Saturday, April 8, 2017

Arthur: The legend and Myth Chapter 98

Percival looked at the knights assisted by their squires into their armours. He saw Gawain looking distracted and was concerned. Lancelot himself was quiet for some days. He was not his usual self and that also concerned Percival.
“Sire your armour is ready.” The squire assigned to him was waiting for him. Percival nodded, and was to start when he saw King Ban approaching then. The King was alone and that meant bad news.
Percival was short of one knight.
Gawain lost his bout for his mind was not there. He was thinking of the name Galahad.
“You were not in the game.” Percival told Gawain.
The next bout was Lancelot’s turn. He had donned the black amour of the Black Knight. He was questioned by Percival on his choice.
“The Black Knight lived in me. Hengist had retired and left his legacy to me.” Lancelot told the other. “He was like a father to me before and I will carry on his name with this armour.”
“You never mentioned this.” Percival smiled at the revelation spoken by Lancelot. “I thought you dislike the man. He humiliated you once. I was there.”
“He did which I have not forgiven him.” Lancelot then looked away. He was thinking what Elaine had said. He was not a saint himself with his sins. He may not be as lucky like Hengist to live that long. He looked at the amour he had donned. It was black in the shade and like its wearer he was to be dark like the armour. He will battle for his own glory and not for anyone. Anyone that stands in his way will be killed or humiliated.
The first round was to even with neither knight having dropped the other. Lancelot moved his grip on the lance to hold it firmer. He had barely missed the other knight in the ride but the horse had turned then thus saving the knight. The other knight had started the ride towards him with the lance levelled. Lancelot kicked at his own horse to gallop forward. Thy clashed in the midpoint but that time Lancelot pushed his lance forth with the arm extended. His lance extended in reach hit the knight in the face cover and made him toppled from the horse.
The bout was then over.
Percival did well on the next bout but his right arm hurt from the lance attack. He was getting too old for this game. It was Tristam next who fought. He did not lose but ended up in an even result with both knights fallen.  It was then Mordred approached Arthur.
“My King, you are short of one good knight to battle me as the last one to fight for my father’s name.” Mordred looked to the King. “Perhaps you will do me the honour. I am short of one victory to even the outcome.’
Arthur looked at the young challenger. He had jousted but he knew his age and skills will not match the younger man. He looked to Percival and Lancelot. The later wanted to fight for the King but he was declined.
“You had done your part so get some rest.” Arthur then pushed himself out of his seat. He was to call his servants to dress him when a voice was heard.
“I will fight for King …Arthur.” The voice was young but the armour reflected his youth. It was all white in the shade. “I am the White Knight.”
With that greeting, the White Knight rode to the jousting area. He was without a lance and asked to borrow one Lancelot rode up and offered the knight his lance. It was then also when Gawain approached the knight and asked him of his identity.
“Sir Knight, your name will be appreciated for all to know.” Gawain tried to make out the face beneath the head piece cover. Behind the cover, Galahad avoided looking at his own brother and without replying he kicked at his horse to move forth. Gawain stepped back from the horse and regretted the rude action of the knight. Meanwhile then across the clearing, Mordred took to his own mount. He was tall then and with ease mounted the horse. The squire handed over the lance to him and then his shield. He kicked at his horse to line at the jousting start point.
“Sire, the White Knight name had been heard of before. He …” The squire was dismissed by Mordred then who looked at the other from the slot in the face cover. His armour was darker in the silvery shade and his head piece was a pointed spear head on the top. The signal was given and both knights rode towards each other. Their lances impacted on the shields but the riders were still on their mounts. They stopped their mounts at the end of the path and then turned their mount to restart the next clash. It went on for four more rounds and with the change of two lances the assembled were in awe of the intensity in the joust. A break was called then and both knights took to dismount to take a refreshing drink. ]
“Would you like a drink?” Percival approached the White Knight. He stared at the knight who was still wearing his head piece.
“No thanks. I will need some place I can wash in peace.” The White Knight addressed the squire assigned to him “It must be private.”
Without a second glance, the White Knight stepped into the nearby tent which was not occupied. It was used to store the spare armours and lances. The White Knight then told the Squire to clear the tent for his own private use
“Bring me a bucket of water, and some wine.” The White Knight snapped on his command. “And no one is to come in.”
It was then Percival lost his patience and grabbed the knight’s head piece but the White Knight laid a punch on Percival.
“I will not talk to you. Leave me.” The White Knight shouted at Percival. “Who I am does not concern you.”
Percival was led away by the others while the White Knight took to the tent. Inside the tent, Galahad cursed at himself for coming to Arthur’s assistance. He cared not what happened to Arthur or even his brothers then. He only cared for himself and his fighting skills. While he was washing his face, he heard the voice again.
“My name is Gawain of Ceredig. I had two other brothers named Gaheris and Galahad. It was Galahad I seek for he went missing then years ago. I met him before he went missing but he won’t tell me why he needed to leave. I have looked for him but he was not to be found. If he wants to remain hidden, then I will respect his wish but he must let me know.”
Gawain stood there and looked at the man’s back for some time. He was to leave when the other replied.
“I am named Galahad but I am not the brother you seek. I was told that he died years ago and his body was taken by the wolves.” Galahad told Gawain. “I came here to fight the Gauls and not make any one my extended family. Leave me and I will continue my battle.”
The continued battle with Mordred was another even bout wth three lances used. Mordred was tired then but he held firm the replaced lance. He was to ride out for another round of jousting when he saw the knight with his banner approached his horse.
“Sire, King Lot is dying. You are to return to Gaul immediately.” The Gaul knight told Mordred.
That was the end of the jousting bouts and Mordred then rode back to Gaul. The White Knight went his own way after that. Arthur was upset that the knight had not stayed on after the joust.
“My King, Sir Mordred had to return to his King.” The squire replied but Arthur asked of the other.

“Who is the White Knight? I want to see him.” Arthur called out. “He may the one the one that could find me the Grail.”

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