Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Toys Part 15


She did as I asked her; she reviewed the serum on her own. Heptanes asked what is she doing and she told him a lie. He did not arouse her suspicion but later in the day, when she came back from the kitchen; she saw him looking at her note pad. She hung back at the doorway to see what he was doing. He was actually copying her works and then he saw her workings on the serum. He took it up to read and threw the note pad down. He picked up his phone and called someone. It was what he said that she was concerned on. He was talking to someone named Control and they need to come as the mission has been compromised. He then placed the note pad back and walked away. It was then Martha went into retrieve the note pad and took the remaining serum in the cupboard. She walked away to her room and packed it in the bag. She was walking out when she bumped into Alexis.

Alexis told her that the place is surrounded by Enforcers, and they need to escape. Martha asked about Heptanes but Alexis told her just left five minutes ago. It was then Monica came in packing with her guns Monica told them to escape via the tunnel while she cover their escape. Martha tried to protest but Monica was already starting her own war. Alexis and her ran by the tunnel to the planned hole. It was there when Alexis saw the two Enforcers. She shot them dead and they took the Enforcers' car. It was then they heard the explosion from the safe house. Martha told Alexis on the incident at the lab but Alexis did not believed her. But Alexis wanted to ensure she was safe and tried to find me. They holed up in a motel while Alexis got some new clothes. Alexis told Martha to removed all her clothes and wear this. She told Martha that they once found a bug on Heptanes suit and since then when on the run, they changed to fresh clothings.

But Alexis would not believe Martha's story on Heptanes betrayal. Alexis went to the funeral to look for me, while Martha was to buy a train ticket for all of us and wait at Platform 5.Martha did not wait for Alexis as she was called by the later to go without her after dropping me at the station. She has gone to look for Heptanes to find the truth. If its true, she would kill Heptanes.

I asked where are we going and Martha told me to a town outside of the city. She was to contact a Mrs.Grenville who will give them shelter. Mrs.Grenville is a friend of Alexis. It was late evening when we finally found Mrs.Grenville house. Its a two level house in the country with a large garage next to it.

"Sit down and have something to eat." Mrs.Grenville has laid out the spread of country offerings to us and a hot cocoa drink. "Alexis is my niece and her friends do come over to the house. How is she?" Mrs,.Grenville is an older lady in her sixties but she still sports a fine body and moved well for her age. She attributed it to her life before she retired at fifty five but she still keep a healthy sporting life. Gardening is beyond her ability but she can shoot a dove off its flight with her hunting rifle.

"Alexis is my sister's daughter who needed a good guardian so I took care of her. She learned a lot from me and she can outgunned any man in the area. So tell me, why did Alexis sent you here? I am not a foolish old lady but one with a keen ear and eye." I should had known. Her photo on the fireplace showed a younger lady and I seen her mug shot in the files. She was an Enforcer then and she was nicknamed the Iron Lady for her steady shot with her gun on the criminals.

"Mrs.Grenville, Alexis sent us and she said to give this note." Martha handed over a letter from Alexis to her aunt. The older lady read it and then she paused to think for a while. She indicated for us to follow her. She led us outside to the garage,and opened the side door. Martha was amazed at what she saw there.

Its a fully equipped lab with some of the equipments that you can find in top class lab.

"Sam was a good scientist and he worked hard at the Science Center and back at home when he is here. She worked for most of his life like I did for mine. But he died for the work he done. He never forgive the man who himself Control as he removed him as Research Head. He came back here and did his own in this garage. He spend a fortune bringing them machines in but he did to the last day of his life. He was shot dead in the grocery at downtown by assassins unknown but I know who they are. Enforcers like me. But I have no proof of it and that means no closure. I left it at that and took care of Alexis. I know Alexis is working on some project which involves danger but I could not stopped her. She has too much of her father in her; ever righteous and brave." I listened to the old lady but Martha is busy unwrapping machines and getting awed by the minute.

"Who is Alexis father?"

"Senior Officer Cantor of the Enforcers. I promoted him there on my retirement, and he is dead. Shot in the back three times. The man left her with me five years ago and never come back to see her. It was his way to save her from any harm."

"But Alexis..." I was trying to piece the puzzle.

"Alexis went to Enforcement Academy but pulled out before she graduated. She is mixed up with a group called Freed. I told her it would be dangerous as Sam was involved in it too but he won't tell me anything. I could have checked but I respect his wishes. So are you guys from Freed?" The lady can be sharp when she raised her question.

"Nope. We are just her friends from the Uni. And Martha is a Uni Professor and she needed a lab., Her current one has just been ...burnt down. Alexis offered us Sam' s but had to get your permission first." I don't know if she bought my story but she did not disclaimed it either.


It has been three days and nights before she finally stopped at her work. I been playing guest to Mrs.Grenville while Martha tinkered with the chemicals. Martha hugged me when I brought her daily stimulant and food that late afternoon.

"I got the serum analyzed and I know what it is. And I also know Heptanes secret."

It was another hour before she made me understand her discovery and how she has made the changes to make the serum more effective. But she need to test it on a live subject. But I pressed her for Heptanes secret. She finally told me about it.

"Heptanes added in a chemical which is addictive. If the vessel do not take the dosage the vessel will die within three hours." I produced the bottle of tablet given to me by Professor Heptanes. I only have three more left of it. He told me to take it daily or the identity of Butler will surfaced and take over mine. Martha took my tablet and left me alone again for the next few hours.

It was morning when I woke up with a pain in my forearm. I looked up to see Martha staring at me. Next thing I know I was on the bed and it was noon. There was Martha sitting at the console of her lab equipment and I am laying on the floor.

"Martha..." I tried to get up but my body is still weak from what she jabbed me with.

"Don't move. You need the rest. The drug should wear off in an hour and you will be fine. Trust me." I

I looked at her and wondered who do I really trust. But my eyes soon drooped and I was out again. The next time I was awake its her calling me.

"Butler, wake up. Please." Martha is shaking vigorously at the shoulder. I opened my eyes and tried to focus on her. Its blurry and I am still groggy. "Wake up, please. Its the Enforcers'. They are here with Mrs.Grenville."


She got me there as I shook off the feeling in my head. She help me up and leaned me against the cupboard.

"How many? And ...............where?"

"I counted three. They came in the car and knocked on her door. She let them in."

"How .................long .......ago?" I am really struggling to keep awake and she is helping by telling me the odds I am up against.

"Ten minutes or so.... We got to go. I already packed the samples and the quantity I produced. I can help you but we got to get out." She is slinging the bag across her shoulder and pulling me to walk. I stood against her pull and told her to wait. I had to think out my strategy.

Gun? I reached for my waist and its not there.

"My gun?" She caught my question and point to the bag. I asked for the gun as we may use it. She took it and passed it over. I cocked the gun and with her help walked to the door.

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