Monday, July 22, 2013

New Tale in the starting lineup

I told you I had a backlash of writing ( eight tales on the slow burner... sizzling but low fire so it does get over overcooked... would be done sooner or later. )

Well, I surfed at the images on the web for ideas/fun/refreshing thoughts/past experiences (??? nothing to do with this... I can assured you the G-strings had triggered off some centaur but not me... I meant not like recently as compared to the past, but it was .......never mind. ) back to the business here.

Shazam.....I took some of it and wrote short tales. Then I decided to joint them up into one tale. You would have Damen with Sagunto, Artemis, recently Merlin with Lady Orc. I am going to piece together all five into one long tale ( yet to be written but the plot is there ), and hopefully it would rival Chronicles of the Elves. Or New Pangaea, or .....never mind.

Pardon me, where's Merlin and Lady Orc tale. Just 'dunk' them last weekend and processing into words now. Would be on soon.

How do you like the new cover on top?

No bottom cover? We advocate working naked, but of late we had some complaints of a mischief scorpion on the prowl. So we left that out of the ideal work terms and conditions. Sure helped in the sale of chastity belt. Price went up triple on the master key edition. There were takers for the chisel and hammer, but it took a long time to shipped in.

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Preys and Predators Part 1 Chapter 40

  40                Whatever means needed    Mary Reid stood at the window looking outside, with her nude body she presented quite a vie...