Thursday, May 24, 2012

Crusaders Part 8

Twelve years ago

The Basque are a free spirited people with their own traditions and cultures. One of the most interesting part of their culture is the dance. The basque dance movements are so invigorating that once you take to the steps you soon to become like them; all swaying and stepping to every beat of the dance steps. I was assigned by the British Admiralty to scout the inlands of this areas for possible hidden army buildup. Technically speaking, I am on a spying mission which is one of my other work tasks besides quashing demons.

I arrived in this small village in the Basque country in disguise as that of a peddler of trinkets. I have to admit its the worse disguise as the people in this area are already well adorned with their own. In the reversed I end up buying theirs to allow me more time at their settlements. It was on one hot day that summer I can upon a small church in the place named Mazon. Two unique standout in a small town is one darkened Englishman buying trinkets and a church in these part. The basque then had very little regard for the words of 'God' as spoken in the halls of the Church. Nevertheless, I am a devout and naturally I seek refuge there. I met a Priest there by the name of Rudolf who stands out like myself. He is from the northern east lands of the main continent and now he serves his parish in this obscure land. The priest was young and he does not question his Church action to send him so far. But for him to actually erect a home fo God here is a feat by itself. I spent sometime there with him and while I was idling with hard bargains on the wares and spending good gold pieces of the England's treasury, I also got info on the movement of troops in the area.

But one thing caught my interest more. There is a myth of an evil witch who resides here in the nearby forest. She takes on the young and innocent who dares to ventured in to the dark paths of the forest unescorted. What made it more interesting was during my stay, a young girl was discovered missing that evening and immediately the folks around placed the blame on the witch.

"Come, Perrier" It was my assumed name then when I am on such tasks. "We have little time but we must save a life before its taken." That was the young priest who dragged me through the back door with two lighted lanterns. He asked me to take the horse while he rides the donkey. "Its not far if we go by the hidden path. Please follow me."

I did as I was told but I made sure I have on my weapons as a life is at stake here. My destination was not far as soon we reached a cottage in the forest. Both of is rode up to the cottage and dismounted. The priest knocked on the door with his fist and soon it was opened by a young lady.

"Let me in. Where is your mother?" The priest pushed his way in and I was to follow suit. Its not that I am afraid of the dark but I can sensed some evil presence in the cottage.

Its not a large hall but its got the basic seats and tables for a small family. The windows are without drapes but they have very sturdy latch on them when closed. There are two rooms in the cottage and one is the kitchen as I can see the stove and kitchen stuff. The priest has barged in and move to the room. He is heard arguing with the occupants of the room. I turned to face the young lady and when she looked back at me, I apologize for my rude entry into their home.

"The priest knows we are doing good but he is also here to protect us." The young lady dressed in a shabby patched up dress may be of young teens looked at me with her concerned looks.

"Protect you? From whom?" But my question was unanswered as she hears of the commotion outside. She rushed over to the windows and latched them shut.

"Them. The town folks who is coming here for my mother's blood. They would blamed us for offering shelter to their young one. She was hurt in the attack and I brought her here. If not for me, she would had died." The young lady has completed her task, seeks a corner to hide herself. It was then the priest came out of the room and pulling a lady out of the room. She is an older lady with equally poor dressing not by choice but by lack of luxury to own a proper dress.

"Sonya, you brought them to your mother again. Do you know they think of her as the witch and they would burned her at the stakes if she is found with the child. You deeds are going to caused your mother's death." The priest pulled the older lady to sit on the seat at the table. Her daughter named Sonya, rushed out of the corner to embrace her mother.

"Priest, you taught me to give shelter and love to the ones who is in need. Now you tell by following your words, I am endangering my mother, then let me banished to Hell for my action." Sonya is one defiant lady whom I seen not many in my lifetime.

"Hush, my child. Your christian hospitality is the bane of your family now. I need to talk to them, and cleared the mess." The priest reached for the door but I stopped him.

"Tell me what did happened here. I could help." I pleaded with the priest. The priest looked at me and shook his head.

"The child was hurt by the spirits of the demon from the forest,. She was rescued by Sonya and brought here to her mother. Mara here is a healer of the old ways but her herbs works well. They have managed to save the child but now her guardians are here. How do they know who saved whom or harmed whom? The pair of them here are my first converts and I have to protect them in the name of God." The priest is crying and his eyes are flowing tears down his he speaks.

"What evil spirit could had done this?" I had to know as I seen many demons in my hunts.

"The forest one. Its not seen before it has strike not once but a few times before. No one who has seen it lived to tell the tale." The priest looked at me with his concerned eyes. I pushed him aside and unlatched the door. I walked out and confront the lantern brandishing group of angry men/

"The child is safe. She has been taken care of by the old lady." But the mob wants blood and they want me to hand over the child and old lady. The later would be burned at the stake. "No, you cannot do that. She is not the killer but she actually saved the child. You may be of the same faith as me, but in mine, the old lady has done good deeds with her action. How can you punished one who had saved your daughter's life? Tell me now. Step out here the one who owns the daughter. Hide not in the group and declared yourself."

A man who is smaller in frame build but well stocked muscles walked out.

"I am her brother. Our father is dead three years ago. I protect and forgive her as my father would. But like my father who taught me restraint, please allow me to see my sister and allowed her to tell me the truth." I allowed the kin to see her sister. While I hold guard outside, the priest who took the brother to see his sister later took the man out of the horse. "He speaks the truth. We have a demon out there."

It took me three days and night to trace the real killer; a forest demon in the form of a half creature who we know as Succubus. I trapped it in the cave it dwell and it ran inside. I stood guard outside and wait. Soon its patience broke and it came out. Its dark and hideous in looks and with fangs bared, the Succubus pounce towards me with deadly intent. I fired my pistol getting the steel ball embedded into its nose and when it writhe on the ground, I thrust my rapier into its heart. Then I took up the spear borrowed from a forester and stabbed it repeatedly. I dragged the carcass back to the town and displayed it for the people.

"Here is your murderer and violator of your womenfolks." They cheered me but all was silenced when the last victim walked up to the hung carcass. She spat at it and drew a dagger from her bodice. She raised her hand with the dagger and was to plunged it in her torso when the priest intervened at her action. He caught hold of her hand and pry the dagger away.

"Every life is given by the Lord shall not be wasted by your own action. If you are to die, let it be on its time or by the action of the sinner. But never by your own hands or you would be a sinner. No one in my parish would be a sinner if I can prevent it. Hell cannot accommodate all of you. " The priest shout his voice so that all within the area can hear him. "Not yet anyway. " The last he muttered to himself.

"The devil violated me. Who would take me for his? He who I allowed him to bed me would not do so as he knows of my past. I am as good as dead. Who would take me after this?" The girl fell on her knees and shed her emotions in the flow of tears that runs freely from her eyes.

"Christ would. He would seek you to be his bride in his house. Join me in the House of the Lord." The priest held out his hand.


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