchen.

She passed by the workshop area to see her love busy at his work. He has improvised his work table into a inverted 'C" shape to have it fitted around his bulging chest. He is hymning too to an olde favourite of her's.

I know I'm just a fool who's willin'
To sit around and wait for you
But baby, can't you see
There's nothin' else for me to do?

I'm hopelessly devoted to you
But now there's nowhere to hide
Since you pushed my love aside
I'm out of my head, hopelessly devoted to you

( Excepts from 'Hopeless devoted to you.' from the Grease play. )

Then it crossed her mind. He is not to sing that song. It was her's to sing then but she dropped it since she found him. Or was it when he declared his love to her. But darned, that's my song. She marched in and bellowed her voice out at the bearded man.

"Mr.Claus, how can you still think of her after all these years?" Her eyes were all teary and she did not wait for his answer. She walked back to her; pardon me their room, and slammed the door. She leaned back on the door and she let her tears out. She ignored his knocking on the door.

She find herself singing to herself.

Look at me I'm Santa' love
Lousy with a oversize frame
Won't go to bed till its all dark
I cant I'm all fat and flabby
Santa seen it
Need I say I'm Fat
I was not brought up that way
Won't come across
even Rocky would melt at me then
I don't consume (no!)
I don't overeat (no!)
I don't touch more than my plate (ew!)
I get ill from deserts (cough)
Keep them pastries off my table
Would you see that crap with Anette?
As for you Mr Claus
I know what you like to do
Eat, Eat your heart out
Keep that to yourself far from me
Just keep your fats
Knot around your belly to droolp
Hey Claus
I' was slimmer before
Like the fuzzy you knew as Annete.

some people just can't recalled before.

( Adapted from Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee. )

Mrs Claus cried herself that day.

She then heard these words when she opened her eyes.

What's that playing on the radio, why do I start swaying to and fro
I have never heard that song before, but if I don't hear it anymore
It's still familiar to me, sends a thrill right through me
'Cause those chords remind me of the night that I first fell in love to

Those magic changes my heart arranges

A melody that's never the same, a melody that's calling your name
It begs you please, come back to me
Please, return to me, don't go away again, oh make them play again
( Excepts from 'Those Magic Changes' from the Grease play. )
Its Claus and the quartet of pixies dressed in the 60's suit and thin looking dark ties with haircut that resemble a half cut coconut shell. There was the drummer and three guitarists which are still strumming their strings to get the tones correct. What maybe more absurd was her love dressed up in a white tight overall plastered with colored beads and shells. It may had been a looser suit then but now its tight fit with zipper going up halfway on the chest. He did compensate for his lack of hair on the scalp with a pointed cap that resembled a droop of ice cream on the cone.

"Hey, chaps. The lady is awake. Should we do another number for her?" The man in the overall put out his left leg and tried ( I qualified here ) to gyrate his pelvis but its more of a quake tremor of the flopping belly here. "We shall do a number now to get her in the mood? Give me a and a ....three."

Thank God, they can play those pieces, but you have to hear the Man do the impersonation piece.

Man in the overall
I got chills they're multiplying
And I'm losing control
'Cause the power you're supplying
It's electrifying

You better shape up 'cause I need a 'woman'
And my heart is set on you
You are in my shape, you need no better trimming
To my heart I must be true
Nothing left, nothing left for me to do

The fabulous half coconut quartet
You're the one that I want
You are the one I want
Ho, ho, ho honey

You're the one that I want
You are the one I want
Ho, ho, ho honey

( Adapted from You are the one that I want. )

Mrs Claus walked up the singer and took his mike from him. She then looked at the boys standing behind.

"Don't you think its time for all of you to scram now? What is about to happened ain't rated PG-13? Shoo off now!"

The fabulous quartet dashed for the door and leave.

"Closed the door, boys." One came back and pulled it shut tight.

"Now, Mr Impersonator. Have you seen NIKITA? She can be one mean lady when she is on a mission. So what's your name and music do you play?"

"Band. J.Band. License to love you. I love Rock." For some reason, the zipper in the overall just slipped open by itself. It could be the gravitation pull of the lower suit due to space constraint.

"Well, I want Hard ROCK now."

At the safer distance away in the kitchen of the Claus' home, the quartet is putting up a new show for some screaming pixie's ladies.

"A one, two and three......"

I solve my problems and I see the light
We gotta plug and think, we gotta feed it right
There ain't no danger we can go to far
We start believing now that we can be who we are

Grease is the word
They think our love is just a growing pain
Why don't they understand, It's just a crying shame
Their lips are lying only real is real
We start to find right now we got to be what we feel

( Excepts from 'Grease Lightning' from the Grease play. )

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