Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 110

The entourage of Galahad soon reached a castle by the river, and they were attacked with arrows by its habitants. The knights blocked the attack and Galahad called for a reprisal then. The knights broke through the castle gates and then defeated the inhabitants. Their master who was a lady pleaded with Galahad to spare her servants.
“They were acting on my command. I am suffering from the sickness of the skin. They were helping me to cure of it with the maiden’s blood collected on the goblet. It may not cure me but it will ease the pain.” The lady explained. “We are no more with any maiden to give and when they saw your boat with the lady, they did what was expected.”
Galahad took sympathy on the lady and then told the knights to fetch Dindraine. When the later offered her blood to the lady, she was then told that ‘if you do so, you may die’.
Dindraine looked at the lady and then she decided to help.
“If my death will ease your pain, then let it be.” Dindraine replied. “I am at ease to meet my maker for I have done my task.”
Galahad protested to the sacrifice but Dindraine pushed aside the protest.
“All of us know when the time is to go. You will one day.” Dindraine replied. “Have no fear of it.”
With that, Dindraine cut herself on the left wrist to tickle the blood from her body into the goblet. Once she was done, she gave one last look at Galahad.
“Find me in Sarras.” Dindraine told Galahad and then she drew her last breath. Then her body was placed on the boat and then floated down the river.
It was also then when Arthur learned of the death of Morgause. He was enraged by the news that her death was by Lamorak who was also her lover. He faced the two knights who told him that but he was later told that Mordred was on his way to Camelot.
“No, Sire. He rides alone and sought the head of Lamorak to avenge his Queen.” Arthur turned to the two brothers after he was told.
“I hold no remorse for Lamorak’ death but bear with me, if any of you have done it let me know now or later it will come with punishments.”
“No, Arthur. We tell you the truth here.” Gawain replied. “We chanced on the act by Lamorak and witnessed to it.”
Arthur accepted their words when they returned to Camelot.
“Lamorak will be hunted for the murder of the Morgause.” The brothers wanted to leave for Ceredig but Arthuis asked that they stay for a while.
“I am in need of knights. Good ones that I can trust.”
Outside of Camelot in the forest area, Lamorak sat by himself watching the falling leaves> He recalled the event soon after Morgause was beheaded. He had approached Gawain then to a battle but Gaheris stopped it.
“Lamorak, fight no more. You have sinned with the act of yours. Mordred will not allow this to come to past. He will demand your life for it. Gaul will fight us.” Gaheris reasoned with the other. “Lives will be lost.”
“What of yours? You think Mordred will forgive you if he knew.” Lamorak confronted the other. “We are both doomed.”
“Then I will seek forgiveness from Arthur.” Gaheris replied. “Arthur may not punished us for Mordred is his enemy.”
“You are a fool! Morgause is the Queen of Gaul. You killed a Queen.” Lamorak then left the brothers. He did not go back to Camelot but took refuge in the far lands.
“You lied to Arthur, Gawain. Why?” Gaheris asked his brother when they were out of the castle.
“I did it to protect you as brothers should do. Now we will hunt Lamorak and seal the matter.” Gawain told his brother. “You will listen to me. We will cover each other.”
It was the then his first lie by Gawain. For others there were more lie’s than they can remembered.
“Mordred, you will not declare war on Arthur. Not yet.” Morgan Le Fay told her son. “The war will be soon but not now.”
Mordred right hand grasped the hilt of the sword at his belt letting his anger flowed from there to the sword. His mother taught him that when angry it sometimes you can direct it by controlling your emotions like onto the sword for it’s innate. He recalled that he told his mother then that the sword have a lifeform of its own.
“I wished I have Exacalibur. That is a sword worth holding. It’s a sword made for the King.” Mordred was upset then. King Lot held not special weapon and he was without one.
“Mordred, you do not need one. You are the weapon of choice.” Morgan told him. “Believe in yourself and you will win them all.”
That was a lie but mothers do that sometimes to make their son’s believe in them. Or themselves.
Lamorak have many friends among the knights and one was Sir Pinel de Savage. He was a mercenary and loved a good fight any day. He had found that spirit in Lamorak and they grew closer.
“I do not believe Lamorak will kill that bitch. He was fucking her. Why would he kill her.” Pinel lashed out his thoughts to the others. “I am unconvinced that on his part.”
“Are you saying that the brothers killed her?” One of the knights asked Pinel.
“I will avenge for him. I will kill the brothers. There is a dinner to be held at Hall when Arthur’s celebrate the victory of King Badon. He will invite all the knights.”
The dinner was held later that week, and all the knights were there including Guinevere. She was seated next to Arthur looking forlorn. She had not smiled for some years then and even on such occasions she kept herself alone. The servants brought out the food and drinks. It was an occasion to celebrate but the form of celebration came in many forms.
“You kicked my chair.” That was a simple act but when faced by drunkards who lived their lives fighting it was an open invitation to fight. Such were the nature of the knights then. They were no more the bonds of kinship when Arthur first founded the round table. The King himself called his trusted knights to stop the fight. One was Sir Kay who was older then but he never ducked from a fight. Even one he was to stop. He went in with his fist lashing at the fighting horde and broke a few bones. In the midst of fighting Pinel approached the round table and looked for Gawain’s seat. He found it and saw the other was with Sir Kay stopping a fight. He took the potion from his belt and slipped it into the goblet there.
“The fight is over.” Gawain staggered back to his seat. He sat there to drew his breath. “It was not like before when we were younger.”
Gawain then reached for his goblet with his fingers firmed on it, he raised a toast towards Sir Kay.
“To our better days.” Gawain took the goblet up but he was stopped by another. The knight was new to them but he was there to prove a point.
“I will drink that.” The knight took the goblet and drank the content. He tossed the goblet to the flooring and then froths appeared from around his lips. He tried to speak but no sound came. He then toppled backwards to sprawl onto the flooring.
“Poison!” The knight shouted out. He was Pinel. “It was the Queen. She poisoned him.”
Lies are made to be believed by others.

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