Saturday, April 22, 2017

Arthur; The Legand and Myth Chapter 109

The entourage of Sir Galahad with the knights rode along the river and then they came upon a boat that was docked there. There was a banner by the boat that said ‘only the deserving can reach the Grail.’
A lady appeared on the river bank and spoke to the knights.
“Only the deserving ones may board the boat to seek the Grail.” The lady looked to the knights. “My name is Dindraine. I am the guardian of the boat that will take you on the journey to seek the Grail.”
Dindraine looked again to the knights and then she stopped at Percival.
“Your faith is in questioned and if you board the boat you may not returned.” Dindraine then looked at Lancelot. “Your faith is stained. You may not board the boat. Your journey ends here. Return to Camelot.”
“My faith is not to be questioned. I have being through the trials and worthy in my name.” Percival challenged the lady and took his step onto the boat. Dindrane stopped him there and then she cautioned him once more.
“You may die and not return to Camelot.” Percival ignored her and proceeded onto the boat followed by Galahad and the other three knights he had selected. Lancelot stayed behind on the river bank.
“I am not coming on. I will return to Camelot with the other knights.” Lancelot told Percival. “Have a good journey and bring back the Grail.”
Percival was to protest but he gave in then. Dindraine then took her turn to board the boat. She led them into the boat and into the boat interior. They found a large bed that was surrounded by three wooden bed posts. It was not the posts that amused the knights but the sword in the scabbard on the bedding. The sword was inscribed with words from the hilt to the blade and also on the scabbard. The words on it were prophesies.
“The prophecies wrote that only one knight many hold it. It also prophecies that only a virgin and of royal birth may replace the belt with a new one.”
Percival reached for it but he found the sword not suited to him. He held it firm and yet it slipped from his hand. He gave up and others tried but none could hold it. When Galahad was not keen to own another sword but he was drawn to it. He held the scabbard with his left hand and then held the hilt with the right hand. Once he had his right hand on the hilt, he picked up the sword.
“The first prophesy has spoken.” Dindraine voiced out. “Now you musty fulfilled the second one.”
Dindraine then reached for the hemp belt she had woven with threads of gold and silk alongside with strands of her hair. The belt was studded with precious stones and jewels. She handed the hemp belt to Galahad.
“Please put the scabbard onto the belt.” Galahad did as he was told. It was then Dindraine told the knights of the sword.
“The sword is called the Sword of the Strange Belt while the scabbard was called the Memory of Blood. The sword was once used by King Varlan when he fought against King Lambor who was the custodian of the Grail then. Varlan killed Lambor and caused the Grail to be hidden.”
“Now that you are beholden to the sword, you will continue to your journey. The sword will direct you from now.” Dindraine told Galahad. They set sail on the boat along the river. It was a spell binding journey from the wide plains to the hills and then into the valleys. It was a pretty sight to the knights where the woes of the wars were forgotten.
If only it was that simple at Camelot.
The amorous affair of Lamorak with  Morgause took on more apparent visibility and the rumours were rife. It even reached the ears of Guinevere who then cautioned her half-sister when they met at her chamber in Camelot.
“You must be discreet.” Guinevere used her words sparingly. “I…”
“Discreet? I am not like you, Guinevere.” Morgause then mocked the half-sister. “I am the Queen and widower but I held no need to hide behind the veil of secrecy with my lover. He may be King one day.”
“You must be discreet. You are a Queen and many depended on you. How could you flirt with him when your own lands are of Gaul? What does Mordred think of your choice?”
“As much as dislike it, I am still the Queen.” Morgause replied. “He knows I am part of this land and of Gaul. So I can be who I want on these lands. After all, our lands will be one soon.”
“Hush your words, Morgause. The walls have ears.” Guinevere snapped at Morgause. She then asked the pertinent question. “What is holding your army from marching? Arthur has half his knights with him. Lancelot is away. So is Percival. And the Ceredig brothers.”
“I am not in charge of the arymy. Mordred is the one. He will decide and when he does, he will come marching here.” Morgause replied. “For me, I am just contented with my love.”
With that Morgause took off for her next rendezvous with Lamorak. She was to meet him at an old castle place that once belonged to Gawain but the later have been away for some time then.  Unknown to the lovers, the brothers were nearby.
“Gaheris, I am in need of some of own items at my castle.” Gawain rode towards the castle. It was once their home away from Ceredig. They spend a lot of great time there with rounds of celebrations. It was all fine until they went back to Ceredig and then there were no more brothers.
Only Gaheris and Gawain.
They were drawn apart for the love of some ladies.
His was Lynette and it tore Galahad away. If only Galahad only knew, Lynette was no longer with him. She had left him for a trader and he was alone.
They were all alone.
To Lamorak and Morgause they were the only persons then.
“Yes!” Lamorak moaned out while his hands held the Queen closer to his groin. Her ministrations with the tongue were the cause of his pleasure. His knees buckled when she bit him with her teeth on him. He was so engrossed with the feeling then that he did not hear the doorway to the chamber open.
“I was…” Gaheris was taken aback by the sight of the nude couple inside the Gawain’s chamber inside the castle. He drew his sword while the lady jumped off the bedding and the man took for his sword.
“Gaheris?” Lamorak remembered the younger knight. He then took to cover his body with the bedding sheets while Morgause had then struggled to get on her gown. “I was not expecting you.”
It was then Gawain stepped in and he was infuriated that the other had used his chamber for such an illicit affair. He drew his sword and approached Lamorak.
“What sins have you brought upon me? Upon my home? I ought to kill you now.” Gawain held his sword levelled at Lamorak. “You are despicable.”
“Me despicable? I will not have you call me such names.” Lamorak sprang from the bedding and crossed his sword with Gawain. “Fight me if you dare.”
Morgause in shame then had dressed and found a scarf to cover her face. She remained seated on the flooring next to the bed and watched the two men argued.
“I will fight you but the law of the land says I am to surrender you to Arthur for his punishment.” Gawain retreated and then he looked at the seated lady. “She must come with you. The King will judge the two of you.”
“No one can judged me!” Lamorak shouted out. It was then Morgause had then stood up and withdrew the dagger hidden on her gown. She then rushed at Gawain.
“Knaves! How dare you judge me?” Gawain had seen her approaching and retreated. Gaheris saw the brother in danger reacted with his sword swinging in from the outside. The blade cut into the lady on the side of her neck.

“Morgause!” Lamorak called out in pain when the head of his love fell onto the bedding. 

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