Friday, April 28, 2017

Arthur The Legand and Myth Chapter 113

Agravain set the tray of food on the table as it was always set there. He looked around the chamber and could not find the Queen. She may have stepped out for a walk for Arthur had released the confinement terms for her. The King himself was also busy with the preparation of war with Rome once more. Arthur was meeting his allies and asking for their support with him if the war was to begin. He had heard that not all were keen to battle Rome for they were at peace for too long and more to it, Rome was not a threat to them then.
The knight took one last look at the chamber and then spied on a piece of the Queen’s personal attire. It was her chemise and was discarded on the flooring. He reached for it and took a sniff at it. It held the Queen’s scent and somehow excited him. He was after all a man with needs and the absence of Morgan Le Fay had made him ever anxious. He had adhered to her commands that he get close to Guinevere, which he had then was her confidante of news on Arthur and the other sisters. She grieved the death of Morgause but she disliked Morgan for  she believed the other half sister was a witch.
“Witch?” Agravian smiled to himself. In his mind, Morgan was more like a vixen than a witch. He admitted that he was swayed by her beauty but not by her but all the sisters including Guinevere. They were all beautiful in their own way. He was then entranced by Guinevere whom he initially thought he could just spy on her but the moments of talks have given him a new look at her. She was lonely and did not loved the King no more. She loved someone more but she won’t disclose his name. He had suspected that it was Lancelot but to tell that to the Queen was a breach of trust.
Guinevere was not young anymore but she held herself well in the looks. Agravain soon find himself attracted to her and to some stage, willing to defend her but he knew it was a foolish game. He was from Gaul and yet she was the Queen
“I shall keep this.” Agravian tucked the flimsy material into his tunic. He felt the material on his belly and it stirred him then. He removed the material and looked at it. He knew that Queen or the maid may look for it and could cause some inconvenience then.  He was to replace the material when the maid came in. Her first reaction was to scream then and it brought the others into the chamber. Agravain still holding the chemise dropped it but he was too late. He was confronted and accused of stealing the chemise.
“I did not steal it. I was …given it.” That was the statement that soon seen him to be dragged to the dungeon and the Queen once more in the mind of the knights and servants.
“She is an adulteress.” With the war with Rome on his mind Arthur had no choice but to confine the Queen into her chamber while Agravain was banished. He had his say at the Hall.
“I am innocent of the act. I did not steal the chemise. I was …given it by the Queen.” That statement rocked the assembled there and misgivings between the Gaul and the others deepen.
“You will be banished from Camelot. I will hear nothing more of it.” Arthur gave the command and then Agravain was sent off. He was carried out but just before he left, Agravain shouted out.
“I love Guinevere as my Queen.” Those words drew the ire of the knights and three of them stepped out to challenge Agravain. They pushed the escorting guards and attacked Agravain. The later was not armed then for he was under imprisonment then.
“I …” Agravain ducked from the dagger thrust into his face but he was outnumbered. The second attacker had him in the arms lock while the third attacker thrust the dagger into his neck at the front. It was to maim him of his voice while another thrust reached his heart. Agravain fell to the flooring once his arms were released. His attackers were set on by the others and soon the numbers swelled to twenty before the guards stopped the fight. By then Agravain was dead but his declaration of love was an accusation of treason on the Queen.
“I will be in my chamber.” Arthur told the others. He ignored the stares directed at him.
It was then Galahad heard the declaration that his journey had come to an end. He was in Sarras. He saw them then the other boat that arrived. It was the one that bore Dinadrine’s body. It had sailed there on its own accord and arrived at the same time. He was to step over to the other boat but he was intercepted by the priests there.
“Sir Galahad, you may place the Grail on the litter provided here.” The litter was carried by Galahad and the other knights with the others following it in a procession towards the castle at Sarras. The body of Dindraine followed suit but it was directed to where a tomb was readied for her. When they approached the castle the patron of it was King Escorant.
“Who are you and what is that?” King Escorant asked.
“I am Sir Galahad from Camelot and that is the Grail.” That was enough for them to held imprisonment with the King accusing them of blasphemy and piracy. The knights were all sent to the dungeons while the Grail restored to the altar at Sarras.
We are all victims of accusations based on words uttered in malice or anger. Lancelot was no exception. He was in the tavern when he heard the conversation of a trader to the inn keeper.
“The Queen is in the dungeons. She was involved with some knight” The trader spoke freely when the goblet was refilled. “It’s not her first. She was once involved with another name Lancelot.”
“She is a slut.” The inn keeper added to the words. “I have seen them before. My last wife was the same until I kicked her out. What’s her name again?”
“Guinevere.” That name resounded inside Lancelot’s head. He looked over and then walked over. Soon the two other men were on the flooring and Lancelot riding off in anger.
“I am coming, Guinevere.”
So were the Romans.
“The insolent cur!” Lucius Hiberius, the Roman Procurator slammed his fist on the table displacing the scrolls and the inking tablet. He was a thin figure in the toga favoured by the Romans but his real attire which was the uniform of the legionnaire hung close at the wall. He rubbed his left hand over his semi bald head before he stared at the Centurion standing there..
“I want the Legions ready to march on Camelot. No one dismissed the Empire even though he is the King of Camelot. I want the X and XI ready by the next moon.” Lucius gave him command. “And King Arthur’s head brought to me for display in Rome.”
“Procurator, Arthur had once stopped our Legion. He was …”
“One of us and that made him a traitor. He does not deserve the scroll of free citizenship.” The procurator looked to the Centurion. “Tell me of the Gaul. I heard that they are no more allies.”
“It was rumoured that there were conflicts but they were there at the hall. I did not see their leaders but I would assume Mordred was at Camelot.” The Centurion reported.
Mordred was not at the hall when Agravain was killed but he was nearby. He had waited at the abbey for his knights to return then. They rode in and then approached their leader.
“We have the traitor killed.” The knights reported to Mordred. The later nodded and then took to return with his knight to Gaul. They have a war to prepare for. It was also for Belvedere for his task as if he was at war. He found no one who could assist him and everywhere he turned to was a dead end for the whereabouts of Merlin.
“I hear you been looking for Merlin.” The voice trailed towards Belvedere when he stood at the tavern doorway. He was to exit it after a refreshing meal and then he looked at the side for the voice.

“I am Friar Tuck.” The monk there stood in the corner. He was holding a staff to balance his body when he walked. “Merlin is not dead but he needed rescue. Are you Belvedere?”
The friar did not wait for the reply and continued.
“Merlin is in the cavern but his life is perilous.” With that Belvedere took to his horse and galloped for Camelot. It did not occur to him to ask who the friar was nor did he ask of the cavern. It was as if he knew then all those answers.

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