Monday, April 3, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 95

Arthur arrived a day later than scheduled to Camelot. He came back with news of his victory but instead he was not to see all his knights but those at the Hall held grim expressions. Sir Gawain was there to tell him of the news on the accusation of Lancelot.
“Lancelot said I took his wedded wife for my lover during his absence.” Gawain accused the other. “I did nothing of such and if there was any, it was not rife in the rumours unlike ….”
It was then Arthur threw his goblet of wine at the wall.
"I shall have no knight of mine accusing each other. If there were any ….rumours, step forth to speak before me in person.”
None dared for the King stood there with his right hand on the hilt of Excalibur.
“Hunt that man down!" Arthur shouted out his command. His words came out in anger and embarrassed the others. Arthur was not swayed then by their expression or concern for Lancelot. He had placed his trust in Lancelot but betrayal was unpardonable.
"Where are all my knights? Have they left for their lands or join the rebel.” Arthur shouted out. Percival was not there too,
"My King, some of them have decided to stay clear of this conflict. They do not want to step into battle against one of theirs of the Round Table. We have sworn an oath there to protect each other. But today, I stand with some of them who believed that we did not break the oath as Lancelot is no more of the Round Table. For that, he deserves no protection from us but is now viewed as our enemy." Gawain told the Arthur.
"I am the King, I decided who sits on the Round Table. Lancelot does not have one anymore on this table. He has been removed by me as I was the one who offered him the seat." Arthur spoke out loud to all that was in the Hall. "I also command that he be hunted down and brought to me at this Hall."
“No, my King. He was misled…” The voice of a lady sounded from. It was Elaine. “I told him…”
“My King, I am back.” That voice was from Guinevere who had stepped in then and behind her was Lancelot. “I was with Sir Lancelot.”
Those few words hushed the knights there until Guinevere continued on.
“Sir Lancelot was in need of some counselling. I was …told by Lady Elaine. It seems that he was misled that his wife….Elaine was in an affair with Sir Gawain. A rumour he had picked up from the servants. As you may know him, my King; he reacted to it and confronted Sir Gawain.” Guinevere looked at Gawain. Her glare at him was the command that he was not to speak. “Lady Elaine told me late into the night, and we rode out to find him. He has regretted his action.”
Arthur glared at Lancelot who had remained silent then.
“Arthur…My King, I was….” Lancelot was cut off by the Arthur.
“You were always impulsive. I know you for that but your lo….” Arthur stopped when he saw Percival rushing in and then stood by the side of Lancelot. He then continued on.
“Your devotion to the round table was never questioned and so are your serving to the land. I am glad that you came to your senses now.” Arthur then laughed. “Lancelot, please do not battle over any ladies or you will find yourself surrounded by them without any more men.”
That last line drew laughter from the knights except Gawain and Lancelot. It was Guinevere who then stepped in to ask if they were to forgive each other.
“Yes, like lovers.” Arthur shouted out and the knights laughed at his words. “We do need a new round table.”
“Arthur, there are…” Gawain tried to talk to Arthur but later hushed him. In turn, Arthur whispered back.
“I heard Lancelot words. It was told to me by …It does not matter now.” Arthur then looked at the knights there. “What transpired today stayed here. And none may speak of it or they will face my wrath.”
None of the knights there dared to defile the King.
Maybe not all meant the ladies.
The rift between the two ladies were resolved soon after they retired from the hall. There was silence between them until they reached the chamber of Lady Guinevere. They both went in and then Elaine burst out.
“You filthy bitch! How dare…” Elaine was hushed by the other.
“I did not take your lover. He came to me and we love each other. But love will not suffice for all of us, if the King stands over us. I cannot have the King removed without being hated for it.” Guinevere told the other. “Lancelot did love you but with me, he found a renewed deeper love.”
“Hushed your vile words, Guinevere. You were always a …bitch even at the younger age. You were banished …”
Lady Elaine, may I remind you that I am still your Queen. Your outburst may result in your beheading.” Guinevere used her official rank to silence the other. “You and Lancelot can be together. Myself and Lancelot ….will not be together. We decided that yesterday night. We will both return to our previous life.”
“Is that it? The simple I will be together. Have you …” Lady Elaine was cut off by the arrival of Arthur in a rush. He saw the two ladies and then spoke.
“I got words that Lady Igraine is dead.”
Dead was the parting life and with it pain. But for some death does not come at all.
“Surely, Merlin? Do you think the essence of life inside you can be removed with the leap from here?” Merlin heard the familiar voice while he stood at the cavern opening which he had once crawled through. He had then widen the tunnel and it was his quiet spot to ponder and cry. He looked out to the steep drop at the cliff and saw the sea waves from there. He turned to look at the one who spoke. She was there; out of a small pool of water further in the tunnel. That pool of water was not sea water but the droplets from the walls to form the pool.
“Your natural hideout with the sea breeze and unfriendly water….” Ninniane spoke out. “You thought that by here, you cannot be seen by me. You are mistaken. I created the pool of fresh water for me to appear before you. So are you going to jump?”
Merlin did not reply.
“Was she worth it? You had me, and then Viviane and how many more since you arrived here? Truly, tell me that only she occupied your heart?” Ninniane displayed her anger at him. “I could strangle or drown her in water when I want to. But I won’t do it unless you tell me so.”
“If you ever harm Morgan, I will ….” Merlin snapped back at the nymph.
“Fuck me? I doubt so. You had done that once too often before. How many times would you deny yourself that she is no more yours to own? She should be dead in your mind.” Ninniane sliced into his heart with her words. “You cannot be with her. She is unlike you. She is mortal…..”
“Unless…” Ninniane stopped then. “Now I know why. Your son? He is yours? I should have known. Your son is a Nephilim.”
“Speak not of him as such for he is ….my son. He may not be raised by me but by his mother.”
“So you feared for him on what? He may grow bigger and uglier or he will die before he is an adult? I may help you as I did with Excalibur.” Ninniane drew those words with careful intent. “All you need is to agree on my price.”
Merlin looked to the nymph. Of all the women he had known only the nymphs and Morgan that had left a mark on him. He knew then that if his son was to survive and Morgan cannot do it alone. He nodded and Ninniane then smiled.
“There is a price. The one I raised may be the one that will have to be King one day. He may your King too.” Ninniane told him her price.
“No…” Arthur shook his head. “He is the one who met the condition set for Excalibur. He is to be the greatest King in the land, and you are telling me that he is to remove for my … Mordred. I can’t permit it.”
“Arthur is aging and he holds no heir. His Queen could bear him one but Arthur himself is not.” Ninianne explained herself. “I am not going to replace him but be his successor. Though there is another price to it.”
“Nymph, are you not without a price to what you demand for?”
Ninniane smiled.
“There is always a price to whatever we desire. You will pay for it upon death.”
The funeral of Lady Igraine was a personal affair on the request of Lady Elaine. She told Arthur that her mother does not like grand affair during her last years. So the funeral was kept to close friends and family.
Not all that was part of the family.
Lady Elaine completed her wishing her thanks to the attended and then she came to the last person.
“You were not invited.” Elaine told him.
“I need not be. I am your wedded one. I have to attend as part of the….” Lancelot replied. “It was in the vow that we took. Till death do we part.”
Elaine looked away before she stepped to her sisters. She saw Guinevere standing with Arthur. She disliked her but she was still part of their family.
And in family only upon death do they part. Or in some families they come together.

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