Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Toys Part 25

"Activate the Piper now"

"Program Piper in sequence. Reallocation of schematics and supplies in progress. Completion in ten minutes and evacuation signal sent out."

"The Rebels asking for permission to attack?" Darned southerners wants to get into the action.

"Tell Rebels, hold formation. We are sending the package now."

"Sequence complete and now we awaiting instruction."

"Convoy on route #7 now, and moving fast. I think they want to catch the train." I know that as that is where they can take the trains. Its one of the few things we cannot manipulate. "Convoy in place."


"Countdown on the mark. Ten, Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four ,three, two and one. We have sequence in place and all signals are green." The whole of route of route #7 blew up as the result of the underlying gas pipes which were over pressured by the new surge.  The explosion ripped up the road and all the vehicles on the route.

"Send in the rebels and take those Air Vehicles."

"Rebels already in the scene and Air Vehicles are withdrawing."

We won again and I felt the war has barely started.

"Server, activate Trident please."

"Sequence in progress. We have confirmation. Shall we proceed. "

"Yes. "

"Ten, Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four ,three, two and one. We have sequence in place and all signals are green. Code name is Butler."

I saw Martha looking at me. I know what she was going to say but I beat her to it. "It will be our last resort."

She walked back to the Server Room.


It did not take them long to force us to the last resort.

Four weeks of incessant ground fighting but this time they came in in small groups by rappeling down on the ropes. Once they established their landing area, they brought in the vehicles and then more men. It stretched my men to the fullest. It taken its toll too as we lost more than half of the city but they still cannot locate the server room.

"We are losing it. How is Project Assimilation?"

"Based on last report, we have evacuated about half a million from the city to the country side. And another fifty thousand million across the channel. That one is slow as we have to avoid detection." I looked at Martha and assured her. "Their concentration on the war would not expect us to evacuate our people over to theirs.

"Even if we save one soul, we have achieved the objective." She just smile back at me. "How is Alexis?"

"She went over yesterday and she had yet to contact us. I would let you know when she do."

"Commander" My new designated rank."Control wants to speak to you."

I nodded.

Heptaner appeared before me on the screen. He looked tired but he still smile when he saw my face.

"Butler, I see you are still the same. I was expecting another vessel but its nice to know your current one is still holding well. I am here to offer you a truce. We are calling off the game and you can go with your lives. All of you." Martha passed me a note 'They are running a trace on us'

"No thanks, Professor. We may lose but you will lose more. Goodbye."

We cut off all transmission.

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