Monday, August 26, 2024

Tony and Cleop Act Three Scene Four Sub-Scene One


Act Three

Scene Four

Sub-Scene One

The lover’s spat


Octavia sat on the armchair in the chamber that was her own until she married Mark Antony. He had no chamber of his own and was told that he could share hers. It was fine, for she has huge bedding that she once shared with her previous husband. He was not a great husband but a passionate lover; he was always trying to please her. It was his nature to be passionate as well as serve Caesar. He will never decline any tasks; he was the first to rush in, shoot, or take a bullet, and in the end, he took his life. Unlike Mark Antony, he was more of a romantic lover, trying to please her with his charms and gifts. He refused to talk about Egypt when they were alone. He gets broody and shucks out to the corner. She had to comfort him before he could return to her side.

For that. Octavia felt, at times, very tired, but she could not bear to act rashly toward Mark Antony. She owes it to her half-brother to maintain the peace.

“No, no, Octavia, it is not just that.” Mark said this while Octavia was seated there.

“That would be excusable, as would thousands of other crimes just like it. But Caesar waged new wars against Pompey Jr even though a truce was called.” Octavia looked at Mark.

“It was not us but the Parthian’s.” Mark corrected her.

“Do not lie to me, Mark Antony. I know much of the Romans than you. The Parthians acted on our call, and was killed on our call. It was a warning to Pompey Jr to leave Rome.” Octavia looked away.

“This is Rome, Octavia. Nothing is …...” Mark looked to his lover. “Caesar is uneasy with …. anyone. As we speak, Caesar written his will and read it aloud in the others. He had left nothing for me. His dogs get the trust fund for the kennel maintenance.”

“Mark, I am sure...”

“He has spoken badly of me, and when he was forced to say things in my favour, his words were cold and unenthusiastic, and he gave me very little credit. The war against Pompey and Junior were my effort. He had the strongest reason to praise me there, but he did not do it, or if he did in private, it was unwillingly.”

“Oh, my good lord, do you hear yourself?” Octavia had it enough. “I cannot believe all the things you hear, or, if you must believe them, do not take so much offense at all of them. There will be no lady unhappier than me if you two fights. I will be stuck in the middle, praying for you both.”

“I love you, Octavia. I have taken the vow with you. I will protect you.” Mark approached Octavia. “No harm will come to you. That is why we will leave to avoid bloodshed.”

“The gods will laugh at me when I pray for both my husband and my brother. "Oh, bless my lord and husband!" when I undo that prayer by crying out just as earnestly, "Oh, bless my brother!" To pray that both my brother and husband win would be to destroy the prayer. There is no way for both sides to find success. And Egypt is another... He does not challenge you for that.”

“It was Julius’ territory. After he died, I was told to look after it.” Mark explained. “It was never Rome’s.”

“You have yours here. Caesar did not grab it back. He loves you too.” Octavia was in tears. “He spared Lucius from harm. He did …...”

“Fulvia was dying. She did it for me to hold back from Caesar taking it. I owed her that.” Mark was upset. He saw the hurt in Octavia.

“Be gentle, Octavia; give your most faithful love to the side that most worthily tries to deserve your love. I am that one.” Mark out his hands to hold her face.

“If I lose my honour, I lose myself. It would be better to have no husband than for me to have a husband who was so defeated. I should negotiate between you and him.” Octavia looked towards Mark.

“In the meantime, lady, I will also make such strong preparations for a possible war should there be war. Go as quickly as you can; then you will get what you desire quickly.”

“Mark Antony, do you truly love me?” Octavia asked. “Or was it a reconciliation with Caesar?”

“Yes, I do.” Mark declared then. “I meant I love you.”

Mark Antony lied then.

“Thank you, my lord. May the powerful king of the Gods make me, who am most weak, act as your mediator! If you were to go to war with each other, it would be as if the world had split in two, and the chasm would have to be filled with the bodies of dead men.” Octavia chose to believe him. “I will stand with my husband.”

“When it becomes apparent that it will not be me who started this conflict, turn your anger against that person. For our faults could never be so equal that you, in your love, could condemn them equally. Get ready to leave.” Mark had heard enough when he moved to the door. He stopped there and turned to look at Octavia.

“Choose your companions and make your preparations as expensive as you desire.” Mark Antony told her. “Egypt is a land of lavish people. The ones that do not match up are fed to the crocodiles or leave.”

“I am beginning to feel I will fit there.” Octavia smiled. “Do they wear any garters? I got a warehouse of it. I kept on adjusting them that I bought one too many.”

“They do not wear that there.” Mark said.

“You knew. I am not surprised.” Octavia smiled but Mark had left.



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