Sunday, April 16, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 103

The tale of Grail shall take its own journey with the recount of the knights that took the quest. The entourage for the Grail consists of Galahad, Gawain and King Bors alongside with ten mounted knights. Galahad was himself very proud of his new sword. He was taken there by Gawain to the sea shore and shown the slab of marble. He was told to take the sword form the slab of marble. Galahad with ease drew the sword out as if it was sheathed in the scabbard. He looked at it and smiled.
“I will ride with it on my quest.” It was then the friar appeared out of the castle.
“Hear me, knights. The three of you will be tested and judged on your journey. Remember this, that only the pure and able knight without sins will be able to complete the journey. Remember also this, that your action will determine your survival.”
“Friar Tuck, you have been appearing with more frequency at my castle. Are you giving them grace for their journey or are you cursing them for it?” Arthur glared at the friar. “I have my own adviser whom you have called names and also upon me.”
“King Arthur, I have spoken what was needed to be told. I will now leave.” With that the friar took to his journey of his own. The knights watched in silent at the departing friar.
“Ignore the friar. Ride on, my knights.” Arthur called out to break the silence and then he smiled at Galahad.
“God speed with you.” Arthur told Galahad. “I want to hold the Grail before I am to go.”
With those words out, Arthur then waved the knights off. They took to the direction of the Sun, and for five days they rode before they arrived at an isolated abbey. The place was in need of repairs but it was a roof over their roof. Galahad took to the open doors of the abbey and was greeted by the great hall there. There were two others there at the hall seated on the dirty long table alongside with the servants on the sides.  
“Welcome, Sir Galahad. I am King Baudemagus and this is Yvain. We bid you here to offer you a gift if you are to take it. We heard of your exploit with the sword and you may now own the shield.” King Baudemagus motioned to the shield by the chapel. There was a knights standing there guarding it. “I am wounded by that knight.”
“I am the White Knight.” The knight guarding the shield spoke up. His squire appeared next to him. “You took the shield that does not belong to you. You took what was the property of Mordrain formerly King Evalach of Sarras. He was the King that fought King Tholomer. This shield was the gift by Josephus, son of Joseph of Arimathea. His blood painted the blood on the shield. The shield was left here in the burial place of Nascien the brother in law of Modrain. It was prophesied that the shield will find its new master who will seek the Grail.”
With that, the White Knight called on the squire to hand the shield over to Galahad.
“Sir Galahad, you are the one whom I was to give the shield. With my task done, I am now freed of the binds that held me here. Before I leave, I am to tell you a message. “
“The choice is yours.” With that, the White Knight and his esquire disappeared into thin air. Galahad looked at the shield handed to him. It was a diamond shaped in design with a white finish but there was a symbol of the cross drawn by hand on the plate.
“That was Mordrain blood that drew the cross.” King Baudemagus told Galahad. “It was ordained that the shield would find its new master after four centuries after the death of Jesus. Treasure it, Sir Knight.”
Galahad held up the shield and then turned to the two seated there.
“You are wounded and you are silent. I wondered what you will do soon after I leave.” Galahad asked. “Or you may join me in the quest. I am in need of friends than strength. We have a healer with us who can take care of your wounds.”
“If you will bear with me, I am willing to go along.” King Baudemagus. “I may not be the one to hold the Grail but let me be with you when you do.”
With that both knights joined Galahad on his journey.
If only things were simpler in the words of love.
Elaine took great care with her dressing before she approached the main hall for the morning meal. She saw the man she was asked to convince on the new cause seated at the long table. She sat herself by the other end and waited to be served.
“I hear that Sir Galahad had started on his journey.” Elaine spoke out in long string of words towards Lancelot. They have not been on speaking terms for some time and it was a surprise to Lancelot then to hear her speak.
“Pardon me. I did not hear you.” Lancelot replied. Then without waiting for her to speak, he stood up and told he had to leave for Camelot.
“The King asked for me.” With that Lancelot took his leave of Elaine without another glance. She was upset more at herself for speaking then. She stood up and then turned to leave but behind her was her sister Morgan Le Fay. The youngest sister was dressed in a shade of green with the yellow bands across her midriff to the hem of the gown.
“The stale bread cannot be made fresh unless you bake in a new one. To do that you need to have the ingredient.” Morgan held a vial which she handed to Elaine.
“How did you get here? The doors are locked yet from the night, and …” Elaine looked to the servants. “Unless…”
“I have many entrances and exits with no corridors closed to me.” Morgan Le Far replied. “It’s one of the lessons I learned to master and indeed I am now its mistress.”
Elaine looked at the vial in her right hand. She had known that Morgan Le Fat was into the spells and arts unlike her who remained ignorant of it. Even Morgause who was literary one but then she indulged herself into the Kings’ scrolls instead of spells.
“You feared me, sister.” Morgan Le Fay looked at Elaine. “I am still your youngest sister. I will care for you. I will not just give commands but tell you how to do it.”
“Please do not ever …:” Elaine stammered her words. “I …”
“I will be gone soon enough, Sister. Heed my words you will need me one day and on this day too. The love of your lover is no more. You need to find more than courage to love him once more. And he to love you.  The potion will be that link.”
With that Morgan Le Fay was the second person to walk from her. Elaine was upset on that. She raised her voice at the departing Morgan Le Fay.
“Are you a witch, Morgan Le Fay?” Morgan Le Fay heard the question and looked at her sister.
“If I am, and I may not be claiming to be one but if I was I am still your sister. I do want you to be burdened by the need to love the man who does not love you. Use my potion and be quick for the war is coming. Lancelot had to be on side to live, or he will die in the war.” Morgan Le Fay smiled then. “You can then choose another lover by yourself.”
“You are mad, Morgan Le Fay but your words made senses. I will use the potion.”
Gifts are treasured among siblings.
Gaheris on leaving of the return of his brother, Galahad had ridden out to see him. His ride was long for Galahad had taken the journey and so he lay his chase. He was told that Galahad had arrived at the Castle of Maidens. It was said that the castle was the stronghold of seven brothers. It was told in the tales that the seven brothers had taken the castle when they were rejected by the Lord then when they asked to see the daughter who was the maiden of the castle. They defeated the Lord and took over the castle. They then named it the Castle of Maidens for they will capture any maiden that reached there. Galahad challenged the seven brothers to a duel when he arrived there.
“It was said that a single knight shall defeat all seven of them.”
The battle was short for Galahad was a formidable knight and with him the sword and shield. He took the first brother in an equal fight with sword and shield. He deflected every swing and thrust waiting his opportunity to make his move. His thrust of the sword was true and it went past the arms into the left side of the chest of the enemy into the heart. The other brothers in their anger rushed at Galahad but emotions was their downfall when they all defeated by Galahad’s sword. He lowered his sword and shield before he recited his own pure form over the evils of the brothers.
"My good blade carves the casques of men,
My tough lance thrusteth sure,
My strength is as the strength of ten,
Because my heart is pure."

Alfred Tennyson’s poem ‘Sir Galahad’.

The peasants there cheered the knight who had freed them of the tyranny of the brothers. They hailed him as the ‘Pure Hearted Knight’. With the seven brothers fleeing from the castle Galahad took the castle for his victory. It was a great gift but Galahad knew he could not stay then. He was to give it away when he heard his name called. 

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