Saturday, April 15, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 102

Galahad stood by the wall opening looking out at the sea with his mind on the coming days. He was entrusted to fetch the Grail and yet he was then unsure then.  He knew that it was his destiny to seek the Grail.
“Sir Galahad, I come to see you.” The knight turned to look at the one who spoke.
“My King, I was to rest for my task tomorrow.” Galahad displayed his strong personality towards the King.
“I came with your Queen.” Arthur motioned to the rear where Guinevere was making her own steps with care. She was in no hurry to see the knight or the King. To her both of them were not of her concern but she was there as a formality beckon of her by Arthur.
“Sir Galahad is the knight that will be the one that will seek the Grail. He had taken…” Arthur was interrupted by Guinevere who had approached the knight.
“Sir Knight, you looked familiar. Have we met?” Guinevere asked. “I am sure…”
“I was told that I looked like one named Galahad but I am of the name and not of the person they claimed to be.” Galahad dismissed the likeness. “My apologies that I am need of rest. Please excuse me.”
With that Arthur and Guinevere took leave of the knight, and on their way out, Arthur looked to his Queen.
“Guinevere, how fare you these days?” Arthur asked of his Queen. Guinevere ignored him and continued on her walk.
“Are you ignoring me?” Arthur getting upset then had reached out for the lady’s arm but she pulled back.
“I am ignoring you. So leave me alone.” Guinevere continued her walk leaving the Arthur standing there. The King then took his walk the other way and met Gawain.
“Are you going with Galahad?” Arthur asked him. “I may need you here for I fear a war may be coming. I have news that the knights that left our hall have journeyed to Gaul. They may be headed for Mordred. He had amassed a huge army while his father lay in bed with dying breaths.”
“Yes, I heard that too but I need to be with Galahad. He may deny of mine, but I know Galahad from birth.  He is my brother and if he is going I am following.” Gawain looked to his sword and felt the sharpness on the blade. “If he is going on the quest he may be in need of a sword.”
Arthur wanted to talk to Gawain on the threat of war but he knew that his friend was not keen to listen on it. He looked to the sword held by Gawain.
“There is a sword that I once try to hold. It belonged to a knight named Balin. You may not know him for he did not want to sit at the round table when I offered him.”
“I heard of him.” Gawain replied. He heard the knight tale came about when a lady wearing a sword stepped into Camelot during its construction era.
“I am Lady Lile of Avalon.”The lady in white stood there with the sword girded around her waist. It was unusual then for ladies do not carry swords then.
“The sword will not come undone.” The lady pulled at the clasps and even pulled at the sword from the scabbard. It won’t come undone. “I was told the one to draw it must be pure and free of sins.”
Arthur stepped up and with his confidence of drawing the Sword of the Stone, he tried but also failed. Arthur was upset that he failed. He was to dismiss her when Balin, the knight from Northumberland approached the lady. He released the clasps and took the belt off her. He then pulled the sword out of the scabbard. It was all done with ease.
“I am glad.” Lady Lile was relief and then asked for the return of the sword. Balin was impressed with the sword that he refused then. The lady was infuriated and told him that he will kill the one he loved most.
“Whatever it may be.” Balin was adamant of keeping the sword. He stepped away with the sword in his hands while his other sword was at his waist. He was named the Knight of Two Swords.
That was all Gawain knew.
“I had it placed back in a slab of marble. Galahad can have it if he is …ready.”
Gawain looked to Arthur. He appreciated the offer to take the sword but it was said that Grail was a great quest and Galahad seems to be the one that could do it. He also knew of Mordred and the army that was massed there. The Romans were not keen to retake Gaul for they have their own wars.
“Lancelot can cover for me.” Gawain offered the other to Arthur. “He handled the lands during your long war. I … We were away at Ceredig.”
It was a sad memory for Gawain for he lost two brothers during that return. He intended to see he lost none this time.  
“I do …” Arthur held back his words. He had to be careful with his words. He lost some of his knights recently and it had never happened.
“I meant I do understand. You may follow your brother.” Arthur changed his words and then left Gawain to himself. His mind was still on Balin. What Gawain did not know was that Ninianne had appeared in a dream soon after he was handed Excalibur.
“Balin must die. That is my request for Excalibur for he had shamed my sister on the Girdle Sword.”
“No!” Arthur refused. The next day, Arthur sent Balin off from his land. Balin was to embark on great trail that soon covered three kingdoms before he was to meet his destiny set up the sword. He fought his own brother Balan in a duel when the other was disguised as the Red Knight. They fought each other to a standstill with both of them mortally wounded. It was then Merlin appeared to both brothers.
“Do not return the sword, Merlin. Give it to the deserving knight that is pure like me. Or when I was before.” Balin told the druid. Merlin placed the sword in a slab of marble and floated it. It returned to the shores of Camelot after a long voyage.
Arthur took his leave while mumbling to himself his woes while he took to his own chamber when he saw Merlin approaching him.
“Arthur, there is something you need to know.” Merlin was taking in deep breaths. “I saw the signs there. We are up against the Gods. We need to appease them before we embarked on any war.”
“Gods? I have not seen any since I became a Legionnaire. I have not asked for any to help me since then. And even when I was King.” Arthur was getting agitated on being caught with this menial issue to him. “Have I not send my knight to seek the Grail which I may not see at all?”
“Arthur, you will be a King if the Gods are blessing you.” Merlin tried to find words to explain his predicament. “You ….Your Kingship were aided by the Gods.”
Gods sure sounded uneasy on the words used by Merlin then. He swallowed his saliva and then continued.
“The Sword in the Stone, Excalibur and even Camelot; they were all blessed by the Gods. Or by the servants of the God. Your reign was blessed by the  Lions of the Lands….”
“Enough of your rumblings on the Gods. I am here because I am the one. You told me so. This …” Arthur placed his left hand on the hilt of Excalibur. “This is my sword but the arm that wields it made it formidable.”
“Arthur, you are getting ….arrogant with your …age. You must listen.” Merlin pleaded to the King. “I have been your adviser for …”
“Then I have heeded your advice and now you may leave me.” Arthur took to his own chamber leaving the druid alone. Merlin shook his head. Meanwhile in the chamber, Arthur sat himself on the seat and laid his face on his hands. He was tired but the words of the druid may be right. He may be destined to be King but to continue on for so long, he must had helps from above. He had wanted to hold the Grail or drink from it but he was denied.
“No, I was not denied.” Arthur mumbled out. “I was not allowed.”
It saddened him then. He was feeling bad that his role as King may soon end.
“Damn you, druid.”
Guinevere did not go directly to her chamber but stood by the dark corridor and watched the two men talk. She heard every word and then she sneaked back to her chamber. She met Elaine there waiting for her.
“The druid had revealed that the Gods are upset with Arthur. He denies it but I know him better. He will be concerned.” Guinevere looked for the other sister expected there. “Where is Morgan?”
“She left earlier. Told me that she was meeting Merlin.” Elaine replied. “Probably spooked him on the God thing.”
Guinevere looked away and then she took to the cupboard to retrieve a small vial. She handed it to Elaine.
“Morgan told me this will sway Lancelot to your words.” Elaine looked at the vial. She wanted to hand it back bt Guinevere glared at Elaine.
“You will use it. The dragons can be seen to fight among themselves. Lancelot will be our ally.” Guinevere told Elaine. “Make him serve us with whatever means.”
“Even if you have to love him once more.” Guinevere told her.

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