Sunday, April 16, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 104

“Galahad, it’s me Gaheris.” The second brother of Ceredig held his Galahad by the shoulders. “I missed you at Ceredig.”
The other gently pulled away and then Gawain stepped in to intervene. He pulled Gaheris aside and whispered that the knight known as Galahad was not their brother.
“It can’t be. I know my …” Gaheris was silenced by Gawain.
“You are mistaken and that seals the issue.” Gawain turned to Galahad and then apologies for the mistaken identity. “My brother is over emotional. He thinks that his brother will return like before but we do not live in the past anymore.”
Gaheris was adamant that the knight was who he claimed but he was stopped once more by Gawain. The former then looked over Gawain’s shoulder and raised the issue that was on his mind.
“Was it Lynette?”
Galahad looked to his own brother whom he had felt betrayal then taking his love. He had felt the hurt then but the years had pass with his heart and mind accepting the facts that Lynette was not for him. He never could find another lady to love for nor was he longing for any. He felt then the wounds that were inflicted on him in the battles; each earned made him more determined to fight better.
“I asked you a question.” Gaheris confronted his brother. “She told me herself that you loved her too but …”
“Said no more, Gaheris. Women are not to be trusted.” Gawain snapped in between the brothers. “I have …rescind that in my life. I am better off alone than be burdened by them.”
Galahad stared at Gawain and then at Gaheris before he spoke.
“I am not your….brother anymore. I am just the knight that was given the task to fetch the Grail. I have no other love for anyone expect my God, and for that I am thankful.” With that Galahad walked to his own horse. “You may stay at this castle. I have no use for it. If you are to join me in my quest, come clear with your mind and not confront me of the …brother you had before.”
Gaheris wanted to lash out but Gawain stopped him. The later told King Bors to proceed with the knights while he settled his own brother’s anger. Yvain also offered to ride on his own quest then leaving Sir Galahad with the others. The two brothers watched the knights rode off before they took to the castle. It then they were call to challenge at the castle walls. It was the seven brothers that were defeated by Galahad.
“We came to reclaim our castle.” The eldest of the brothers called out. “Vacate it or face us.”
Gaheris then seething in anger rushed out with his sword drawn and was followed up by Gawain and Yvain. The battle was short for the seven brothers were not of par with the knights. They were disarmed and then trussed up with the ropes to hold them.
“Mercy, my Lords. We repent.” The brothers pleaded to the knights. It was then a small crowd of peasants came to watch the defeated brothers who used to harass them. The peasants asked the knights to serve them justice.
‘Mercy shall not be on them for they showed us none.” Without warning, Gawain then beheaded all seven of them. He stood there with the blood stained by their blood.
“You are a fool. How could you take a life which had asked for your mercy?” Gawain turned to look at the voice and it was that of the friar.
“You are a mysterious man, friar. You appeared when you want to be and not seen when you do not want to be.”
“Gawain of Ceredig, you have tarnished the image in you. You are now a sinner by the acts of murder.” Friar Tuck told him. “You are unfit for the journey with Galahad. And as a knight.”
“I…” Gawain wanted to argue back.
“Speak no more, Gawain. You are dismissed.” With that Friar Tuck took his leave. Gawain stopped in his words and looked at the departing friar. He was met by his brother Gaheris.
“Gawain, we have no more reasons to be here. Let us go home. Ceredig still in need of our service as its protector.” Gaheris told his brother. “I have sent words to Arthur to have you replaced.”
Gawain was to protest but Gaheris words sounded fair.
“I lost one brother twice today. I will not lose my other brother left to me. Return with me to cleanse your sins.”
If only it was that simple to cleanse the sins in the body and mind.
Back in Camelot, Guinevere sat by herself at the wall opening contemplating her next move. The Grail was unplanned in her schedule but it worked. Gawain and Galahad with King Bors were on the task but that leave still most of the knights still with Arthur. She needed to create a diversion that more will send out on tasks so that Arthur will be vulnerable. She then heard shouting at the Hall. She enquired of her servants who told her that Arthur was upset. She sneaked off to listen to the King.
“How could Gawain do this? He is a knight of my round table. We do not kill when mercy is asked.” Arthur was upset when he was told that Gawain had sinned. The King was with his knights then although the round table was not filled at all its seats.
“Galahad cannot travel without formidable knights. What if he gets the Grail and then loses it to some errant knights?” Arthur spoke out in anger. His words carried out loud into the ears of the assembled and among them there were discontentment with his reference that there were errant knights. All the knights in the land have sworn loyalty to Arthur and yet he indicated that some may be errant in their loyalty.
“Arthur, I am sure Galahad will be fine.” Percival stood up to protect the quest. “None could challenge him in any duel. He holds the Grail and with that he is the chosen one. Fighting him will be going against Jesus”
“I know but there are always bandits and …renegade knights.” Arthur looked to the assembled. “I fear for him for we are all mortals.”
“And mortals could be sinners.” That voice belonged to the friar who appeared then. “I am the one who sent off Gawain for he had sinned.”
“Friar Tuck, you are an insolent man to appear now when I am not in need of your counsel.” Arthur glared at the friar.
“Am I insolent when you are yourself sounded arrogant to your own? Hear me out, Arthur. The realm of yours is on the verge of dissolution if you do not repent in your arrogance.” Friar Tuck spoke out flatly. “I have seen Kings and Lords who were once powerful and then banished to oblivion by their arrogance. Be advised that you do not become one; heard of but never proven.”
“Blasphemy!” Merlin spoke from the side. He had intruded in just after the friar appeared. “Arthur will be remembered.”
“The druid and my friend by the years we had met. You are the one I seek. Do advice the King as you have made him that he is to look at himself before he destroyed all that was built. The sins of the father shall be unto the son.”
“Speak not of my son, Friar Tuck. I dismissed you from my Hall.” Arthur shouted at the friar. The friar then turned to leave the Hall. All were stunned by the words but not Merlin who stood up for his King.
“Arthur will rule on. He will be the greatest King in the lands.” Merlin bowed to Arthur. “For he was chosen to be that King. And so will his heirs.”
“Hail the King!” Merlin called out before he turned to the knights. They then joined him in the call. Only Lancelot stood silent for he was thinking of the Friar words. He then took leave to find the friar. He was not the only one who took to listen.
“If it’s true, Arthur then you owed me my son.” Guinevere muttered out.   
Son’s are the lament of Queens who felt their duty was to birth a heir to the King. In the case of Morgause, it was no different.
“Are you leaving so soon?” Morgause asked of her lover while she lay in bed. It was still dark outside and air was cold. She have been with her lover for over some weeks since she bumped into him at Camelot.
“I am sorry, my lady.” Lamorak bowed to her. “My mind was away from head and I should had known it was your beauty that drew it mad.”
“You are insolent, knight. I am Queen Morgause of Gaul.” The lady rebuked him. “I will have your apology or faced the wrath of my challenger.”
Lamorak duly apologised then and left for his tasks. It was his first meet with her but with other occasions that prevailed, the two of them soon became friends and from there lover.
“I must be going. You are a guest of Arthur and …”
“A Queen? I may be one but my lover the King is dying. He can’t bear me a child which is needed for his throne to be handed down. I need …”
“I am to give you one then. How fateful that we are to meet? Convenience it shall be.” Lamorak smiled and then approached the lady on the bedding. “I may be older than you but your wanting made me younger.”
“And I am comfortable with the older whom I find they know more of the pleasures of the lady.” With that Lamorak took his leave. He had to be discreet for the relationship of his with Morgause may sparkle off conflicts.

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