Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Two Scene Six Sub-Scene One

 Act Two

Scene Six

Sub-Scene One

The Sea Ports battle


The sea port consists of three areas: the berths where the ships will dock, the clearing area, an array of rail tracks and stations, and the outer area where the warehouses are situated. That was the sea port layout.

The berths lined up with the cranes, and there were massive structures of buildings that housed the forwarders and supporting partners. The ships will dock there, and the cranes will go into motion to pick up the goods and bring them to the docks. The goods will be loaded onto the network of rails, which will carry the goods to the loading stations. The network of rail tracks looked like a nest of vipers in the pit, with the loading stations along the tracks.

Each loading station would have five or more side tracks for the wagons to be loaded or unloaded, not to hold up the rail traffic. The goods unloaded will be moved to the smaller trucks to transport them to the warehouses outside the port area. The operations there were on a full shift of twenty-four hours, with the place fully lit.

The port held a complement of five hundred workers, and the visitors were triple the number daily. The sea port was managed—the better word is controlled—by the boys, of which Pompey holds the majority there. His strength was about two hundred boys, and they held control of the gates there.

The law is there, but they are compliant with the boys; their wages would not sustain their efforts to challenge the boys.

Gate Three was manned by Lofty with three others; they were armed with the shotguns. He served with Pompey for some years, and his father also did the same. Senior, with one arm missing from an axe, fights with the Greeks over the olive oil shipment. Lofty took over the work. He snarled more than his smile.

“Lofty, there are two vehicles coming.’ It was past two in the morning, and the visitors are supposed to be few.

“I cannot make out which is Mark Antony’s.” Lofty heard the remark. He ignored his shotgun and stepped out to meet the approaching vehicles. He was still armed with the revolver, and his boys were carrying their guns. He waved the vehicles down, and they stopped. The headlights were still on, and then the passengers alighted. Five men with Thompson machine guns opened fire at Lofty and his boys. It was over in seconds, and then the driver of the first vehicle honked out. Three more vehicles pulled up when the gates were opened.

The war at the Sea Port was starting.

It was at the other two gates, and the loading stations along Tracks One, Four, and Five were all targeted. There were 25 casualties before Pompey Jr got to know of the attack. He mobilized his boys to retaliate then.

At the docks, three barges pulled at the berth, and forty boys from the empire disembarked. They went for the officer there and took down fifteen of Pompey Jr’s boys. They burned the two warehouses there and proceeded to control the cranes.

“Do not damage the cranes.” Lepidus instructed the boys. It was the great plan of Mark Antony to do the two-pronged attack.

“The gates are done.” Lepidus got the message. He knew that with the gates secured, more reinforcements would arrive.

“The Parthians are at the outer warehouses.” Ventidus reported in. He had allied with the Parthians to create the ruckus there.

“Where are our boys?” Pompey Jr was in a rage.

“Our own boys are holding up. The new recruits are hiding from the battle.” Menas told Pompey. We are hit at the Sea Port, and the warehouses and the fucking Parthian are on the pillage.”

“Damn, Mark Antony. He had it all planned.” Pompey Jr roared,

“We got some hits back. Mark’s boys are captured by us, but we are holding them hostages.” Menas said. “We need to call for a truce."

“You surrender too fast, Menas. I would not.” Pompey Jr snarled.

“I am talking sensible action here, Boss. The return of Mark Antony had shifted the advantage towards the Romans.”

“Where is Mark Antony?”

“I heard he is at the mansion with his new wife, Octavia.” Menas said. “He is having his meals there.”

‘And Caesar?”

“At the sea port. He is helming the attack and gaining experience." Menas smiled. “He needed it to counter Mark Antony.”

“Put up the good fight for now. Show then the Pompey blood does not surrender so lightly.” Pompey Jr called out.

“Boss, we are losing the war.” Menas looked at the other. “It’s sensible to call for a truce and return another day to fight.”

“Arghh…. I dislike Mark Antony. He is the pain in my side.” Pompey Jr sighed. “I want to meet this champion of Caesar. Call it, then, Menas. We will meet them on agreed-upon terms.”










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