Sunday, April 30, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 114

"Mother, Arthur army is still bigger than mine. I cannot fight him in a straight fight. His knights are there with him." Modred asked his mother in a cautious tone when he was back in Gaul. “The Procurator of Rome had declared war on Camelot. I have news that two Legions will march Gaul before they cross over to Camelot.”
Each Legion made up of ten cohorts with about five thousand men. Normally the Legion was reinforced by the auxiliaries who were of mercenaries that could run up to three thousand per legion. There was the Eques Legionis which were horsemen who acted as scouts and messengers. They numbered about a hundred and twenty figures per legion.
"I have made arrangement. When we were in Camelot; there is a treasure chest which I had shipped out two days ago." Morgana walked up to her son and hugged him. "The coins would buy you a new column that would come to assist you.  But for now, you will ride to Arthur as his ally."
“Ally? I thought we were to fight him.” Mordred protested but the mother explained.
“We will not battle Arthur but we will protect Camelot. The treasure chest is worth more than we can hold even here. You will go there to protect it while Arthur battled the Romans. Whoever wins the battle will be weakened.”
Mordred thought of the strategy deployed by his mother. He nodded and then went to retrieve his knights. Gaul held an army that was huge and the years of feeding it was taking its toll on the kingdom treasury. He needed to fight the war or faced a revolt soon. He then saw his trusted friend and fellow knight; Morbius. The later was an elderly knight with years of battle experiences and was once attached to a Roman unit. He was also associated with the Procurator Lucius.
“I want you to visit your old friend. Tell him that he have free passage on the fringe of the land towards the sea to cross over to Camelot.” Mordred gave the task to this friend. “Then watch their strength.”
While three lands were massing their people for a war that was coming, in Sarras, Galahad looked out of the high wall opening from his imprisoned chamber. He was isolated from his companions and he knew not their faith. It had been over three seasons and all he had met were the wardens.  He did not turned to look when the doorway was opened.
“Please place the tray there.” Galahad was surprised that there was no sound of his request. He turned and saw Percival there. The later was holding then a set of new clothes.
“You might want to get dressed. We got an audience with the King.”
“The King? The same one that placed us here? That’s noble of the King.” Galahad was arrogant then. Percival nodded and then he added more to his earlier words.
“There are foods served.” That tempted Galahad to take up the offer. He was tired of bread and water.
Of the water, Belvedere looked to the man he was saved after a long search but Merlin was still in his deep sleep. He had returned to the cavern and searched it once more. He found the tunnel and from there he found the sea front opening that was captivating with the view there. He looked hard at the place and it was then he found the druid hanging upside down on the sea wall. He was ten feet below the edge and his limbs were held by the stones that formed manacles on him.  He was naked but he was untouched by the predators that at the sea shores.
Belvedere fetched the needed tools before he descended with the rope. He lowered down and then began his task of chipping of the manacles. It was a lengthy task given the condition. He managed to free the druid before he took him up to safety. Once there, Belvedere tried to resuscitate he druid but the later remained in the deep sleep.
“Wake up, druid. Arthur asked for you.” That was the first time Belvedere spoke of the name Arthur. He had been reporting to Arthur but the later was fixated on the war with Rome. He had listened to Belvedere but not acted on it. It frustrated Belvedere and just before coming to see the druid that day he lost his patience with Arthur.
“Hear me out, my King. Merlin lies there….” Belvedere was stopped by Arthur.
“I knew Merlin long before you did. He is …unavailable to us and he is useless in the coming war. Take care of him until he wakes up. Or not.” Arthur told the knight. “I will be riding out soon to fight my previous masters.”
Belvedere sighed and then proceeded to return to the cavern when he met the monk in the corridor. The monk stopped him and then told him of a cure.
“Tell Merlin, that Arthur needs him.” The monk told Belvedere. Those words were repeated by him to the druid. It took not more than seconds when the druid’s limbs moved ever slightly but it was a responsive sign.
“Thank the Gods, the druid is coming back.” It was not explained but then in Merlin’s mind, he was still seated at his workplace doing his task. When he heard the name Arthur, his mind snapped then and before he knew it he found himself on the bedding.
“Good day, druid. You have slept for some time now.”
So was the knight known as Lancelot. For some reasons, he did not return directly into Camelot. He skirted the castle and avoided the villages. Nor did he return to Castle Joyous. He hung around the forest and off trail paths. He was not sure how he will react if he sees Guinevere. He thought he had forgotten her but when he heard of her imprisonment he went berserk but when he was near the castle, he veered off. His presence was however sighted by some and reported to Arthur.
“Let him be. I have issues to contend with the coming war. I heard Rome had marched to Gaul.” Arthur ignored the report. He had his own issues with Lancelot and her alleged affairs with the knight. He turned to Mordred who stood there in the hall.
“Tell me, Mordred. How fare your … ally with the Romans?” Arthur was cynical in his question. “Before you reply, how many of your army will join mine?”
“I have send words to recruit five thousands to assist you. They will meet you at Camlann.” Mordred in his armours replied to the King. “If I may request to you that I will stay at Camelot to protect it. I have my relatives here. And more to it, Camelot is the home to my mother.”
“Camelot? Camelot is not of your concern. Camelot will be guarded by my… knights.’ Arthur told the other off. “You can meet me at Camlann with your knights.”
It was then a voice spoke out. All turned to look and saw it was Merlin held up by Belvedere.
“Mordred is needed here.” Merlin struggled to stay upright and was offered a chair. Arthur approached the druid and quizzed him on his disappearance.
“You heard right on it. I was suspended upright for days before Belvedere rescued me. You have a war and Camelot….need a guardian. Mordred can be that.”
“Why Mordred? Why not Lancelot?” Arthur asked. “Why not Belvedere?”
“Arthur, you have to hear me. I have been with you and my advice helped you many times. Hear me thie one time if it’s the last one you will ever listen.” Merlin stared at the King. He staggered on his chair and asked to be return to his cavern. He then stood up and looked at Belvedere.
“You will stay with the King.” Merlin told Belvedere before he staggered out. He then took his way by himself to the cavern. Once there, Merlin staggered to the working table and retrieved the volume with the marked page. He looked up the spell there and recited it once more.
It was a protective spell that will contain the demons in the castle.
Camelot needed protection.
So was the City of Sarras. Galahad was brought out of the dungeon and addressed to the assembled in the hall. The one missing was the King then.
“Sir Galahad, King Escorant is dead. His last words were to release you.” The priest told the knight. “Yu are to replace the King.”
Once that was mentioned, the assembled then prostrated before Galahad With that Galahad was appointed to be the King. His first command was to release the other knights. The words out then upon his coronation were the King will protect the city and the Grail.

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