Monday, July 8, 2013

Zombies Hunter; New Sunrise Part II


Sid and Marty joined Ian on horseback to ride for the hill rise. It gave them an vantage view of the flat valley behind it, that stretched over ten miles across, with one wide river coursing it way passed it. The sight that greeted them was not scenic as there was mass of dark moving objects moving toward their direction.

"Boys, ride on back." Ian hollered the instruction to the Henderson boys. "We got an invasion on our lawn. Get Jimmy to joined me here."

With that instruction, Ian rode for the barn and dismounted to let loose the mare inside the corral. He went in the barn and approached the one ton pickup truck. On it was bundles of razor sharp barbed wires and some crates. He had on his riding gloves so that would helped him on the unraveling of the wires. I had joined him then on being advised by the boys, and jumped in to the truck. We did not speak when he drove the truck to the hill rise. It was my first sight of the zombies as they traded the solid ground for the river currents. Some of them were swept by the fast currents but most made it across.

Without any questioning, I climbed up the back of the truck and dropped the wires on the ground. Then Ian drove the truck as I unloaded more of the wires to create a perimeter. We covered over a mile and then rolled downhill before turning to go uphill to do a second perimeter that trailed to the side. I saw Uncle Bob and Sally was in the other pickup as they made their way to the designated places to raised up the false ground cover to revealed the long trenches we dug.  At the bottom of the trenches are sharpened stakes of wooden or metal. In some trenches, she topped over the oil drums to spill the contents in the trench. Ian drove over to assist when we had cleared the wires job and prepped up the other trenches. We had dug over fifty trenches over the mile distance for this event.

I saw the others were assisting too as they mounted machine guns on the windows and placed claymores. That was one thing about these hunters, they got everything an infantry personnel can do without except the nuclear missiles code. We done the works by noon and then pulled the vehicles to create a bastion wall protecting the house front lawn. More self preserving items were brought in and piled into the house.

The Henderson took to the ground units with the Pittsburgh team, while the Inmates took the first landing with the Nordic kins. The Asian family took to the back yards, with Uncle Bob. Sally went upstairs; she was a mean shooter with the Winchester 700. Each level was given a heavy machine gun; two M40, one Browning .50 cal and one rare Spandau MG40 from the Army museum still working with two crates of ammo. They were all given extra rifles, automatics, and wooden stakes. Uncle Bob carried with him a long handle pick next to the meat mallets he had a few extra in the kitchen.

Ian and myself took to ride on the mare past the perimeters while surveying the finer points of our defenses. I was carrying a Colt M4 A1 like Ian and the horses were jittery. I had an extra machete with me for the close fights. We sighted our first zombie, a lady dressed like a gypsy probably doing a remake of the Sound of Music rendition, but the twins on the roof made her a target before she could sing the vowels. Then the horizon opened up with the others.

"I wondered how Beau Geste felt like when he saw the Bedouin coming over the dune."

"With this he might had a chance." Ian was shooting with his M14 A1. He had picked single shots and was doing fine with his bullets count. I was not doing the shoots yet, I decided to go Mexican ala with the machete. I jumped off the horse and went swinging like a mad hombre who spent too much time under the sun. It actual fact, I was frustrated at the situation; holding onto a dream to service these sleazy hunters so I have enough gold to go across the continent.

I kicked with the left foot and stepped up with the machete swinging to removed the head. Then I turned my body to do right round kick on the next zombie. I followed through with a charge onto the staggering body and jumped up with the machete swept down for a shoulder slash. My jump pushed the zombie to the ground and pulled out my machete. I swept it in a wide arc to cut at the knee of the next zombie and on the return arc swing, I removed the head.

Darned! I felt good. I got up in time to looked at Ian taking the head off the zombie next to me. I would had missed that one but was saved by Ian. I pulled out the Glock with my left hand and fired at the approaching zombies. I got three in the head with my five shots but the numbers are more than I expected. I found myself surrounded but Ian came to my rescue. He used this horse to kick an opening and led mine through.

"Mount up or we are dead." I took his advise when I left the machete on the grocer with half a face. We rode off and got behind the wires. The zombies had hit the wires and got tangled there like a berserk creature trying to move ahead. The twins shot at the ones which had past the perimeters while I rode to the nearby trench. I threw in the lighter and watched the flammable addictive took off. It tossed up a fire that swallowed up some of the unlucky ones to walked into it.

"Lets ride for the house.' Ian shouted to me. We rode down the hill and dismounted at the lawn. Ian slapped the horses to ride off and went over to his corral to do the others. He knew we would had to make a stand here and the horses don't shoot rifles. They are still blooded creatures and zombies bite anything warm blooded.



The snipers on the roof left their marks and leveled some odds but the mass climbing the hill was overwhelming. Then the machine guns roared to sped their heavy projectiles on the approaching zombies. Bodies piles were doubling but they still came. I saw the Soon family with Uncle Bob were pre-occupied at the back yard. They had improvised a barricade wall using the bags of soil and wooden crates. The family were armed with various rifles and automatic. The mother was behind the MG-40 and doing short burst to slowed the approach. I could see Uncle Bob was using his cleavers in both hands like chopping leg bones except he was doing on the arms of the zombies before kicking them over to the boys to shoot them with the shotgun in the faces. Old man Soon was hurling grenades when he saw a group and then hollering the caution but the defenders were past listening. They were just killing to survive.

One zombie came near had a grab on the young Soon' emptied shotgun. He howled out for help and Uncle Bon threw his cleaver like a dart towards the zombie; laying his mark on the back of the head.

 "Never leave home without one, son." Uncle Bon shouted out as he reached for the foot long meat serrated blade. He shoved that hard into the nose of the zombie up into the brain. Then he raised his left leg to kick the body off his blade.

"Darned good blade." Uncle Bob muttered out on the blade sharpness. "I must used you for the coming Thanksgiving Dinner."

Across the house to the right, the Pittsburgh pimp was on the drive through with the double mini Uzi. He had brought down three Zombies which had come close to the window. The fourth one had half climbed in while Pierre was reloading.

"Damned! Steph, that one coming for my prick." Stephanie holding a AK74 Russian automatic rifle turned her body to give it a pepper burst from the rifle. The zombie laid there not moving, while Pierre used his legs to kick it out.

"Remind me to give you a good lick there, butch." Pierre replied as he moved back to position. He was just in time to have an ugly looking dark dude dressed like a vehicle mechanic with the hands holding out. Pierre gave it a full blast.

"Take a bath, man. You would smear all my suit." Pierre shouted back. Across the hall, was his guard, Tiffin with the fisherman long hook. He was spearing them and then used the body to slammed the others. Sometimes he swung the body into the path of the Nordic kins who would do the grace de honor.

"Money, money, I love the rich man's world...." Bjorn was singing to the popular lyrics as he was reloading his Remington shotgun. He had the rifle clasped by his legs while loading with the left hand. His right hand was aiming the Glock at the zombies approaching the window.

"Hey, Brigid. What was the next line?" Bjorn howled out to his cousin.

"Baa baa, shit!" Brigid shot at the zombie trying to climbed over the small wall on her side. She was armed with a FN90 and doing good works on the bullets. "How would I know? I am into technomusic."

Up one leve on the extended back side porch, Sally was holding her stance behind the Browning .50 cal as she mowed down the approaching zombies. Her ammo belt was flinging off as she pressed the trigger. She stopped and then looked over.

"Fucked! That's Ernie." Her one time lover who went for another leaving her a lunch box with a foot long sausage. "I be darned."

Sally reached for her bra cups and drew out the two grenades. She unpinned them and threw it the mindless prick that was zombified.

"Ernie, take your balls back." Sally shouted as the grenades blew up at Ernie legs.

"Hee-haw! Knew you could not stand the pace." Sally swung her barrel and picked on the zombies. Inmate Dick holding position at the other end, aimed his Remington shotgun and muttered out before shooting. He was aiming well at the faces, and got them all with his nasty ammo.

"Prick face, Cunt One..." Dick was taking vengeance on his ordeals while in prison. He does not speak much unless he was shooting. Across the level to the other side was Inmate Harry and Tom. They were shooting at random as they do the dance steps on the porch.

"I got pock face there." Tom spoke up as he reloaded while Dick was aiming at a lady in the green dress.

"I got Mrs Kermit too. I am going for Yellow bird next." Dick moved his barrel on the obese man in the yellow pants. Must had been a golfer.

"Don't you dare touch Officer Kerry there." Tom shot at the zombie dressed as a police officer. "Oops! I got his balls. Sorry, sir. I would get your head now."


"There must a reason. They did not come like this before but why now?" Ian asked me as he loosed off one short burst on the zombies. "We need to find it. Or who?"

I ran to each and everyone of my guests for answers but got none. They did what they normally do and nothing was of the ordinary. That was getting to my nerve and so was our ammo supply. The last choice would be the cellar and there was the hidden tunnel to the apple tree at a distance of a hundred feet. It was our escape route for events like this.

It was also then Sid crawled up to me. He had a small box with him.

"I don't know it if this was it. I picked it up from the Research Centre outside Washington." Sid passed me the box. "Please don't tell Pa."

I looked at it and it had the logo of the Hazard Contamination on it. I hated this logo; it was the same sign that I saw three years ago in the secretive establishment of the Chemical Hazard Division. I was the one who helped design the chemical that triggered the contamination. The main culprit was poisoned by me with the same contaminant. I escaped with the formula and was hunted for over three months before the contamination overtaken by arrest order. The contamination spread faster than expected; the water supply was a good conduit and the geometric infestation by bites jumped cleared the predictions. Soon we were down to ten percent mindful people and losing the numbers rapidly. From a chemical analyst, I became a hunter and then other roles until my current one; wine dealer.

I was not sure of the content but I was not keen to know. I grabbed the box and ran for the front lawn. I saw the SUV there and remembered the keys are in there. We all agreed to leave the keys in case it was needed by someone else. I ran to the SUV and jumped in. I looked in time before the mindless hands came crawling. The house guests cleared them for me, but I was not keen into anymore lasagna with tomato sauces. I started the ignition and reversed the SUV before spinning off. I must had ran over more than a close knitted dozen before I hit the sparse numbers on the path. \

I looked back and saw the zombies was drawn to me or the particular box. I drove the SUV over more bodies and found my escaping vehicle hovering on uneven pile of bodies. I activated the 4x4 but I was still stuck. I wished I had taken the Humvee. Just as I was thinking of it then, the Humvee came roaring from my rear. It gave me a back hump and the SUV was off the pile to geared onto more speed. I was cleared but still knocking down zombies to placed me as the top driver for bad, dangerous and furious national statistics. 

I drove on past the hill and reached the river. I traversed the river and went on until I hit the brake. I stopped the SUV and got out. I was in the clear but I am holding the box. I could be driving until the gas runs out and then get gobbled by the locals unless I do something about the box.

Then I remembered the small airstrip nearby. I drove for it and saw there were some planes there; the one I could fly. I loved them small planes; Piper was my choice but I settled for the Cessna Sky-catcher. I took off for the sea and at a distance of ten miles, I recalled there was deep trench there. I weighed the box with a heavy item and dropped it. I then turned the plane and flew for the house. You can't missed it for the burning trenches and the mass of mindless visitors who lost their homing beacon. I landed the plane near the house and passed the keys to the Soon in replacement of the SUV.

"What? That's not from Asia, but I would take it. I can always steal another SUV." Senior Soon was smiling. Then he turned to his wife. "You fly. I would be the instructor. We let the kids steal the SUV."

It took us a week to burned all the bodies with over ten bonfire; turned us off barbecue for a while. As hunters, they salvaged the valuables but I got paid for my wines. Ian spoke to me on the box.

"Did you opened it?" I looked at him and shook my head. He left it at that and went off to find his remaining mares. I looked the older man walked away, and I knew he did not believed me. I did looked into the box, and depressed the beacon switch. It was our fail safe gadget to bring in the affected with the band waves which would triggered the brain to moved them to it. It was called our mouse trap but I was not keen to use trap the mice now as I was one vulnerable  cat.

"Jimmy, we are running short on scotch. Could you fetch some?" Uncle Bob was asking. "I am making baked dishes that needed scotch."

I nodded. I knew the place to get it. It just outside Washington. Not far from the Research Centre. I left the next morning in the pickup, with enough supply to last me a week. On the rear of my truck was the poster that said 'I am not the Ultimate Zombie Hunter. I am the Ultimate All Hunter.'

It was time for me to faced my nightmare and made it into a dream. 

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