Friday, April 21, 2017

Arthur: The Legand and Myth Chapter 108

“My tale may bore you, Lancelot but I felt the need to share it.” King Bors paced the river banks as if he was on his castle. “I had a fallout with Galahad on the journey. We argued that we must wait for Gawain but the knight was insistent on riding ahead. I volunteered to find Gawain but I found was indeed myself.”
“I chanced on a damsel in distress.” King Bors continued on. “Are we not all at one time saving some damsel in distress?”
The knight laughed at the predicament of theirs.
“I approached the lady and was told that she was disinherited by her elder sister from their land. I then to vowed to restore her rights and sought the elder one. It turned out the elder sister have a knight to protect her. His name was Sir Priadan the Black. We battled and I won. I then for the sisters together and made a vow to share their lands. I thought my quest was done and rode on but it was only beginning then.”
“I saw then my brother Lionel; he was long forgotten from us when he left to wander in the lands. He was bruised and was carried by two others in the arms. I rushed forth but another call for help was heard. It was a lady who was screaming from her captor who was intending to ravish her. Both Lionel and the lady called for my help but I was tormented then to whom shall I go to first.”
“I made my mind and saved the lady from a fate worse than death. Then I turned to Lionel but he was already dead. I bear his body to a nearby abbey for the last rites but the covered form was soon found to be empty. I was puzzled but my earlier rescued lady had offered me sanctuary at her castle. As I was tired then, I took her offer.”
“Soon after my refreshments, I was led to my chamber for the night. I was in there not too long when the lady appeared. She offered to be my lover and if I refuse she will jump off the castle walls.” King Bors then smiled. “I was thrice her age and yet she thinks I am desirable.”
The King laughed before he continued on.
“I declined and then she did leap off the castle walls. It was not her but the whole household of servants too. I was devastated by the action that I was responsible for so many deaths. I rode off form the castle and then I met the firar on the trail.”
“Son, you are safe now. That was what he said to me. You were led by the nymphs into their lair and you refused their demands. You are truly pure in your heart.”
“I was rejoiced at the words but then the friar told me where to seek my brother Lionel. I rode on and found my brother at the nearby village. He accused me of betrayal and challenged me to a duel. He fought me before I could draw my sword. I would have died then but another knight came to my aid. The knight I was later made to know was named Calogrenant died saving me. I retreated and then I heard the voice to stand down. I did from what I heard and a lightning struck my brother on his raised sword. He died by the hands of God.”
“I was to attend to my brother when the villagers offered to bury the two. I took to the trail and soon found Percival before we arrive here.”
Lancelot looked at Percival.
“I was also challenged by the nymphs but prevailed in my purity.” Percival bushed then. “I have been chaste for some time now along with my age and also I am not in need of the flesh to satiate my lust.”
The last words of Percival were directed at Lancelot who looked away then.
“We all have our challenges on this journey but my regret was that we are not to hold the Grail.” Percival sighed then. It was the friar who consoled them with better words.
“You may not hold the grail but the companions of the one who will hold it augur strength and courage to them for being part of the quest.” The friar words were received with thanks and soon then Galahad rode in with the other knights.
“You entourage is once more complete. You may ride on to seek the Grail.” The friar told them. “Stay united and all of you will be rewarded.”
The rewards of one may be a threat to another. It was how Mrogan Le fay planned her vengeance.
“I am not displeased with you but you are needed to do another task.” Morgan pulled herself from her lover and then stood up from the bedding. She stretched her body upwards with the arms raised high. It was a seductive pose for her lover to show her the length of her body. He was awake and by the sight that befell him then, he stirred to it. He rolled out of the bedding to hold her from the back. Morgan arched her back and then she whispered to him.
“You will be Guinevere’s lover for me.” Morgan told Agravain. “You will love her as you did with me.”
Agravain pulled back from her and asked for her forgiveness.
“Have I displeased you, my Lady?” Agravain went down on one knee before Morgan. She turned around and then reached down to hold his head up.
“No, you did not but I am in need of someone to love Guinevere so that she will weaken to my command.” Morgan looked into the knight’s face. “You are the one I have asked to do it. Would you do it?”
Agravain nodded to her and with that she pushed his face into her belly.
“Do me now. I command you.” There are many avenues to the lady’s desire and it does at times deserve some ministration of the tongue.
Morgause was not spared of it too. She was near to Camelot and having paid a visit to her sister Elaine, she had wandered off without her servants. She came to the lone hut in the forest and there her lover awaits her.
“Surely Sir Knight. I believed your tongue is like the mace you hold. It’s rough on the surface and yet it’s deadly to the touch.” Morgause held the older knight to her bosom. They were on the bedding after their tryst of love. Lamorak let off a loud laugh at the compliment.
“We have learned much with age. A variety to our mode of duel could yield results too.” Lamorak replied. “I have to admit that at my age, the joust is getting to be weaker but I hold a deadly mace.”
“Indeed you are a remarkable person.” Morgause then turned over to sit astride over the knight. She snugged herself onto him and then leaned over. “Tell me of the knight which I have asked that you allwed audience with the Queen.”
“He is in with her, my lady. As tight as I am now.” Lamorak replied.
Tight were also the bloodlines among the kin’s but Lamorak was not to accept that at will. There was one knight which approached him some time back and questioned him on his birth. He had denied and then ignored that knight who thinks that Lamorak may be related to him.
“I have no kin’s or if there were any, I am not keen to know them.” Lamorak told of the elderly knight. “We have here frequent of unknown knights who claimed to know of Arthur or were his kin’s for they think they will be elected to the round table but not Arthur. He was not to be fooled by them,a nd had them dismissed to the ranks to prove themselves worthy of the seat at the round table.”
“I am your kin, Lamorak and I pledged no request for fame or rewards but the acknowledgement of being you uncle.” That knight was King Peillnor. “I hold a small land on the far west and you will inherit it when I am gone. You will be King then.”
“I am a King now. I have a Queen who sits on my lap.” Lamorak boasted to the others. It was rumoured that he was having an affair with a Queen but of which there was no real proof of it.
“Hush your voice, Lamorak. The walls have ears and the wind carries the sound further.” King Pellinor cautioned his nephew but the later have his sword at the elderly knight.
“I hold my tongue for no one. Not even one who claims to be my uncle.” Lamorak replied. “I am Lamorak and whoever I fuck remains my choice. Even if she is the Queen.”

With that, the knight took to his own tasks and did not care that others saw his arrogance then. 

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