Monday, May 14, 2012

Toys Part 24


Three months is a short period when you are not looking at the hours. But we are ready as we can be. Five million souls under my care with five thousand ready armed warriors to take them to their freedom. They came on schedule; the air vehicles with the invaders. I got reports coming in; there are three hundred and fifty crafts in the air. They are split into five groups,and based on their direction, the possible sites are identified.

"Are they ready?" I looked at Martha. She nod her head and she looked down to the console.

Its a gamble but we are playing high stakes.

The first fleet choose the Main Stadium to land. It was expected for that place can accommodate thirty five thousand on it capacity. Fifty of these air vehicles are approaching it.

"Who's on that district?"

"The East Enders. They got about four hundred heavies there." I know the East Enders leader. He can be trusted to do the job well.

"Air Vehicles are due to land at ten minutes. We got confirmation on Fleet Three. Its also a fifty count and they are hovering at the port area. ETA is also ten minutes."

"City Map." The map of the city displayed on the multiple screens. I am in the office of Control. So the fleet is trying for a pincer movement. The Stadium in the east and the Port is in the west."

"Are the Cowboys ready?"

"We got confirmation. They are ready. Strength is eight hundred of them." Them western boys will ride hard for the cause. They got a bad taste for Enforcers.

"Warm up the servers. We done it in the practice so lets us see do it in the real runup. This is the final now." I can feel the tension in the building. Martha walked towards me and kissed me on the lips.

"I will be in the Server Room". She walked away. Ever since she overheard my conversation with the priest she has been reserved towards me.

"Stadium in contact and landing in progress."

"Port on schedule and landing in the berths now."

"Activate the Goliath now."

"Goliath on now. Countdown in ten. Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four ,three, two and one. We have sequence in place and all signals are green."

How would I describe what I am seeing. The Stadium has the twenty air vehicles on the center field with the other thirty above it. As the Enforcers come marching down the ramps to their designated assembly area, the officers are running to their commands for more instruction. Two thousand men on the ground was the first to feel the movement of the ground. It rumbles and then crumble as structures appeared from under the field. Its comes up like a mound off the ground to the size of a hill and then the vertical slopes of a glazier. It forces itself up at a building speed to reached for the skies as the surrounding stadium structure collapsed to become part of its foundation. The towering structure reached the hovering air vehicles hitting the hulls and causing them to crash. The plunging vehicles are soon in flame and men are seen jumping out.

In the spate of fifteen minutes from a scene of a stadium, now stands two tens levels office blocks ready for occupancy. But on scene is a carnage of metal and dead men among the sporadic fire that breaks out on the different levels.

The scene at the port was not different as the port suddenly reverts to be a sea resort with high rise condo, which now has air vehicles crashing into it. The sea front are a series of shops when previously it was an container loading berth area.

"Reports intercepted. The invaders are withdrawing and we have caused them more than twenty five casualties."

"Send in the boys.I want total annihilation and collect the weapons. We may need it." I won the first round with their technology and they won't be so entertaining the next round.

We got some more supplies and food too. But we also recovered some light vehicles with mounted guns, But the next wave was not towards the city but on the outskirt of it.

They landed safely in some areas which we could not manipulate the landscape so we know they learned from their past mistake. They also send in the air vehicles with guns on it to barrage us at the city limits. But I had my men in the shelters and we await them to come.

"A company of estimated five hundred in light vehicles on the move, coming in from the south. They are backed by air vehicles. Designated entry is by route #4 to #7."

They did as I expected.

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