Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.11


If that is a dragon, I am claiming for my Black Knight armor refund. She was an authentic design if you liked Lego's; I mean this is the 2012 and you would expect a mechanized droid looking scale contraption but the Doctor in the House got a real life dragon team there.

It was actually a group of guards; the one at the helm sitting on a golf buggy cart with a twin flame thrower gun while his cart was pulling three more cart with men toting machine guns. The men are wearing thermal googles and the carts are all painted green.

"Jon, we can't outrun that dragon." Honey pulled at my sleeve. "We need to find cover." 

Then I remember Z' seedlings. I read the instructions and took out one to plant it there.

"Jon, this not the time to plant seedlings. If we can't save ourselves, how can we save those trees? More to it, you need to water it for it to grow."

I did water it then and the seedling became a sprout and then a tree. Its a Beech Tree; one that can grow to a height of 80 or 100 feet with a 10 feet trunk.

Have you ever plant a Beech tree in the sandy beaches? Here was the result; it tumbled down before its roots could take hold of the loose sand.

"Told ya, the urine contains too many minerals. It accelerated the growth factor." I whispered to Honey before rushing out to push it towards the dragon.

"Timber!" I would had shouted but we were on a silent mission here. The tree fell and with luck on my side, it landed on the 'dragon team' and snuff them out.

"By George, the dragon vanquished by the old Beech. I said that's a reason to celebrate." I broke radio silence. The 'dragon' exploded into a big explosion and with the extra firewoods; it became a big bonfire.

"Not so fast, Mr Blake." I turned around to see Doctor Yes still in his pajamas holding Honey Rider hostage with a gun to her left ribs. "Move another step, and she dies."

"Doctor Yes, let us work out a compromise." I point to the bonfire. "That would show up on the satellite and the authorities would be here soon. You ain't got no where to run."

"Running ain't an option to me. I would rather die than run. But my boss tells me that I need to live and die another day. I am taking Ms. Rider with me so you would come after me." Doctor Yes can be a very convincing person.

I looked at Honey and recalled I only knew her just yesterday, but heck, I loved her. She's a beauty in my mind; all the smoothness and bucking moves she does.

"Mr. Blake, allow me to tell you this. Your mission was flawed. There was no attempt to block the Sun. We actually want to use it to direct its heat to where we can make it to good use like burning up a forest. Or drying a lake. UNCLE was lame to think we would reveal it at that premature time to them. Now we are and you got 24 hours to get us stopped." Doctor Yes has an ego the size of his resort.

"The real threat was from Hugo Draken. I am just the distraction." I saw the helicopter arrived overhead and landed nearby. "Goodbye, Mr.Blake. Nice to had entertained you for so long. Now its time to go."

I could do nothing except watched Doctor Yes took Honey Rider on the craft.

"Pardon us, buddy. We took a wrong turn on the coordinates." I looked at the newcomer who just tapped his hand on my shoulder. He was dressed in camouflage and fully clad in commandos attire with the red beret on his head. His face was swabbed with dark shoe polish with green algae for the nose. Guess its SPF30 there. He holds the rank of Major.

"Major Telix, you are late." I shrugged off his hand and walked away.

I can see the reinforcements arriving on the shore now for the final coup. The beach was soon lined up with amphibian boats and landing crafts. They even brought in the Press for the extra breaking news.

"Telix, who's in command here?" I asked.

"That would be the British bloke with the Scottish ascent. He is over yonder adjusting his scarf." I saw the balding officer holding onto his rifle as he directs action. I ran up to him and he recognised me.

"Two Zero Twelve, Commander JB at your service. I am bonded to served and here I am. I got your signal but we werre a bridge too short to come earlier. We would take things from here now. You done your job, we would mopped up for you." Commander B shook my hands, while motioning his men to move in.

"By the way, the intel you gave to Telix helped us to gather enough evidence to stop Doc Yes." The man was an icon on the beach with his charisma and ascent. I looked at his hand and asked him.

"Did you shake Telix's hand?" The Commander nodded.

"Better get it treated. He's got herpes."

Back on the command vessel while the Commander was in Medical, I asked the Comms officer to patch me through to UNCLE Command.

I told UNCLE, Doctor Julian Yes was only an accomplice to the project. The real culprit was another name Huge Draken. He does not want to blackout the Sun, he wants to use its power to burn the spots on Earth on his command.

M sent me on next leg of my mission.

I also them to send me a lotion for Herpes. Her reply was astounding; "not you too. We all had that last month when Telix was here for the briefing. Bloody infectious chap."

Doctor Julian Yes was a member of GHOST or General Halt On Saving Trees; the organization which viewed saving the environment a wasteful idea. They want to see the Earth over populated, extinguish of its resources and above it all, devoid of life except theirs. These group of demented personalities collate their resources to destroy the world. Their head is an unknown person by name of Judas Thirteen.

Huge Draken was identified as one of their henchman like Doctor Julian Yes.

GHOST operates with a division of enforcers called BAAL or Bad Awesome Atrocious Lineup. They do all the dirty works like burning forest and flooding fertile lands, or making special agents like me extinct. They have some bad names in the payroll. But with Honey Rider captive, this has become a personal issue now.

"Nobody licks my Manuka and gets away with it." I told Command.

"Jon, I did not know you liked honey. I do have Manuka at my place." I can just visualize M with the honey, and almost puked there.

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