Monday, July 1, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.3

Day Minus Two 


I can assured you that if the military entertained you to a flight, don't expect the F18, picture a Spitfire blown up to its maximum seams and fitted with a set of Rolls Royce engines, then you got me there. I am strapped in the cargo hold with a bag that says 'pull me, in case'..

Just as I was getting comfortable, the plane took off in the dark. I was given a IPAD which showed me the faces of the potential targets. My first one lived in the Cayman Islands; a genius with the personality of a doctor but he is not a medical doctor. He is doctor of criminology like his idol, Professor Moriarty.

Doctor Julian Yes aka 'Dr. Yes' runs a private beach with his personal guards where he maintains a SPA resort for the famous and wanted by the authorities. He keep the curious onlookers away with a fable dragon that spat streaks of fire. He even subdued the best of Special Forces from five nations, with more than their egos bruised. Dr Julian Yes had also a dossier on him that he was into aeronautics; with the possibility that he was working with satellites to do some nasty works. The person who was previously assigned to shadowed Dr Yes belongs to same department as me. He was found dead in the barracuda infested sea by the fishermen. They dragged his body to the jetty, and the rumors was that he was killed by the infamous "Three Fisherman". The wounds were the same as the previous murders. No one dares to encroached on the "Three Fisherman".

At the dot of Zero, I was sent plunging down to the Cayman Island courtesy of a boot kick into my butt by the Sargeant at the rear of the C130. Just before I was flung out, I hollered back to the NCO; "I say old friend, I would preferred some foreplay before the incursion."

If this was his idea of Mile High, I was not impressed even though I had my legs spread out wide. I can assured you landing after a jump at 10,000 feet was also not my idea of humping. I felt the wind on my face as it removed some of the acne implanted there. They did not briefed me how to jump or land, more so to close my legs when I was landing. I landed with my butt aching more than my ego.

I slowly made my way to the nearest town dragging my sorry butt all the way. Half way, there I was surprised to see a car was waiting for me. It was driven by Itu who had travelled first class on a direct flight with Hehe.

"Kemo-sabe, your ride is here." Itu smiled at me. "Our GPS Locator went kaput. We could not locate you but some farmer told us that a man resembling you was on this road."

"Thank you. How did they recognise me?" I was ever curious.

"Well, you were supposed to jettison your chute, not dragged it behind with the nation flag flying behind. I think they seen enough of movies to know when a person lands by the chute." Itu had a good laugh.

I am beginning to hate this job.

Our first stop was at the hotel; a suite with a jacuzzi and Hehe was in there smiling dressed in a bikini. I stripped down and stepped in, but she told me Itu was joining them soon. Itu did come in later dressed in his shorts and slipped in very comfortably.

"You left your skivvies outside. Was it wet or you felt it too constricting?" I am beginning to hate this man too.

Hehe was briefing me on my next move; Crabs Island. Its the home of Doctor Julian Yes; my next target. By then, my mind was on something else. More on the tracks the need get a shrink to explain to me why I am sitting there without my shorts. More so, who ever uses the jacuzzi at 0300hrs for a briefing must be mad. More so without skivvies. . 


At the break of dawn, I decided to do some fishing at the nearby jetty. I can't sleep after that jacuzzi; I meant to say the walls were too thin at my hotel, and the neighboring room were relentless in their effort that night. It must had been the crabs or shrimps; they make you 'virile' according to the chef. Itu and Hehe had retired to their own rooms, leaving me with a verbal 'pant-ing ' show on the idiot box to fantasize on. I went out that morning in my flowery shirt and shorts armed with a fishing rod; borrowed from the hotel.
No, I was not hoping to fished out a bikini bottom and have a tourist running for it to me but I was to meet a man named Trouble at the quay based on the briefing.

Instead I ended up in an argument with boatman at the quay.

"I am not here to trouble you. I said I am looking for Trouble." I looked at the dark skinned once muscular man now reduced to flaps and flops. He was adamant to seek trouble with me.

"I, Trouble. So tell me why you want Trouble." Geez, this guy must had picked up his English in some bars. In the end, I turned my back and showed him my finger. Its the universal sign of 'piss off'. That he understood very well. He came up to me and grabbed the back of my shirt. I whirred around and tried to pushed him off but he was faster. He had me in an armlock and fastened to the ground. I yelled out. Suddenly, my inner self took off when I twisted my body to break his arm lock and landed the chop on his wrist. I would had hurt him more, if not for Itu who came over to stop the fight.

"Trouble, he is 2012. Let its ride." Itu smiled and walked on. 

"By George, you should had told me who you were earlier." The man released me and pulled me up. "Telix is waiting for you at the cantina."

"Telix? Who the hell is Telix?" I wanted to tell Trouble that I am not meaning another stranger and get harassed again. I was not sure how I managed to do those chops but heck, I love it. I am beginning to feel like Bruce Lee. I walked to the cantina, and saw one other person sitting there. He was dressed like myself; a fragging tourist. When I said that, I did not mean he wears the garish shirt or carrying a fishing rod. Telix was all dressed up in a bathrobe and head bandaged with a towel. He is a tall man of over six feet and weighs maybe sixty five kilos; scrawny bastard would be a more direct description. He sat down on the wicker chair and crossed his legs. Then he adjusted the robe so that his legs are covered. 

Telix, or Telix Lexis, AIC operative. AIC stands for Alien Investigation Company; they are like UNCLE from the across the ocean and answering to a different boss; they also ran covert task for anything that affect the locals being invaded by aliens including those from outer space.

He noticed my observation and bit his lower lips.

"Darling, the cover up was I disliked the darned mosquitoes biting me there. The itch from the herpes infection was bad enough." Jugs, I almost the drop the cup of tea I was about to drink. In my mind was does herpes transmit by touch. He then offered me his hand to shake.

"Telix Letter at your service." I waved my hand like in the football game; swinging from left and right above my head.

"Oh, good old hello style. Yeah, I can do that too." Telix did the same. By George, I am not swapping hands with him. Or sharing any pot of tea with him. But he brought out the bottles of tequila and after three more of that, we forgot all about infections and enjoyed the man's talk.

Telix told me a lot of Julian Yes; an alien here, moved in five years ago and bought an island, removed the locals to the mainland built a fortress there to treat the rich only.

"He brought his money here and thwart local participation. But he did not pay the local mafia for clearing the aliens. " That was why the AIC was onto him. "Nasty perps; wouldn't accept my appointment to see him on my herpes."

I excused myself when Telix offered me to share the Jacuzzi with him. I told him, I had enough of jacuzzi; the bubbly waves makes me sea sick. I was going fishing with Trouble.

Soon I myself on the boat on the water trying to do some fishing with Trouble signing at the wheel. He told me it was a good cover identity; silly tourist trying to fish in barracuda. I would had done better to the fishes if he had sang "Choo Choo Train" from Mickey Mouse, but he had to sing "Be My Guest." That scared even the barracudas'.

Trouble also showed me the island was owned by Dr Yes. Its called Crabs Island. They specialize in crabs infection. But Trouble caution me on the dragon. The locals feared it.

"Dragon? Are you sure there are such creatures? Then I am Saint George." I laughed out at my own joke.

As there was no fish biting on my bait, I striped down to my G-string and flexed my body at the keel. Holy Craps! I was not enticing Trouble but rather my inner self wanting to be baked in the sun. More to it, I needed the tan on my back where the skivvies covers it most time. You can't have a white strip across your butt on the screen; it would spoil the view on screen.

I don't know if it was me or the Sun but soon I was tempted to swim.

I jumped into the water and swam to Crabs Island. 

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