Sunday, April 30, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 114

"Mother, Arthur army is still bigger than mine. I cannot fight him in a straight fight. His knights are there with him." Modred asked his mother in a cautious tone when he was back in Gaul. “The Procurator of Rome had declared war on Camelot. I have news that two Legions will march Gaul before they cross over to Camelot.”
Each Legion made up of ten cohorts with about five thousand men. Normally the Legion was reinforced by the auxiliaries who were of mercenaries that could run up to three thousand per legion. There was the Eques Legionis which were horsemen who acted as scouts and messengers. They numbered about a hundred and twenty figures per legion.
"I have made arrangement. When we were in Camelot; there is a treasure chest which I had shipped out two days ago." Morgana walked up to her son and hugged him. "The coins would buy you a new column that would come to assist you.  But for now, you will ride to Arthur as his ally."
“Ally? I thought we were to fight him.” Mordred protested but the mother explained.
“We will not battle Arthur but we will protect Camelot. The treasure chest is worth more than we can hold even here. You will go there to protect it while Arthur battled the Romans. Whoever wins the battle will be weakened.”
Mordred thought of the strategy deployed by his mother. He nodded and then went to retrieve his knights. Gaul held an army that was huge and the years of feeding it was taking its toll on the kingdom treasury. He needed to fight the war or faced a revolt soon. He then saw his trusted friend and fellow knight; Morbius. The later was an elderly knight with years of battle experiences and was once attached to a Roman unit. He was also associated with the Procurator Lucius.
“I want you to visit your old friend. Tell him that he have free passage on the fringe of the land towards the sea to cross over to Camelot.” Mordred gave the task to this friend. “Then watch their strength.”
While three lands were massing their people for a war that was coming, in Sarras, Galahad looked out of the high wall opening from his imprisoned chamber. He was isolated from his companions and he knew not their faith. It had been over three seasons and all he had met were the wardens.  He did not turned to look when the doorway was opened.
“Please place the tray there.” Galahad was surprised that there was no sound of his request. He turned and saw Percival there. The later was holding then a set of new clothes.
“You might want to get dressed. We got an audience with the King.”
“The King? The same one that placed us here? That’s noble of the King.” Galahad was arrogant then. Percival nodded and then he added more to his earlier words.
“There are foods served.” That tempted Galahad to take up the offer. He was tired of bread and water.
Of the water, Belvedere looked to the man he was saved after a long search but Merlin was still in his deep sleep. He had returned to the cavern and searched it once more. He found the tunnel and from there he found the sea front opening that was captivating with the view there. He looked hard at the place and it was then he found the druid hanging upside down on the sea wall. He was ten feet below the edge and his limbs were held by the stones that formed manacles on him.  He was naked but he was untouched by the predators that at the sea shores.
Belvedere fetched the needed tools before he descended with the rope. He lowered down and then began his task of chipping of the manacles. It was a lengthy task given the condition. He managed to free the druid before he took him up to safety. Once there, Belvedere tried to resuscitate he druid but the later remained in the deep sleep.
“Wake up, druid. Arthur asked for you.” That was the first time Belvedere spoke of the name Arthur. He had been reporting to Arthur but the later was fixated on the war with Rome. He had listened to Belvedere but not acted on it. It frustrated Belvedere and just before coming to see the druid that day he lost his patience with Arthur.
“Hear me out, my King. Merlin lies there….” Belvedere was stopped by Arthur.
“I knew Merlin long before you did. He is …unavailable to us and he is useless in the coming war. Take care of him until he wakes up. Or not.” Arthur told the knight. “I will be riding out soon to fight my previous masters.”
Belvedere sighed and then proceeded to return to the cavern when he met the monk in the corridor. The monk stopped him and then told him of a cure.
“Tell Merlin, that Arthur needs him.” The monk told Belvedere. Those words were repeated by him to the druid. It took not more than seconds when the druid’s limbs moved ever slightly but it was a responsive sign.
“Thank the Gods, the druid is coming back.” It was not explained but then in Merlin’s mind, he was still seated at his workplace doing his task. When he heard the name Arthur, his mind snapped then and before he knew it he found himself on the bedding.
“Good day, druid. You have slept for some time now.”
So was the knight known as Lancelot. For some reasons, he did not return directly into Camelot. He skirted the castle and avoided the villages. Nor did he return to Castle Joyous. He hung around the forest and off trail paths. He was not sure how he will react if he sees Guinevere. He thought he had forgotten her but when he heard of her imprisonment he went berserk but when he was near the castle, he veered off. His presence was however sighted by some and reported to Arthur.
“Let him be. I have issues to contend with the coming war. I heard Rome had marched to Gaul.” Arthur ignored the report. He had his own issues with Lancelot and her alleged affairs with the knight. He turned to Mordred who stood there in the hall.
“Tell me, Mordred. How fare your … ally with the Romans?” Arthur was cynical in his question. “Before you reply, how many of your army will join mine?”
“I have send words to recruit five thousands to assist you. They will meet you at Camlann.” Mordred in his armours replied to the King. “If I may request to you that I will stay at Camelot to protect it. I have my relatives here. And more to it, Camelot is the home to my mother.”
“Camelot? Camelot is not of your concern. Camelot will be guarded by my… knights.’ Arthur told the other off. “You can meet me at Camlann with your knights.”
It was then a voice spoke out. All turned to look and saw it was Merlin held up by Belvedere.
“Mordred is needed here.” Merlin struggled to stay upright and was offered a chair. Arthur approached the druid and quizzed him on his disappearance.
“You heard right on it. I was suspended upright for days before Belvedere rescued me. You have a war and Camelot….need a guardian. Mordred can be that.”
“Why Mordred? Why not Lancelot?” Arthur asked. “Why not Belvedere?”
“Arthur, you have to hear me. I have been with you and my advice helped you many times. Hear me thie one time if it’s the last one you will ever listen.” Merlin stared at the King. He staggered on his chair and asked to be return to his cavern. He then stood up and looked at Belvedere.
“You will stay with the King.” Merlin told Belvedere before he staggered out. He then took his way by himself to the cavern. Once there, Merlin staggered to the working table and retrieved the volume with the marked page. He looked up the spell there and recited it once more.
It was a protective spell that will contain the demons in the castle.
Camelot needed protection.
So was the City of Sarras. Galahad was brought out of the dungeon and addressed to the assembled in the hall. The one missing was the King then.
“Sir Galahad, King Escorant is dead. His last words were to release you.” The priest told the knight. “Yu are to replace the King.”
Once that was mentioned, the assembled then prostrated before Galahad With that Galahad was appointed to be the King. His first command was to release the other knights. The words out then upon his coronation were the King will protect the city and the Grail.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Arthur The Legand and Myth Chapter 113

Agravain set the tray of food on the table as it was always set there. He looked around the chamber and could not find the Queen. She may have stepped out for a walk for Arthur had released the confinement terms for her. The King himself was also busy with the preparation of war with Rome once more. Arthur was meeting his allies and asking for their support with him if the war was to begin. He had heard that not all were keen to battle Rome for they were at peace for too long and more to it, Rome was not a threat to them then.
The knight took one last look at the chamber and then spied on a piece of the Queen’s personal attire. It was her chemise and was discarded on the flooring. He reached for it and took a sniff at it. It held the Queen’s scent and somehow excited him. He was after all a man with needs and the absence of Morgan Le Fay had made him ever anxious. He had adhered to her commands that he get close to Guinevere, which he had then was her confidante of news on Arthur and the other sisters. She grieved the death of Morgause but she disliked Morgan for  she believed the other half sister was a witch.
“Witch?” Agravian smiled to himself. In his mind, Morgan was more like a vixen than a witch. He admitted that he was swayed by her beauty but not by her but all the sisters including Guinevere. They were all beautiful in their own way. He was then entranced by Guinevere whom he initially thought he could just spy on her but the moments of talks have given him a new look at her. She was lonely and did not loved the King no more. She loved someone more but she won’t disclose his name. He had suspected that it was Lancelot but to tell that to the Queen was a breach of trust.
Guinevere was not young anymore but she held herself well in the looks. Agravain soon find himself attracted to her and to some stage, willing to defend her but he knew it was a foolish game. He was from Gaul and yet she was the Queen
“I shall keep this.” Agravian tucked the flimsy material into his tunic. He felt the material on his belly and it stirred him then. He removed the material and looked at it. He knew that Queen or the maid may look for it and could cause some inconvenience then.  He was to replace the material when the maid came in. Her first reaction was to scream then and it brought the others into the chamber. Agravain still holding the chemise dropped it but he was too late. He was confronted and accused of stealing the chemise.
“I did not steal it. I was …given it.” That was the statement that soon seen him to be dragged to the dungeon and the Queen once more in the mind of the knights and servants.
“She is an adulteress.” With the war with Rome on his mind Arthur had no choice but to confine the Queen into her chamber while Agravain was banished. He had his say at the Hall.
“I am innocent of the act. I did not steal the chemise. I was …given it by the Queen.” That statement rocked the assembled there and misgivings between the Gaul and the others deepen.
“You will be banished from Camelot. I will hear nothing more of it.” Arthur gave the command and then Agravain was sent off. He was carried out but just before he left, Agravain shouted out.
“I love Guinevere as my Queen.” Those words drew the ire of the knights and three of them stepped out to challenge Agravain. They pushed the escorting guards and attacked Agravain. The later was not armed then for he was under imprisonment then.
“I …” Agravain ducked from the dagger thrust into his face but he was outnumbered. The second attacker had him in the arms lock while the third attacker thrust the dagger into his neck at the front. It was to maim him of his voice while another thrust reached his heart. Agravain fell to the flooring once his arms were released. His attackers were set on by the others and soon the numbers swelled to twenty before the guards stopped the fight. By then Agravain was dead but his declaration of love was an accusation of treason on the Queen.
“I will be in my chamber.” Arthur told the others. He ignored the stares directed at him.
It was then Galahad heard the declaration that his journey had come to an end. He was in Sarras. He saw them then the other boat that arrived. It was the one that bore Dinadrine’s body. It had sailed there on its own accord and arrived at the same time. He was to step over to the other boat but he was intercepted by the priests there.
“Sir Galahad, you may place the Grail on the litter provided here.” The litter was carried by Galahad and the other knights with the others following it in a procession towards the castle at Sarras. The body of Dindraine followed suit but it was directed to where a tomb was readied for her. When they approached the castle the patron of it was King Escorant.
“Who are you and what is that?” King Escorant asked.
“I am Sir Galahad from Camelot and that is the Grail.” That was enough for them to held imprisonment with the King accusing them of blasphemy and piracy. The knights were all sent to the dungeons while the Grail restored to the altar at Sarras.
We are all victims of accusations based on words uttered in malice or anger. Lancelot was no exception. He was in the tavern when he heard the conversation of a trader to the inn keeper.
“The Queen is in the dungeons. She was involved with some knight” The trader spoke freely when the goblet was refilled. “It’s not her first. She was once involved with another name Lancelot.”
“She is a slut.” The inn keeper added to the words. “I have seen them before. My last wife was the same until I kicked her out. What’s her name again?”
“Guinevere.” That name resounded inside Lancelot’s head. He looked over and then walked over. Soon the two other men were on the flooring and Lancelot riding off in anger.
“I am coming, Guinevere.”
So were the Romans.
“The insolent cur!” Lucius Hiberius, the Roman Procurator slammed his fist on the table displacing the scrolls and the inking tablet. He was a thin figure in the toga favoured by the Romans but his real attire which was the uniform of the legionnaire hung close at the wall. He rubbed his left hand over his semi bald head before he stared at the Centurion standing there..
“I want the Legions ready to march on Camelot. No one dismissed the Empire even though he is the King of Camelot. I want the X and XI ready by the next moon.” Lucius gave him command. “And King Arthur’s head brought to me for display in Rome.”
“Procurator, Arthur had once stopped our Legion. He was …”
“One of us and that made him a traitor. He does not deserve the scroll of free citizenship.” The procurator looked to the Centurion. “Tell me of the Gaul. I heard that they are no more allies.”
“It was rumoured that there were conflicts but they were there at the hall. I did not see their leaders but I would assume Mordred was at Camelot.” The Centurion reported.
Mordred was not at the hall when Agravain was killed but he was nearby. He had waited at the abbey for his knights to return then. They rode in and then approached their leader.
“We have the traitor killed.” The knights reported to Mordred. The later nodded and then took to return with his knight to Gaul. They have a war to prepare for. It was also for Belvedere for his task as if he was at war. He found no one who could assist him and everywhere he turned to was a dead end for the whereabouts of Merlin.
“I hear you been looking for Merlin.” The voice trailed towards Belvedere when he stood at the tavern doorway. He was to exit it after a refreshing meal and then he looked at the side for the voice.

“I am Friar Tuck.” The monk there stood in the corner. He was holding a staff to balance his body when he walked. “Merlin is not dead but he needed rescue. Are you Belvedere?”
The friar did not wait for the reply and continued.
“Merlin is in the cavern but his life is perilous.” With that Belvedere took to his horse and galloped for Camelot. It did not occur to him to ask who the friar was nor did he ask of the cavern. It was as if he knew then all those answers.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 112

Arthur received news that Galahad had found the Grail. The messenger did not state the obvious that Galahad was taking the Grail to Sarras for he feared his life may depend on what he tells the King then. Arthur rejoiced at the news had called for a celebration among his knights and vassals. He sent out scouts to the far lands to call upon his allies to come to Camelot to rejoiced in the celebrations.
“Make sure no one is left out. Even the Gauls are invited.”
And so began the preparation then for the grant feast since Arthur took the reign. There were the few who did not join in like Merlin.
Merlin sat by himself in the cavern watching the beach from his vantage point at the opening there on the cliff walls where he once crawled through the tunnel. He looked to the breaking horizon and the waves that reached the cliff walls. They came in with great force and yet they were hampered by their movement with the stone wall stopping their progress. Even the winds there howled their grievances at the wall but the cliff wall stood upright and ignored their pleas. He knew in time, the wind and sea will win over the cliff walls but it may be an eternity before the walls would collapse.
“Lions were like the cliff walls that withstood the dragons were like the winds and the sea. Both were stout to the challenge but one had to give way. The lions were formidable but they were facing an enemy with the vast numbers then. The lions soon gave way when their strength gave way to the onslaught.” Merlin muttered to himself. He looked at the cliff wall, and then he sighed.
“You were not against one foe but two like the Lions. There were the dragons and then there were the Gods. They came from both sides; the high winds were the Gods armies and the sea from the dragon. You were strong but your downfall was your arrogance. You should have not fought your foes together but on your terms.”
It was then Merlin stood up and smiled. He had a vision then. He had foreseen the coming danger to Arthur. He must warn the King. He returned to his inner cavern and was surprised by the presence of a knight with one other dressed in a dark robe.
“Druid!” Merlin called out before he rushed to the working table. The other druid lashed out with a spell which a streak of fire hit towards Merlin. The later felt the magical flame hit him on his left forearm. The flame when struck burned at his soul and yet it was unmarked on his flesh. Merlin reached out for the bag on the table. He reached in the bag and drew out the small dagger. He called on the spell that drove the dagger on its own flight from his hand into the knight and then into the druid. The knight fell to his knees clutching his neck where the dagger sliced open the air passages but when it thrust into the druid’s chest it drew out no blood but a dark liquid. The dagger then fell to the flooring as if it was an inert item.
“Demon’s blood!” Merlin cursed at the one he thought was a druid. He reached into the bag and drew out the vial of liquid which he tossed at the other. The vial broke on impact at the chest and then it exploded into a fiery flame of multitude of shades. The demon screamed out in pain before it dissipated into the ashes.
Merlin pulled himself up and wondered how the demon could have reached him through the magical protection screen. Those were powerful spells and yet it had been breached. He then discovered the answer but it did not protect him.
“Morgan Le Fay…” The words came of Merlin’s mouth but then he also felt the thrust of the feather tip into his back. It will not kill him but made him immobile then.
“You were never one to look behind and it will be your downfall.” Merlin was not to join in the celebration then when he collapsed on the flooring. Morgan Le Fay smiled at her task and took leave of the druid. In the hall, most of the knights were in their joyous with few that were eyeing the round table. It stood empty except for Sir Kay and Tristam with a new addition named Sir Belvedere. The later was recently appointed by Arthur and took his seat reserved for Lancelot.
“The knight is at Lancelot’s” The muttering was among them and then they noticed that the Queen was not present. The conclusion then was there was an issue with the two but none dare to voice it. It should not have been for Guinevere was confined to her chamber while Lancelot was still out on the quest. If only it was made known that Lancelot was afar from Camelot then on his own quest. He was in search for his sou as to why he could not be on the final path of the journey with Galahad. His denial was his sins that he had committed but to him it was not a sin to love one another even though the other was not his to hold.
“How fare the Queen, Agravain? I hear you got the task to guard her chamber.” Agravain heard the call and smiled at the one who spoke. He was walking among the knights there with no intention to seat himself. He had to put up the show that he was there when all he wanted then was to be at the chamber. It was not a difficult task for none of the knights will attempt to hurt the Queen despite the earlier calls that she poisoned one of them. Once the rumours simmered to mere gestures of nodding and shaking movement of the heads, Guinevere was soon forgotten. That was what they had hoped but Agravain was diligent in his task. He stood guard over the Queen like an obedient canine without a flinch on any distractions. The knight made his way out of the hall and then along the corridor towards the Queen.
“My Queen, it’s me Agravain.” The knight stood at the door. “I brought you food. It was from the celebration in the Hall. You were …no invited so I brought you the food.”
The door to the chamber opened and the knight went in. If only all the invited were as courteous with their manner. Soon after Agravain left the Hall, an entourage of six figures stepped into the hall and walked past the knights towards Arthur. They were dressed in the Roman’s attire of the Legionnaire. They were led by one that was dressed with the rank of Centurion.
“I am  …” The Centurion was jeered and booed by some of the knights there with expletives and insults.
“Why are you here, Roman? You were thrashed by us before and are you returning for more. We can add more to the thrashing. We can raid Rome like the barbarians. “
The Centurion ignored the knights and then looked at Arthur. The tall officer reached for the plume on his head piece before he spoke.
“I am ..Centurion Tibers. I came wth the message from Lucius Hiberius, the Roman Procurator. This is the message from the Procurator.”
“Stuff your Rome.” A knight stood up to voice his view but Arthur stopped the protest with his right hand raised.
“The Procurator demands the return of Gaul and your lands will pay Rome tributes.”
When Arthur heard the demands, he stood up and then hollered at the Centurion.
“The tributes I will pay to Rome will be Lucius Hiberius and he will be a dead weight in gold.” Arthur told the Centurion. “Now be off my land without a step back or it will be your last look.”
The Romans took the warning with anger but they left the hall. Arthur turned to the knights that to continue the celebrations. He then left the hall to seek Merlin but the druid was not in the cavern. He then asked the servants to find Merlin and later he bumped into Beldevere, his new knight.
“I need to find Merlin. You will find him.”
“I will, my King.” Belvedere was unsure of how to address Arthur then but by the formal mode. He was also unknown to Merlin whom he had seen but never spoken. The knight was a square shouldered figure standing tall in his armour and on his belt was the family heirloom sword. He was not of any royalty yet his family had served with them for ages. His sword was from his grandfather and given by the Lord of the House then. His family had fought for the House for two generation before he joined the other knights at Camelot. He was told by his dying father to serve Arthur.
It was the task he needed to do. So was the one that Galahad had to perform. He wanted to die when he had delivered the Grail.
“Why did you pray for death? Why must you die? You had done a great deed when you retrieved the Grail. It showed you to be a good person. A rare person that with the purity in the heart and blessed with kindness.” Percival stared at the other who was prostrated at the altar. They have retrieved the Grail and was on the way to Sarras to where it will find its rightful home. The place was out of the island and into the main continent. With the journey hampered by the open sea, they have to take the ship and one was assigned to them. It was a unique ship for it was not huge but it housed an altar inside the ship hull. It was there the Grail was placed on table besides the altar. Galahad had been at the altar most times except mealtime. Percival was adamant on seeking redemption for his sins so he joined the other but the words he heard disturbed him.
“You do not …..understand.” Galahad replied. “I have seen the Grail. I was not to bring it back but I am to be with it. I will be with the Grail upon the completion of the task. It’s the task for me.”

“You are….” Percival held his words. “But ain’t we all at times needed to perform a task,” 

Arthur: The Legend and Myth Chapter 111

Corbenic was a legendary place where even more legends were supposed to take place there. There was a maiden trapped in a boiling cauldron, dragons and hidden traps. The castle was unique for it was protected by a series of bridges; perilous to those who chose to intrude on the castle and there was the set of two stone lions at the gate. The castle was described by many but none spoken of it was similar in description. The description told here was that of the view of Galahad
It looked like a square tower of dark stone, flanked by two towers with the main hall in the centre with the huge courtyard and the moat that surrounded it with the single drawbridge that was drawn up like a standing monument by the moat. The drawbridge was unguarded and yet it will work on its own will when it decides to lower for whoever was allowed in. The moat was wide and looked deep despite the still in the water. It was rumoured that the moat was alike the depths of Hades where below its surface, the raging fires of Hell where the fallen souls will be imprisoned for eons. There was a stand small chapel which was reputed to house the remains of Joseph of Armathea. He was the man who took Jesus body from the cross and then buried him.
The location of the castle was vague for it was located in a valley where no vegetation that ringed it but the rim of the valley was hidden by the thick forest and trees to a wider radius. Its access for the curious and braver but even the stout could be made to stray and their quest seems hopeless.
That was not for Galahad and his entourage found that trail without any trouble. On their trail, they found the trees and the shrubs moved for the knights and then it closed upon their crossing. Once they have cleared the forest, they reached the valley slope which they descended with little difficulty for trails as if the path was carved out in the stones and sands. A boulder may be moved and then returned to its previous spot upon their crossing. It was unnerving then but the knights moved on.
Then they came to the moat and the drawbridge was lowered from the other side. The bridge was made of woods and it was wide for four riders but yet the call came from the other side stopped the knights
“There is no braver and pure in the heart like the one I see before me.” The figure stood there alone dressed in a flowing red robe over the white tunic that reached the knees and his feet were covered in the woven sandals. He held no weapons and yet he appeared formidable. Those were the images of true King and he was one.

“I am King Pelles.” The so named King greeted the knights. “Only Galahad and Percival may cross the bridge. The others may stay at the Chapel but wander not on your own.”
The two anointed knights took their ride onto the bridge and it was then Percival saw the struggling souls in the moat. The souls there were reaching for him but they could not reach him above the surface. They reached the other figure across the moat.
“Let me introduce myself once more. I am King Pelles.” The figure was joined by three others from the castle. “These are my families. My son, Elyezer, my niece and my father, Pellam. He is also known as the Maimed King. He drew that sword when it was not his to do so.”
King Pelles indicated to the sword on Galahad. The knights were then invited into the castle and to dine at the hall. There was more than food and drinks served then for Elyezer in midway of the feast came in bearing a wide plate with a sword that was broken in half at the blade. He was escorted by nine knights who then introduced themselves as from Gaul. Galahad and Percival took caution but they were explained by Eleyzer of the knights’ intentions.
“These nine knights are not your adversaries as per your fear. They are the servants of the Grail like you but their role was to protect you.” Eleyzer told Galahad. “Not all that see are the as per what you think. Not everyone is a foe although they come from that land. Not all the Romans are enemies except those who place themselves as one.”
“Like this sword. Its blade broken in half and only the favoured may mend it. Like yourself, who are to try at it.” Galahad reached for the sword and held both the blade piece. He placed it at the edge to join it but it did not work. He then placed the broken end onto the plate. He then slid the blade with the hilt from the broken edge towards the end. When he slid the blade over the other, the hilt quivered while it slide. The broken edge then reached the end where the broken ends met, the pieces of the blade quivered like the hilt and then the blades began to join up as if it was mending.
“The sword is mended.” The voice came from across the hall, and it belonged to a figure dressed in a lng robe and held the same plate that brought in the broken sword.
“My name is Josephus, son of Joseph of Armathea. “Before me is the Grail.”
The knights looked at the plate and saw the so named Grail on it. It was a round plate carved from wood and on its sides were the signs of the Angels.
“It must be returned to its rightful home. Take it him to Sarras outside of the lands here.” Josephus spoke to Galahad.
In Camelot, the castle was no longer the home for Guinevere.
“The Queen poisoned the drink.” The call was heard by all from the gathered. Some rushed to her but Arthur had his personal guards to protect her. He had asked that she be escorted back to the chamber. He then calmed the gathered with sides formed on several views. He then dismissed the knights and then approached Guinevere.
“What did you do?” Arthur shouted at her. “Do you know the knight you poisoned was one of my closest allies?” Guinevere was to reply when Arthur raised his voice once more.
“Bitch! Tell me or swear to God I will kill you myself.” Arthur glared at her. “You are like your sisters. All bitches to the core.”
Guinevere looked back at the man she had loved. He had accused her of a crime which she was not involved and yet he had not waited for her reply. He was no different from those accusers in the hall. She decided to keep her silence and then turned away.
“Speak to me, bitch.” Arthur lost his composure there and approached Guinevere. He grabbed her left arm but it hurt her. She reacted with her hands clawing at his face. Arthur stepped back holding his left cheek with the scratched mark.
“You were always the vixen.” Arthur then lashed out with his right hand at her face. Soon as he hit her, he regretted his action.  Guinevere retreated from the slap and then she pushed past him to reach her bedding. She reached for the dagger she kept there. She levelled it at Arthur.
“Come any close and I will kill you.” Arthur turned to leave the chamber and met a knight standing there. He confronted the knight.
“”I am Agravain.” The knight replied.
“Stand guard here. No one leaves or enter the chamber. Those are my orders.”
Orders were what Galahad took when he held the Grail in his hands. He was unsure of what to make of the Grail. He was expecting something more presentable or ingrained with jewels and stones but of wood that was really baffling then.
“Sarras was formerly a Saracen city but it was converted by the King then who was friendly to Joseph and myself. When the King left the city for a journey to this land with the Grail, the city without the King then reverted to its previous practice of Paganism.” Josephus continued on his words. “The Grail will bring them back to the correct ways when it’s returned home.”
“Arthur asked to see the Grail. For me to complete my tasks, I must bring it to Camelot.” Galahad replied.
“And you shall not. The Grail had outlived its purpose here. It must be returned to restore the spirit and faith in it. Once it’s done, the Grail will emit its influence over to all. It’s Sarras the home for the Grail.”
Back in Camelot, Guinevere heard the door latch opened.
“My Queen, I am here to serve you your meals.” The knight stepped in.

“Come and sit with me, Agravian. I am in need of company.” Guinevere told the knight. “Agravian, you may call me Guinevere.”

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Arthur: The legend and myth Chapter 110

The entourage of Galahad soon reached a castle by the river, and they were attacked with arrows by its habitants. The knights blocked the attack and Galahad called for a reprisal then. The knights broke through the castle gates and then defeated the inhabitants. Their master who was a lady pleaded with Galahad to spare her servants.
“They were acting on my command. I am suffering from the sickness of the skin. They were helping me to cure of it with the maiden’s blood collected on the goblet. It may not cure me but it will ease the pain.” The lady explained. “We are no more with any maiden to give and when they saw your boat with the lady, they did what was expected.”
Galahad took sympathy on the lady and then told the knights to fetch Dindraine. When the later offered her blood to the lady, she was then told that ‘if you do so, you may die’.
Dindraine looked at the lady and then she decided to help.
“If my death will ease your pain, then let it be.” Dindraine replied. “I am at ease to meet my maker for I have done my task.”
Galahad protested to the sacrifice but Dindraine pushed aside the protest.
“All of us know when the time is to go. You will one day.” Dindraine replied. “Have no fear of it.”
With that, Dindraine cut herself on the left wrist to tickle the blood from her body into the goblet. Once she was done, she gave one last look at Galahad.
“Find me in Sarras.” Dindraine told Galahad and then she drew her last breath. Then her body was placed on the boat and then floated down the river.
It was also then when Arthur learned of the death of Morgause. He was enraged by the news that her death was by Lamorak who was also her lover. He faced the two knights who told him that but he was later told that Mordred was on his way to Camelot.
“No, Sire. He rides alone and sought the head of Lamorak to avenge his Queen.” Arthur turned to the two brothers after he was told.
“I hold no remorse for Lamorak’ death but bear with me, if any of you have done it let me know now or later it will come with punishments.”
“No, Arthur. We tell you the truth here.” Gawain replied. “We chanced on the act by Lamorak and witnessed to it.”
Arthur accepted their words when they returned to Camelot.
“Lamorak will be hunted for the murder of the Morgause.” The brothers wanted to leave for Ceredig but Arthuis asked that they stay for a while.
“I am in need of knights. Good ones that I can trust.”
Outside of Camelot in the forest area, Lamorak sat by himself watching the falling leaves> He recalled the event soon after Morgause was beheaded. He had approached Gawain then to a battle but Gaheris stopped it.
“Lamorak, fight no more. You have sinned with the act of yours. Mordred will not allow this to come to past. He will demand your life for it. Gaul will fight us.” Gaheris reasoned with the other. “Lives will be lost.”
“What of yours? You think Mordred will forgive you if he knew.” Lamorak confronted the other. “We are both doomed.”
“Then I will seek forgiveness from Arthur.” Gaheris replied. “Arthur may not punished us for Mordred is his enemy.”
“You are a fool! Morgause is the Queen of Gaul. You killed a Queen.” Lamorak then left the brothers. He did not go back to Camelot but took refuge in the far lands.
“You lied to Arthur, Gawain. Why?” Gaheris asked his brother when they were out of the castle.
“I did it to protect you as brothers should do. Now we will hunt Lamorak and seal the matter.” Gawain told his brother. “You will listen to me. We will cover each other.”
It was the then his first lie by Gawain. For others there were more lie’s than they can remembered.
“Mordred, you will not declare war on Arthur. Not yet.” Morgan Le Fay told her son. “The war will be soon but not now.”
Mordred right hand grasped the hilt of the sword at his belt letting his anger flowed from there to the sword. His mother taught him that when angry it sometimes you can direct it by controlling your emotions like onto the sword for it’s innate. He recalled that he told his mother then that the sword have a lifeform of its own.
“I wished I have Exacalibur. That is a sword worth holding. It’s a sword made for the King.” Mordred was upset then. King Lot held not special weapon and he was without one.
“Mordred, you do not need one. You are the weapon of choice.” Morgan told him. “Believe in yourself and you will win them all.”
That was a lie but mothers do that sometimes to make their son’s believe in them. Or themselves.
Lamorak have many friends among the knights and one was Sir Pinel de Savage. He was a mercenary and loved a good fight any day. He had found that spirit in Lamorak and they grew closer.
“I do not believe Lamorak will kill that bitch. He was fucking her. Why would he kill her.” Pinel lashed out his thoughts to the others. “I am unconvinced that on his part.”
“Are you saying that the brothers killed her?” One of the knights asked Pinel.
“I will avenge for him. I will kill the brothers. There is a dinner to be held at Hall when Arthur’s celebrate the victory of King Badon. He will invite all the knights.”
The dinner was held later that week, and all the knights were there including Guinevere. She was seated next to Arthur looking forlorn. She had not smiled for some years then and even on such occasions she kept herself alone. The servants brought out the food and drinks. It was an occasion to celebrate but the form of celebration came in many forms.
“You kicked my chair.” That was a simple act but when faced by drunkards who lived their lives fighting it was an open invitation to fight. Such were the nature of the knights then. They were no more the bonds of kinship when Arthur first founded the round table. The King himself called his trusted knights to stop the fight. One was Sir Kay who was older then but he never ducked from a fight. Even one he was to stop. He went in with his fist lashing at the fighting horde and broke a few bones. In the midst of fighting Pinel approached the round table and looked for Gawain’s seat. He found it and saw the other was with Sir Kay stopping a fight. He took the potion from his belt and slipped it into the goblet there.
“The fight is over.” Gawain staggered back to his seat. He sat there to drew his breath. “It was not like before when we were younger.”
Gawain then reached for his goblet with his fingers firmed on it, he raised a toast towards Sir Kay.
“To our better days.” Gawain took the goblet up but he was stopped by another. The knight was new to them but he was there to prove a point.
“I will drink that.” The knight took the goblet and drank the content. He tossed the goblet to the flooring and then froths appeared from around his lips. He tried to speak but no sound came. He then toppled backwards to sprawl onto the flooring.
“Poison!” The knight shouted out. He was Pinel. “It was the Queen. She poisoned him.”
Lies are made to be believed by others.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Arthur; The Legand and Myth Chapter 109

The entourage of Sir Galahad with the knights rode along the river and then they came upon a boat that was docked there. There was a banner by the boat that said ‘only the deserving can reach the Grail.’
A lady appeared on the river bank and spoke to the knights.
“Only the deserving ones may board the boat to seek the Grail.” The lady looked to the knights. “My name is Dindraine. I am the guardian of the boat that will take you on the journey to seek the Grail.”
Dindraine looked again to the knights and then she stopped at Percival.
“Your faith is in questioned and if you board the boat you may not returned.” Dindraine then looked at Lancelot. “Your faith is stained. You may not board the boat. Your journey ends here. Return to Camelot.”
“My faith is not to be questioned. I have being through the trials and worthy in my name.” Percival challenged the lady and took his step onto the boat. Dindrane stopped him there and then she cautioned him once more.
“You may die and not return to Camelot.” Percival ignored her and proceeded onto the boat followed by Galahad and the other three knights he had selected. Lancelot stayed behind on the river bank.
“I am not coming on. I will return to Camelot with the other knights.” Lancelot told Percival. “Have a good journey and bring back the Grail.”
Percival was to protest but he gave in then. Dindraine then took her turn to board the boat. She led them into the boat and into the boat interior. They found a large bed that was surrounded by three wooden bed posts. It was not the posts that amused the knights but the sword in the scabbard on the bedding. The sword was inscribed with words from the hilt to the blade and also on the scabbard. The words on it were prophesies.
“The prophecies wrote that only one knight many hold it. It also prophecies that only a virgin and of royal birth may replace the belt with a new one.”
Percival reached for it but he found the sword not suited to him. He held it firm and yet it slipped from his hand. He gave up and others tried but none could hold it. When Galahad was not keen to own another sword but he was drawn to it. He held the scabbard with his left hand and then held the hilt with the right hand. Once he had his right hand on the hilt, he picked up the sword.
“The first prophesy has spoken.” Dindraine voiced out. “Now you musty fulfilled the second one.”
Dindraine then reached for the hemp belt she had woven with threads of gold and silk alongside with strands of her hair. The belt was studded with precious stones and jewels. She handed the hemp belt to Galahad.
“Please put the scabbard onto the belt.” Galahad did as he was told. It was then Dindraine told the knights of the sword.
“The sword is called the Sword of the Strange Belt while the scabbard was called the Memory of Blood. The sword was once used by King Varlan when he fought against King Lambor who was the custodian of the Grail then. Varlan killed Lambor and caused the Grail to be hidden.”
“Now that you are beholden to the sword, you will continue to your journey. The sword will direct you from now.” Dindraine told Galahad. They set sail on the boat along the river. It was a spell binding journey from the wide plains to the hills and then into the valleys. It was a pretty sight to the knights where the woes of the wars were forgotten.
If only it was that simple at Camelot.
The amorous affair of Lamorak with  Morgause took on more apparent visibility and the rumours were rife. It even reached the ears of Guinevere who then cautioned her half-sister when they met at her chamber in Camelot.
“You must be discreet.” Guinevere used her words sparingly. “I…”
“Discreet? I am not like you, Guinevere.” Morgause then mocked the half-sister. “I am the Queen and widower but I held no need to hide behind the veil of secrecy with my lover. He may be King one day.”
“You must be discreet. You are a Queen and many depended on you. How could you flirt with him when your own lands are of Gaul? What does Mordred think of your choice?”
“As much as dislike it, I am still the Queen.” Morgause replied. “He knows I am part of this land and of Gaul. So I can be who I want on these lands. After all, our lands will be one soon.”
“Hush your words, Morgause. The walls have ears.” Guinevere snapped at Morgause. She then asked the pertinent question. “What is holding your army from marching? Arthur has half his knights with him. Lancelot is away. So is Percival. And the Ceredig brothers.”
“I am not in charge of the arymy. Mordred is the one. He will decide and when he does, he will come marching here.” Morgause replied. “For me, I am just contented with my love.”
With that Morgause took off for her next rendezvous with Lamorak. She was to meet him at an old castle place that once belonged to Gawain but the later have been away for some time then.  Unknown to the lovers, the brothers were nearby.
“Gaheris, I am in need of some of own items at my castle.” Gawain rode towards the castle. It was once their home away from Ceredig. They spend a lot of great time there with rounds of celebrations. It was all fine until they went back to Ceredig and then there were no more brothers.
Only Gaheris and Gawain.
They were drawn apart for the love of some ladies.
His was Lynette and it tore Galahad away. If only Galahad only knew, Lynette was no longer with him. She had left him for a trader and he was alone.
They were all alone.
To Lamorak and Morgause they were the only persons then.
“Yes!” Lamorak moaned out while his hands held the Queen closer to his groin. Her ministrations with the tongue were the cause of his pleasure. His knees buckled when she bit him with her teeth on him. He was so engrossed with the feeling then that he did not hear the doorway to the chamber open.
“I was…” Gaheris was taken aback by the sight of the nude couple inside the Gawain’s chamber inside the castle. He drew his sword while the lady jumped off the bedding and the man took for his sword.
“Gaheris?” Lamorak remembered the younger knight. He then took to cover his body with the bedding sheets while Morgause had then struggled to get on her gown. “I was not expecting you.”
It was then Gawain stepped in and he was infuriated that the other had used his chamber for such an illicit affair. He drew his sword and approached Lamorak.
“What sins have you brought upon me? Upon my home? I ought to kill you now.” Gawain held his sword levelled at Lamorak. “You are despicable.”
“Me despicable? I will not have you call me such names.” Lamorak sprang from the bedding and crossed his sword with Gawain. “Fight me if you dare.”
Morgause in shame then had dressed and found a scarf to cover her face. She remained seated on the flooring next to the bed and watched the two men argued.
“I will fight you but the law of the land says I am to surrender you to Arthur for his punishment.” Gawain retreated and then he looked at the seated lady. “She must come with you. The King will judge the two of you.”
“No one can judged me!” Lamorak shouted out. It was then Morgause had then stood up and withdrew the dagger hidden on her gown. She then rushed at Gawain.
“Knaves! How dare you judge me?” Gawain had seen her approaching and retreated. Gaheris saw the brother in danger reacted with his sword swinging in from the outside. The blade cut into the lady on the side of her neck.

“Morgause!” Lamorak called out in pain when the head of his love fell onto the bedding. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Arthur: The Legand and Myth Chapter 108

“My tale may bore you, Lancelot but I felt the need to share it.” King Bors paced the river banks as if he was on his castle. “I had a fallout with Galahad on the journey. We argued that we must wait for Gawain but the knight was insistent on riding ahead. I volunteered to find Gawain but I found was indeed myself.”
“I chanced on a damsel in distress.” King Bors continued on. “Are we not all at one time saving some damsel in distress?”
The knight laughed at the predicament of theirs.
“I approached the lady and was told that she was disinherited by her elder sister from their land. I then to vowed to restore her rights and sought the elder one. It turned out the elder sister have a knight to protect her. His name was Sir Priadan the Black. We battled and I won. I then for the sisters together and made a vow to share their lands. I thought my quest was done and rode on but it was only beginning then.”
“I saw then my brother Lionel; he was long forgotten from us when he left to wander in the lands. He was bruised and was carried by two others in the arms. I rushed forth but another call for help was heard. It was a lady who was screaming from her captor who was intending to ravish her. Both Lionel and the lady called for my help but I was tormented then to whom shall I go to first.”
“I made my mind and saved the lady from a fate worse than death. Then I turned to Lionel but he was already dead. I bear his body to a nearby abbey for the last rites but the covered form was soon found to be empty. I was puzzled but my earlier rescued lady had offered me sanctuary at her castle. As I was tired then, I took her offer.”
“Soon after my refreshments, I was led to my chamber for the night. I was in there not too long when the lady appeared. She offered to be my lover and if I refuse she will jump off the castle walls.” King Bors then smiled. “I was thrice her age and yet she thinks I am desirable.”
The King laughed before he continued on.
“I declined and then she did leap off the castle walls. It was not her but the whole household of servants too. I was devastated by the action that I was responsible for so many deaths. I rode off form the castle and then I met the firar on the trail.”
“Son, you are safe now. That was what he said to me. You were led by the nymphs into their lair and you refused their demands. You are truly pure in your heart.”
“I was rejoiced at the words but then the friar told me where to seek my brother Lionel. I rode on and found my brother at the nearby village. He accused me of betrayal and challenged me to a duel. He fought me before I could draw my sword. I would have died then but another knight came to my aid. The knight I was later made to know was named Calogrenant died saving me. I retreated and then I heard the voice to stand down. I did from what I heard and a lightning struck my brother on his raised sword. He died by the hands of God.”
“I was to attend to my brother when the villagers offered to bury the two. I took to the trail and soon found Percival before we arrive here.”
Lancelot looked at Percival.
“I was also challenged by the nymphs but prevailed in my purity.” Percival bushed then. “I have been chaste for some time now along with my age and also I am not in need of the flesh to satiate my lust.”
The last words of Percival were directed at Lancelot who looked away then.
“We all have our challenges on this journey but my regret was that we are not to hold the Grail.” Percival sighed then. It was the friar who consoled them with better words.
“You may not hold the grail but the companions of the one who will hold it augur strength and courage to them for being part of the quest.” The friar words were received with thanks and soon then Galahad rode in with the other knights.
“You entourage is once more complete. You may ride on to seek the Grail.” The friar told them. “Stay united and all of you will be rewarded.”
The rewards of one may be a threat to another. It was how Mrogan Le fay planned her vengeance.
“I am not displeased with you but you are needed to do another task.” Morgan pulled herself from her lover and then stood up from the bedding. She stretched her body upwards with the arms raised high. It was a seductive pose for her lover to show her the length of her body. He was awake and by the sight that befell him then, he stirred to it. He rolled out of the bedding to hold her from the back. Morgan arched her back and then she whispered to him.
“You will be Guinevere’s lover for me.” Morgan told Agravain. “You will love her as you did with me.”
Agravain pulled back from her and asked for her forgiveness.
“Have I displeased you, my Lady?” Agravain went down on one knee before Morgan. She turned around and then reached down to hold his head up.
“No, you did not but I am in need of someone to love Guinevere so that she will weaken to my command.” Morgan looked into the knight’s face. “You are the one I have asked to do it. Would you do it?”
Agravain nodded to her and with that she pushed his face into her belly.
“Do me now. I command you.” There are many avenues to the lady’s desire and it does at times deserve some ministration of the tongue.
Morgause was not spared of it too. She was near to Camelot and having paid a visit to her sister Elaine, she had wandered off without her servants. She came to the lone hut in the forest and there her lover awaits her.
“Surely Sir Knight. I believed your tongue is like the mace you hold. It’s rough on the surface and yet it’s deadly to the touch.” Morgause held the older knight to her bosom. They were on the bedding after their tryst of love. Lamorak let off a loud laugh at the compliment.
“We have learned much with age. A variety to our mode of duel could yield results too.” Lamorak replied. “I have to admit that at my age, the joust is getting to be weaker but I hold a deadly mace.”
“Indeed you are a remarkable person.” Morgause then turned over to sit astride over the knight. She snugged herself onto him and then leaned over. “Tell me of the knight which I have asked that you allwed audience with the Queen.”
“He is in with her, my lady. As tight as I am now.” Lamorak replied.
Tight were also the bloodlines among the kin’s but Lamorak was not to accept that at will. There was one knight which approached him some time back and questioned him on his birth. He had denied and then ignored that knight who thinks that Lamorak may be related to him.
“I have no kin’s or if there were any, I am not keen to know them.” Lamorak told of the elderly knight. “We have here frequent of unknown knights who claimed to know of Arthur or were his kin’s for they think they will be elected to the round table but not Arthur. He was not to be fooled by them,a nd had them dismissed to the ranks to prove themselves worthy of the seat at the round table.”
“I am your kin, Lamorak and I pledged no request for fame or rewards but the acknowledgement of being you uncle.” That knight was King Peillnor. “I hold a small land on the far west and you will inherit it when I am gone. You will be King then.”
“I am a King now. I have a Queen who sits on my lap.” Lamorak boasted to the others. It was rumoured that he was having an affair with a Queen but of which there was no real proof of it.
“Hush your voice, Lamorak. The walls have ears and the wind carries the sound further.” King Pellinor cautioned his nephew but the later have his sword at the elderly knight.
“I hold my tongue for no one. Not even one who claims to be my uncle.” Lamorak replied. “I am Lamorak and whoever I fuck remains my choice. Even if she is the Queen.”

With that, the knight took to his own tasks and did not care that others saw his arrogance then. 

Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...