Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Arthur: The legend and Myth Chapter 106

Arthur sat by himself at the round table. He looked at the seats before him. He used to remembered all of them.
Lancelot who sat by his right side while to the right of Lancelot was Percival. The later who his most trusted knights in terms of loyalty. Lancelot used to be in that rank but the doubts set in with the rumours. He had met Percival before and once served with him. They have fought together as part of the Roman Legions and so was Lancelot but Arthur had not seen the later in the Legion. Nevertheless the Legion was an army where each of them treated each other with respect and kinship. The Ceredig brothers once his faithful knights then dissolved with one other disregarding their once blood line. Arthur knew that Galahad was one with Gawain and Gaheris but the former had severed the link but his purity had made him the knight to find the Grail.
There was once Hengist who had retired to his own castle. He was once the knight of Pendragon and trusted by the Lord then although he betrayed the Lord with the slaughter of the kin’s. Lamorak and Sir Kay; both are mercenaries and yet their loyalties were unquestioned if there were battles and wars. Of late, they were uneasy at Camelot but Arthur knew that the duo was aging but they chanced for one final battle. King Ban and Bors both related by bloodline and yet loyal to each other. They were by his side but never were they to usurp the others in the glories. One of them was then with Galahad.
Tristam  the youngest and yet all the years had served Arthur, there was never a doubtful moment. The younger knight was never mentioned or seen but he was a good knight.
Arthur sighed. He was surrounded by men of knights with loyalty and trust but he felt sadness with the ladies then.
Guinevere his Queen was not of his choice but he felt that he should had chosen Morgause although they were years apart. She was an ideal Queen as seen of her wedding to King Lot who was elder than Arthur. She carried her rank well but she was not his to keep. His own Queen whom he thought he could love was to hate him when he let their son died. He sighed on that thought and then his mind floated back to Lisanor and his other son, Loholt.
“I am King with many subjects but none would be my heir.” Arthur sighed. He thought of the others around him. It was undeniable that Lancelot had once loved Elaine but his affection for Guinevere ended that love. He knew yet he subdued it inside him. He can’t have his own Queen be said to commit adultery with the knight. It will crack his knights to take sides.
Morgan Le Fay the Witch as he had named her in silence. He had never known Morgan for she was too young but he consented to her at his side for she was part of the sisters. He heard that she amused herself with spells and potions under several mentors including Merlin. She had married a great knight named Accolon but her son rumoured to be one other was considered his nemesis. Mordred was massing an army to challenge him. He must fight Mordred but it will deepen his rift with the sisters.
“Why?”Arthur asked himself. He then recalled Lady Igraine. She was the ladies mother and caretaker. She was the one who picked him to be King and yet he wondered why. He heard of rumours that he was her son and if it was he had committed a sin that even God may not repent.
Incest was an unpardonable crime.
“No…. I can’t be. I am not her son. Neither was Guinevere her daughter. It was all a mistake.” Arthur shook his head. He was unsure himself but he deny it in his mind. He stood up and grabbed Excalibur.
“You will not betray me. You are mine.” Arthur mind then was swaying with his emotions. He was then disturbed by the arrival of Merlin.
“I seek you for I sensed some discomfort in you, Arthur.” Merlin looked to his care. “I am your…”
“You are not my father, druid. And never will you be my mother too.” Arthur then upset at being disturbed. “I knew that your deeds have made me what I am today but for me to stay as King, I must do what I have to do.”
“Tell me of the Lions and Dragons.” Arthur asked the druid. He was earlier advised by Merlin of it and the conflict may result in dire times for the King. “Do I cringe into my dungeon and pray like you?”
“Arrogance, Arthur you have grown over the years may need to be tamed. It may overwhelm you and …”
“Destroyed me as King? Perhaps it may but I am not an easy foe to fight.” Arthur held up the sword. “I hold Excalibur and with it I am formidable.”
“Spare me not of those tales. Tell me of the one named Mordred.” Arthur scouts told him of many things and all of is speaks as if the knight was greater than him. He had asked Merlin to use the bones to foretell that knight.
“He…I learned nothing that will need to alarm you.” Merlin was uneasy on Mordred too for he was unable to read the insight into Mordred. He felt as if he was blocked by some others and he suspect it was Morgan who was the culprit.
“He is like the others; young but their skills are not of your match, and they are without Excalibur.” Merlin lied to appease Arthur then. He feared that if he told the truth, Arthur may seek the other for battle. “I am working on some potions to subdue the young knight.”
“Yes, I did ask of that.” Arthur had asked for the spells or potions that could weakened Mordred. He felt such action may be needed. “After all, I am getting old.”
“Arthur, you must not say so. Lancelot and Percival…”
“They are not here. I send them to assist Galahad in fetching the Grail to me. I will drink from the Grail. I will rule forever.” Arthur roared out his ambition. “I am the King.”
Arthur then looked at the druid.
“Why did you seek me then?”
“It was to see you, Arthur. I will leave now.” Merlin then left the hall but his heart was burdened of what he had seen. He knew then that Arthur was sill obsessed with the Grail. He have to find the friar and conferred on their next action.
Across the land, Lancelot opened his eyes and saw that he was still alive. He was leaned against the tree trunk near a wide river and there was the friar he had known as Friar Tuck. The later was not alone but with Percival and King Bors.
“King Bors, what was with Galahad whom you were with?” Lancelot asked.
“I …” King Bors was interrupted by the friar.
“They all have their souls purged of sins and made them worthy of the journey.” Friar Tuck leaned down to pick up Lancelot. “You are however still stained with sins that hampered your role here.”
“What sins? I fought for the smaller group and we lost but …that was all I recalled.” Lancelot shook his head. “Was it sinful to fight for the weaker side?”
“From the sight of God, there are no strong or weaker sides. They are only the good and evil.” Friar Tuck replied. “The Black Knights were evil, and you selected the wrong side. You deserved to die but it was God’s will that you will not die today. Not by the length of the blade I have seen.”
“I am blessed then.” Lancelot smiled.
“Sinners are mostly blessed with luck. Damn them to Hades!’ Friar Tuck then turned to laugh at the turn of events. “Hear your fellow knights of their damned lucks. They defied the outcome and lived as saints. You can hear their tales at the nearby abbey. It’s only fair that Angels that also hear them and then may be it trumpeted to Heavens their redemption of their sins.”
Lancelot looked at the other two before he was carried by the spare horses to the abbey. Once he was rested at the abbey Lancelot looked to the other two knights.
“I hoped your tales are worthy of mine for I was told that sinners have more things to say.” They all laughed at it for their tales were worth their weight in sins.

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