Friday, May 11, 2012

Toys Part 22


Twenty Enforcers' Head Unit came under fire one morning by sniper fire or surrounded by men with heavy guns. The selected team will cutoff all communication links to the Unit and lay siege to it. At some stations, they laid claymores around the place facing in with manual detonators.

Of these units, five units got worse off as mailed packages exploded inside the Unit. Across the city, sixty five strategic spots came under riot as mobs of people started looting and rampaging on the streets. The Enforcers' are all stretched out with the control.

It was then with a selected few I had the Science Center cornered and surrounded by armed men. They were led by Martha who has knowledge of the building. The attackers placed explosives and tore the building down. There was nothing they wanted there but to end the experiment.

I was with my selected few at the Control Building. Its a three level building with a basement. That is all we know and no knowledge of the real resistance. All are assumed from selected memories. I got two team with me, of five men each. I lead one team tagged as Blue and Mitch took the second team tagged as Red. Our mission is simple; termination of all including Control. But we do not know how he looks like now as no one seen him recently.

Our move is to take the levels by the numbers; Blue team will take first level while Red takes the next and we will move leap frogging up. We assumed the basement is a carpark or storage area. The building Control is using as his base is surrounded by a thick high wall. The building itself is a a rectangle building in which the ground level is all glass walls with the supporting pillars. There is the lift area which is a distance from the front entrance, which has it serviced by six lifts. The staircases are to the right and left side of the lifts area. Other than that the ground level is empty of people or furnishing. If I can recalled, once I exit the lift at the top level where I met Control, there is a long corridor to walked to the Control's Secretary office. Once I am in, there, I would need to walk another corridor down to the Control's Office. I cannot recall seeing any doors along the corridor. To date I have seen only two person in this building when I was here; Control and Secretary.I know the basement has an approach from the left side of the building and also on the right.

The two teams traveled in four trucks with modified front fenders. We crashed through the front gate and drove up to the building. We did not stop but crashed in while moving towards the lift area. The alarms are activated but we are already alighting from the vehicles. Two cars carries a load of explosion to be detonated in fifteen minutes. That is the time we got to get in and out of this building. 

"Blue Leader, take your team up. We will cover you here for three minutes. Then we will move on to top." Mitch changed the plan. I am not going to argue with him as we mount the stairs on both sides. All of us are carrying heavy guns with hand grenades to complement our firepower. I mounted the left stairs with one of my men named Sam. We came to the next level and we paused. He peeked over and nodded the area is cleared. We came out at the same time as the others. The place is empty like downstairs.

Darned it! I sensed a trap but I little options. I point up and they all nodded. We went back the stairs and ran up as I comms Mitch. I told him what I discovered and be prepared for fast evacuation. He acknowledged and said downstairs is quiet.

I should had guessed.

They are there and they were prepared for such an assault. Part of the ground floor opened up and lowered down like a ramp to the basement. Swarms of Enforcers with heavy guns and assisted by light vehicles with mounted guns came roaring out. In the first volley, Mitch and two others were shot down. The other two took cover and fired back. It bought us time as we reached the upper floor. Its the same corridor and its too quiet. I signaled to other three to go down and assist Team Red. I motioned to Sam to do as I am going to do. I threw in two grenades long the corridor and stood back against the staircase. Sam also did the same. It blew in the corridor but nothing happened. Both of us ran down the corridor to the supposedly Secretarial door. I kicked it open and find no one there. I told Sam to cover me as I go in the next room. I kicked it open and found no one too. I walked in to the familiar room and then the voice spoke.

"Welcome, Aroint." I looked to the back and up on the wall. Its on the screen the man I detest the most; Heptaner since Heptanes is dead. "I am Control. The one you met is dead. You could say he lost his marbles up here." Heptaner is pointing to his head. "I knew from my brother you will be planning something on the establishment and I prepared for it. As I speak your men are probably dead but I left them instruction not to disturb us. I want to talk to you alone. New looks but I prefer the previous one. Butler was it. Nevertheless, I did some investigation. I found out the missing men and women; mostly scums but it affected the game. I had to compensate the players and in fact, I shut down the game. You can call it maintenance. I found out about the production too. If I am not wrong, you would had enough for maybe five hundred. Never mind, I am raising a new game soon. Its called war. Yours and mine. But I will give you time to build your army. In fact I will give you more than time. I will give you arms and materials to build your anti-serum. I will give you access to Toy Land. You will have three months to do it. And I will come back with my Vid Cams. It will be a classic clash for Toy Land. Yes, I am sending in the troops, but they are not of Atlantean but clones with a military mind. I am pitting in ten thousand of these clones against your raised army. In three months, maybe ten thousand too like mine in numbers but not as well trained. Oh, before I forget; we will be carrying heavier arms and armed vehicles. I have to improvise, as in all games the player like to win. Anyone who gets in our way is considered as collateral damage. Goodbye, and please get a better vessel. This one is deplorable to compared to Martha."

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