Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 112

Arthur received news that Galahad had found the Grail. The messenger did not state the obvious that Galahad was taking the Grail to Sarras for he feared his life may depend on what he tells the King then. Arthur rejoiced at the news had called for a celebration among his knights and vassals. He sent out scouts to the far lands to call upon his allies to come to Camelot to rejoiced in the celebrations.
“Make sure no one is left out. Even the Gauls are invited.”
And so began the preparation then for the grant feast since Arthur took the reign. There were the few who did not join in like Merlin.
Merlin sat by himself in the cavern watching the beach from his vantage point at the opening there on the cliff walls where he once crawled through the tunnel. He looked to the breaking horizon and the waves that reached the cliff walls. They came in with great force and yet they were hampered by their movement with the stone wall stopping their progress. Even the winds there howled their grievances at the wall but the cliff wall stood upright and ignored their pleas. He knew in time, the wind and sea will win over the cliff walls but it may be an eternity before the walls would collapse.
“Lions were like the cliff walls that withstood the dragons were like the winds and the sea. Both were stout to the challenge but one had to give way. The lions were formidable but they were facing an enemy with the vast numbers then. The lions soon gave way when their strength gave way to the onslaught.” Merlin muttered to himself. He looked at the cliff wall, and then he sighed.
“You were not against one foe but two like the Lions. There were the dragons and then there were the Gods. They came from both sides; the high winds were the Gods armies and the sea from the dragon. You were strong but your downfall was your arrogance. You should have not fought your foes together but on your terms.”
It was then Merlin stood up and smiled. He had a vision then. He had foreseen the coming danger to Arthur. He must warn the King. He returned to his inner cavern and was surprised by the presence of a knight with one other dressed in a dark robe.
“Druid!” Merlin called out before he rushed to the working table. The other druid lashed out with a spell which a streak of fire hit towards Merlin. The later felt the magical flame hit him on his left forearm. The flame when struck burned at his soul and yet it was unmarked on his flesh. Merlin reached out for the bag on the table. He reached in the bag and drew out the small dagger. He called on the spell that drove the dagger on its own flight from his hand into the knight and then into the druid. The knight fell to his knees clutching his neck where the dagger sliced open the air passages but when it thrust into the druid’s chest it drew out no blood but a dark liquid. The dagger then fell to the flooring as if it was an inert item.
“Demon’s blood!” Merlin cursed at the one he thought was a druid. He reached into the bag and drew out the vial of liquid which he tossed at the other. The vial broke on impact at the chest and then it exploded into a fiery flame of multitude of shades. The demon screamed out in pain before it dissipated into the ashes.
Merlin pulled himself up and wondered how the demon could have reached him through the magical protection screen. Those were powerful spells and yet it had been breached. He then discovered the answer but it did not protect him.
“Morgan Le Fay…” The words came of Merlin’s mouth but then he also felt the thrust of the feather tip into his back. It will not kill him but made him immobile then.
“You were never one to look behind and it will be your downfall.” Merlin was not to join in the celebration then when he collapsed on the flooring. Morgan Le Fay smiled at her task and took leave of the druid. In the hall, most of the knights were in their joyous with few that were eyeing the round table. It stood empty except for Sir Kay and Tristam with a new addition named Sir Belvedere. The later was recently appointed by Arthur and took his seat reserved for Lancelot.
“The knight is at Lancelot’s” The muttering was among them and then they noticed that the Queen was not present. The conclusion then was there was an issue with the two but none dare to voice it. It should not have been for Guinevere was confined to her chamber while Lancelot was still out on the quest. If only it was made known that Lancelot was afar from Camelot then on his own quest. He was in search for his sou as to why he could not be on the final path of the journey with Galahad. His denial was his sins that he had committed but to him it was not a sin to love one another even though the other was not his to hold.
“How fare the Queen, Agravain? I hear you got the task to guard her chamber.” Agravain heard the call and smiled at the one who spoke. He was walking among the knights there with no intention to seat himself. He had to put up the show that he was there when all he wanted then was to be at the chamber. It was not a difficult task for none of the knights will attempt to hurt the Queen despite the earlier calls that she poisoned one of them. Once the rumours simmered to mere gestures of nodding and shaking movement of the heads, Guinevere was soon forgotten. That was what they had hoped but Agravain was diligent in his task. He stood guard over the Queen like an obedient canine without a flinch on any distractions. The knight made his way out of the hall and then along the corridor towards the Queen.
“My Queen, it’s me Agravain.” The knight stood at the door. “I brought you food. It was from the celebration in the Hall. You were …no invited so I brought you the food.”
The door to the chamber opened and the knight went in. If only all the invited were as courteous with their manner. Soon after Agravain left the Hall, an entourage of six figures stepped into the hall and walked past the knights towards Arthur. They were dressed in the Roman’s attire of the Legionnaire. They were led by one that was dressed with the rank of Centurion.
“I am  …” The Centurion was jeered and booed by some of the knights there with expletives and insults.
“Why are you here, Roman? You were thrashed by us before and are you returning for more. We can add more to the thrashing. We can raid Rome like the barbarians. “
The Centurion ignored the knights and then looked at Arthur. The tall officer reached for the plume on his head piece before he spoke.
“I am ..Centurion Tibers. I came wth the message from Lucius Hiberius, the Roman Procurator. This is the message from the Procurator.”
“Stuff your Rome.” A knight stood up to voice his view but Arthur stopped the protest with his right hand raised.
“The Procurator demands the return of Gaul and your lands will pay Rome tributes.”
When Arthur heard the demands, he stood up and then hollered at the Centurion.
“The tributes I will pay to Rome will be Lucius Hiberius and he will be a dead weight in gold.” Arthur told the Centurion. “Now be off my land without a step back or it will be your last look.”
The Romans took the warning with anger but they left the hall. Arthur turned to the knights that to continue the celebrations. He then left the hall to seek Merlin but the druid was not in the cavern. He then asked the servants to find Merlin and later he bumped into Beldevere, his new knight.
“I need to find Merlin. You will find him.”
“I will, my King.” Belvedere was unsure of how to address Arthur then but by the formal mode. He was also unknown to Merlin whom he had seen but never spoken. The knight was a square shouldered figure standing tall in his armour and on his belt was the family heirloom sword. He was not of any royalty yet his family had served with them for ages. His sword was from his grandfather and given by the Lord of the House then. His family had fought for the House for two generation before he joined the other knights at Camelot. He was told by his dying father to serve Arthur.
It was the task he needed to do. So was the one that Galahad had to perform. He wanted to die when he had delivered the Grail.
“Why did you pray for death? Why must you die? You had done a great deed when you retrieved the Grail. It showed you to be a good person. A rare person that with the purity in the heart and blessed with kindness.” Percival stared at the other who was prostrated at the altar. They have retrieved the Grail and was on the way to Sarras to where it will find its rightful home. The place was out of the island and into the main continent. With the journey hampered by the open sea, they have to take the ship and one was assigned to them. It was a unique ship for it was not huge but it housed an altar inside the ship hull. It was there the Grail was placed on table besides the altar. Galahad had been at the altar most times except mealtime. Percival was adamant on seeking redemption for his sins so he joined the other but the words he heard disturbed him.
“You do not …..understand.” Galahad replied. “I have seen the Grail. I was not to bring it back but I am to be with it. I will be with the Grail upon the completion of the task. It’s the task for me.”

“You are….” Percival held his words. “But ain’t we all at times needed to perform a task,” 

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