Monday, May 14, 2012

The South do Meet

I am a Southern Belle and I am of the age when a beaux can always come a calling on the plantation. It would be ideal if Pa is not around, or his double barrel could put more bucks into your shorts than anyone in this county. You don;t believe me, you could asked Cousin Jessup as he holed up in New Jersey now with an oath never to step down here again. Its such a pity as all we did was walked to the barn to check the horses, and Pa took offence to it and showed him the high road to take. All I did see last of him was the exhaust from his Porsche that sped down the road.

Pa's advise to me then was just this; 'You stick it none of them Yankees or I will yank you to the Convent myself. I promised your dead mama, I would see you married to best the South can offer. And ain't no varmint from the North gonna be part of my family. No Sir, I would soon be dead than be saddled with one of them Yankees as my in-laws.'

That was two summers ago and I am still holding onto my girdle for the man to come to claim it. And he finally did.

We may be in the country in the south but the latest in the world does come to our TV sets. I be doggone if I never could describe a Lamborghini Diablo V12 6.0 liters Release 2001 and its in the color of my favorite flower; the Yellow Rose. He drove up to the plantation as we call our home in these parts. A dashing young man of my age; or maybe he looked older than me but who cares, stepped out. He removed his shades and adjust his jacket lapels. Tight designer jeans and boots to kicked in. This is a MAN.

"Ciao a te bella signora,. Oh, I am so sorry.. I forget sometimes I am in different southern states. I was saying hello to you, beautiful lady. My name is Glauco Peri, formerly of Naple and now on a drive tour in your country. May I ....richiedere il vostro aiuto ad offrire me direzioni. There I go again. Pardon me. I meant to say May I request your help in offering me directions?"

Italian stud, Mafiaso. Marlon Brando.... Bless the Southern Star for bringing me this bronze hunk to my plantation. Now I must be courteous as befitting a Southern Belle.

"Please step up to the porch. I can have some lemonade prepared you." I side stepped so he can move up to sit himself at the porch. The sun is scorching hot today and I can feel the sweat running down my bosom. I should termed it as hopping down my bosom as my hear is throbbing madly the trip would be more of a series of hops.

"Thank you, ma'am. I would be much obliged. Your sun here is as hot as what we have on Naples. I can already feel the heat in me." He stepped up and sat on the rickety chair of ours on the porch. I did tell Pa to had that change but he insist if it can hold his weight, its can still be part of the house. The stud if I may named him, opened some buttons off his shirt underneath the jacket to fan off the heat. The heat in him is not what troubling me but the one inside me is what ails my soul.

"If you would excuse me, I would be running to fetch the lemonade for you." I could not wait for his reply as I was rushing to the kitchen to get his drink. Why did I offer him lemonade, when I could not find even those lemons when I needed one. If its lemons he had rejected, I have the melons he could suckle on. But alas, blees my death mother's soul, she shown me some lemons which we still have in our fridge. I took them out and sliced off a piece of the better edges to pressed out the juices to make his drink. A cold drink without ice is like going skinny dipping without friends.

"Here's your drink, Mr.Peri." I brought his lemonade in a glass on a tray and served with a bend of my spine which my two exposed cleavage that would pop the heat out of him. I could had swore his hands trembled on holding the icy glass or was it the twin orbs that he previewed. Well, he did take down a gulp and his face was all red from the rush of the cold to his face.

"Io ho occhi solo per te or pardon me. I said, thank you for the drink. May I know your name....please? You know mine and I know not yours. Its unpardonable in my country not to know the lady's name."

"Ma' name is Sally Mitchum; born and bred here. My Pa is out at some neighbor's plantation while ma other siblings are at college in Dallas. So how do you do?" Well, I thought that would be a good way to introduce myself to him. I put out out my right hand to offer my introduction.

"I am fine, thank you. As I was saying, I come by to ask for directions to the road. I got lost turning off some place before here. And now I am lost. More so my radiator is hot and its needs cooling down." If he needs more cooling down, I am all for it. After all I am all alone now.... But his mind is on this engine than me. "The engine needs to be cooled and then I can be on my way. You lived alone here...huh?"

"Yup, I am protected. I got my shotgun behind the door and I can kicked anyone ass before they can reached for their britches catch." Oops! There I go again with my boasting of my tomboy's antics. Everyone in this county know Sally Mitchum can shoot your nuts off your perch off at fifty paces even if you should her your butt. Best, I be more ladylike or like Pa said; you scared off most men than the rattle snake in the pit.

"Oh mio Dio! Sorry, I meant how wonderful. You are very brave and ....courageous. I best be on my way as my engine looks cold now." He got up to move but I stooped over to pour him another glass, as he may need one or the other view to keep him in place.

"Please take another drink. I made it all for you." I gave him my best smile with the dimples all in place. My hand reached out to pull at my pony tails and swing it to the back.

"Alas, a ladies offering is hard to resist." He took up the glass and gulped it down. Oh, my. Them droplets of lemonade is running down his throat to his opened chest looks ..... Desirable I may add to my vocab. Sally Mitchum hold your senses, girl. You are like a mare in heat than a stud in need.

Then I saw Pa coming down the road in his mock up version of a Ford. This could be bad. I need to get my stud out of here or he would be studded to the barn wall for good.

"Mr..Peri. I believed its time you can drive the car. Its straight out my place until you come to the junction and take a right for about a mile before you can see the main road. Have a nice day." I reached down to take the tray and the half full glass to put it behind the chair. The stud; why am I still referring to him as one, when he is about to be buck marked soon, stood up and walked to his car. He stopped before his car and then turned back.

"You did say your name is Mitchum?" I nodded in a haste and with my eyes fixated on the Ford that is getting nearer. God, send a bolt of lightning to stop that Ford please. But he won't listen to me as he never did in my nightly prayers. Pa just drove in with his Ford and what was worse was the stud is walking to him. Heaven forgave me if I am to shed no tears for this silly man who is going to face his maker before he even knows me well enough. The previews don't add to the full movie action.

Pa is stopping his Ford and he is getting down. He is talking to the stud with his stupid Ford engine running. Who could hear with that crackling noise from the Ford. Oh my goodness, Pa is reaching for his Ford. He is taking out the shotgun for sure. I can't bear to watch this. Not again, another Jessup bites the dust.

Nope, he just turned off the engine. They are both walking towards the house.

"Sally, here is my good friend's son from the War. We fought together in 'Nam before he migrated to Naples. Franco, his dad was my corporal. Today, he is here as his father sent me a letter saying his son is touring the South. Do you know Naples is also at the south of Italy? We Southerners got to stick together. He is staying over with us for a few days to sample some of our hospitality. You showed him how we treat our guests, Sally."

"Yes, Pa. I will be delighted." Thank you, Pa. You need not fixed my bedroom door lock. I prefer it unlatched. For once since I turned eighteen, I smiled like when that day Jessup land me my first kiss. I don't know why but I had to mutter this to myself; ...e vissero felici e contenti. ( ...and they lived happily ever after )

That's my ending to this tale.

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