Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 111

Corbenic was a legendary place where even more legends were supposed to take place there. There was a maiden trapped in a boiling cauldron, dragons and hidden traps. The castle was unique for it was protected by a series of bridges; perilous to those who chose to intrude on the castle and there was the set of two stone lions at the gate. The castle was described by many but none spoken of it was similar in description. The description told here was that of the view of Galahad
It looked like a square tower of dark stone, flanked by two towers with the main hall in the centre with the huge courtyard and the moat that surrounded it with the single drawbridge that was drawn up like a standing monument by the moat. The drawbridge was unguarded and yet it will work on its own will when it decides to lower for whoever was allowed in. The moat was wide and looked deep despite the still in the water. It was rumoured that the moat was alike the depths of Hades where below its surface, the raging fires of Hell where the fallen souls will be imprisoned for eons. There was a stand small chapel which was reputed to house the remains of Joseph of Armathea. He was the man who took Jesus body from the cross and then buried him.
The location of the castle was vague for it was located in a valley where no vegetation that ringed it but the rim of the valley was hidden by the thick forest and trees to a wider radius. Its access for the curious and braver but even the stout could be made to stray and their quest seems hopeless.
That was not for Galahad and his entourage found that trail without any trouble. On their trail, they found the trees and the shrubs moved for the knights and then it closed upon their crossing. Once they have cleared the forest, they reached the valley slope which they descended with little difficulty for trails as if the path was carved out in the stones and sands. A boulder may be moved and then returned to its previous spot upon their crossing. It was unnerving then but the knights moved on.
Then they came to the moat and the drawbridge was lowered from the other side. The bridge was made of woods and it was wide for four riders but yet the call came from the other side stopped the knights
“There is no braver and pure in the heart like the one I see before me.” The figure stood there alone dressed in a flowing red robe over the white tunic that reached the knees and his feet were covered in the woven sandals. He held no weapons and yet he appeared formidable. Those were the images of true King and he was one.

“I am King Pelles.” The so named King greeted the knights. “Only Galahad and Percival may cross the bridge. The others may stay at the Chapel but wander not on your own.”
The two anointed knights took their ride onto the bridge and it was then Percival saw the struggling souls in the moat. The souls there were reaching for him but they could not reach him above the surface. They reached the other figure across the moat.
“Let me introduce myself once more. I am King Pelles.” The figure was joined by three others from the castle. “These are my families. My son, Elyezer, my niece and my father, Pellam. He is also known as the Maimed King. He drew that sword when it was not his to do so.”
King Pelles indicated to the sword on Galahad. The knights were then invited into the castle and to dine at the hall. There was more than food and drinks served then for Elyezer in midway of the feast came in bearing a wide plate with a sword that was broken in half at the blade. He was escorted by nine knights who then introduced themselves as from Gaul. Galahad and Percival took caution but they were explained by Eleyzer of the knights’ intentions.
“These nine knights are not your adversaries as per your fear. They are the servants of the Grail like you but their role was to protect you.” Eleyzer told Galahad. “Not all that see are the as per what you think. Not everyone is a foe although they come from that land. Not all the Romans are enemies except those who place themselves as one.”
“Like this sword. Its blade broken in half and only the favoured may mend it. Like yourself, who are to try at it.” Galahad reached for the sword and held both the blade piece. He placed it at the edge to join it but it did not work. He then placed the broken end onto the plate. He then slid the blade with the hilt from the broken edge towards the end. When he slid the blade over the other, the hilt quivered while it slide. The broken edge then reached the end where the broken ends met, the pieces of the blade quivered like the hilt and then the blades began to join up as if it was mending.
“The sword is mended.” The voice came from across the hall, and it belonged to a figure dressed in a lng robe and held the same plate that brought in the broken sword.
“My name is Josephus, son of Joseph of Armathea. “Before me is the Grail.”
The knights looked at the plate and saw the so named Grail on it. It was a round plate carved from wood and on its sides were the signs of the Angels.
“It must be returned to its rightful home. Take it him to Sarras outside of the lands here.” Josephus spoke to Galahad.
In Camelot, the castle was no longer the home for Guinevere.
“The Queen poisoned the drink.” The call was heard by all from the gathered. Some rushed to her but Arthur had his personal guards to protect her. He had asked that she be escorted back to the chamber. He then calmed the gathered with sides formed on several views. He then dismissed the knights and then approached Guinevere.
“What did you do?” Arthur shouted at her. “Do you know the knight you poisoned was one of my closest allies?” Guinevere was to reply when Arthur raised his voice once more.
“Bitch! Tell me or swear to God I will kill you myself.” Arthur glared at her. “You are like your sisters. All bitches to the core.”
Guinevere looked back at the man she had loved. He had accused her of a crime which she was not involved and yet he had not waited for her reply. He was no different from those accusers in the hall. She decided to keep her silence and then turned away.
“Speak to me, bitch.” Arthur lost his composure there and approached Guinevere. He grabbed her left arm but it hurt her. She reacted with her hands clawing at his face. Arthur stepped back holding his left cheek with the scratched mark.
“You were always the vixen.” Arthur then lashed out with his right hand at her face. Soon as he hit her, he regretted his action.  Guinevere retreated from the slap and then she pushed past him to reach her bedding. She reached for the dagger she kept there. She levelled it at Arthur.
“Come any close and I will kill you.” Arthur turned to leave the chamber and met a knight standing there. He confronted the knight.
“”I am Agravain.” The knight replied.
“Stand guard here. No one leaves or enter the chamber. Those are my orders.”
Orders were what Galahad took when he held the Grail in his hands. He was unsure of what to make of the Grail. He was expecting something more presentable or ingrained with jewels and stones but of wood that was really baffling then.
“Sarras was formerly a Saracen city but it was converted by the King then who was friendly to Joseph and myself. When the King left the city for a journey to this land with the Grail, the city without the King then reverted to its previous practice of Paganism.” Josephus continued on his words. “The Grail will bring them back to the correct ways when it’s returned home.”
“Arthur asked to see the Grail. For me to complete my tasks, I must bring it to Camelot.” Galahad replied.
“And you shall not. The Grail had outlived its purpose here. It must be returned to restore the spirit and faith in it. Once it’s done, the Grail will emit its influence over to all. It’s Sarras the home for the Grail.”
Back in Camelot, Guinevere heard the door latch opened.
“My Queen, I am here to serve you your meals.” The knight stepped in.

“Come and sit with me, Agravian. I am in need of company.” Guinevere told the knight. “Agravian, you may call me Guinevere.”

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