Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Crusaders Part 7



The Spanish are truly at home in the vast ocean based on the vessels they have built; the 'Domingo' is a sturdy example of their Ship building skills. She carries twenty main guns with another twenty of the smaller saker on her port side and manned by a crew of three hundred capable sailors. We were given passage by the loud mouthed Captain Rodiques who was paid with a satchel of god coins although he said he is a man of the faith and ever willing to serve his faith. But I guess the faith of gold outweighs his religious commitments.

"Senor, I am a man of the church; a devout one too. See as I offered you passage to the New World, I carry with me the ones in robes there too?" The good Captain point to us his other passengers who has come on the upper deck to take a breath of the salty air. We left Lisbon three weeks ago and this is the first time we actually stood on the upper deck. We bought our passage with the assistance of the Church's and it must be either a good price in gold or the Captain felt guilty on the overcharging as he put us in the Stern section alongside with the Officers' quarters. We are not complaining as the hospitality extended was above norms. Today, the Captain invited the four of us to his Upper Deck where we now stand with him at the wheel. The sailor is holding onto the wheel as he keep on his planned course. I looked to the other end of the deck to see the priests are being escorted back to their quarter alongside with the crew ones. I can see from their flock they are of the church but maybe of the different faction.

"Protestants. They paid me well to give them passage to the New World to avoid persecution." They are hunted down as heresy by the Inquisitors." I looked at the Captain and could sworn that the storms would be spared for us on this trip but we already seen one last night. Hence that is why we are seeking shelter up her after a night of tossing and sickness in the stomach.

"But today, we would have no more storms. All clear skies and hot sun." The Captain re-assured me as we try to forget the previous event. "Oh, we are having fried squid tonight for supper. I hoped you like it as these squids are bigger than the ones we got at Lisbon." Funny he was to mentioned it, as just before dawn I had a vision of us fighting squids. I hope my vision is wrong as we are going to eat it and not the way around.

"Captain Rodiques, I come to speak to you." We all turned our attention to the priest who has come up the stairs to the Captain's deck. He is a middle aged man wearing the flock of the church and the cross sign necklace hangs from his neck. The priest does not step onto the deck without the permission of the Captain, but stand on its upper steps.

"Father Sebastian, I am a busy man and more so with my guests now. Can we speak later?" The Captain is trying to shoo the man off his deck to the lower ones but I intervene on the conversation.

"Father Sebastian, my name is Sir Gerard Black....." But the priest was to cut off my introduction before I could complete it.

"So its true on the rumors that we travel with the fabled four Warriors of the Light or better known as the Crusaders. I am of the group that attracts the word 'heresy' in my homeland. So we seek asylum in the New World and hopefully we can practice our faith in peace there." The priest took a slight bow on the end of his words. I reached out and led him up the deck. The Captain wanted to protest but he felt that its not the time to argue on protocol at this stage.

"I am here on behalf od Father Rudy who has fallen sick in the confines of the lower deck. We would like to seek the permission of the Captain to bring him forth to better accommodation while he recovers." The priest bowed again on his request. I held up my hand to block the forth coming protest of the Captain, and offer the priest to share our accommodations.

"Sir Black, I have to protest. The fare they pay does not cover the extra comfort....but we can accommodate." The Captain was cut short on his protest with the dangling of the small bag of gold coins in front of his face. "Yes, Father  Sebastian, you may move Father Rudy to the quarters of Sir Black."

That matter settled and we all continued our preview of the open sea. Or so we thought.

"Captain, dark clouds ahead. Brace for more storms." The man in the Crow's Nest hollers to us on his observation. The Captain shooed us off his deck as he prepares for the coming storm. We did not mind the curt dismissal as the storm is not our fanciful sight for the trip we are on.

"Father Rudy, please avail yourself to my quarters. My squire would assist you in anything you may need. He sleeps by the floor by the bed so it would not be difficult for you to wake him up." I had the squire offered his bedding as he hardly sleeps most time at night. You can said 'Clawler' has very peculiar nocturnal habits.

"Thank you, Sir. I am afraid my frail body does not take well to the long sea trip." Father Rudy looks about the same age as Father Sebastian but he lacks the build of that other man. He is thin and looks rather weak in the healthy parts of life. He is also clean shaven on the top of his head but there are some marks of old scars there.

"Rest well, Father Rudy. You been through a lot." I took my leave but the priest was to reached out for my hands.

"Tell me some of your tales, Sir Black. I have been hearing of your exploits but never would I dream I see you here." The priest held onto my hands with his and his firm grip tells me that I am not to be released until I abide with his request. "Tell me of the time when you were in Basque country."


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