Sunday, July 21, 2013

Centaur arised

This is a tale derived from the signs of the Zodiac creatures. With a pinch of Ancient Greeks, a dash of sex and of course humor. As said before ratings depend on your country but for me its way below porn or was it above porn.

Hi Ho Silver.......

In the high woods there was none comelier of all the centaur-girls, and she alone by love and love’s sweet words and winning ways held the ever beautiful creature that was named Hylonome, soon to be the wife of the Centaur Cyllarus. She went there to seek the care she took to look her best. She combed her glossy hair, and twined her curls in turn with rosemary or violets or roses from the trees. Or simply to take on the scent of the pure white lily which was the shade of her body. She would leaned over to bathe her face in the clear water that fell from within the wall of stone in the woods. On some days, she would plunged her body in its flow, letting the spring water permeates into her drawing out the radiance in her skin.

But the day, she came with doubt on her mind. A doubt placed there by her father, Zeus who had fathered her with the mare from the plains of the land. She knew that she was different from the others; she was of a woman upper body and the glowing lower torso and legs of the mare. She was one the unique breeds that they had them named the Kentaurides; the female offspring of the Centaur. She was in doubt that she could be the desired bride of one other Centaur.

Hylonome hardly seen another Centaur as her mother kept her in the woods; unseen by others including Man. She was taught to avoid them as they were faithless and lecherous in the mind, and worse in their lust. Hylonome told her of the hardship she borne to raise her, while her father, the Almighty Zeus never laid his eyes on her. He would come to the house in the woods, but her mother shied her to the woods from the rear of the house. She did asked why can't she seek her father, if he was the mighty God.

"He of whom he may be, but as a father, he had failed you. The man knows no bound to his lust; I was forsaken by my young innocence and allowed his seed to birth you. If I had known then of his amorous ways, I would had turned my back to his thrust. Let it pain then, than to have him pained me in my own daughter."

Hylonome was taken aback by her mother's words. She had never felt that he father would be so cruel, but the poor lady still honor his place on her bedding. She knew then that her father only visit on to soothe his lust and never was to care for the one he had placed imprisoned there. She blushed at her mother's words, as she had seen the lust of the creatures; for the mounted shuddered in fright or screeched in pain to the pounding of the male. Such were the scenes in the woods, from the swinging monkey to the four legged predators.

Hylonome thought her life would be carefree but soon she was confronted by her father's messenger, Hermes from the skies. He brought her sad news; Zeus had betrothed her to the Centaur Cyllarus without consulting her. She galloped back to the house and found her mother weeping.

"Such are the rules of the land. We are the minions to their ways. Sacked or shred, or saddled; there would be recourse but to suffer in silence." Hylonome mother wept for her daughter but the later had galloped to the pond. Her only sanctuary in her world.

"Cry not, my child." Hylonome saw the reflection on the water surface. It was her friend, the Geminian. They are a loving pair; identical in looks and speech, for they were birthed from one. Their names were Castor and Pollux, twin brothers, from their mother named Leda, but Castor was the mortal son of Tyndareus, the king of Sparta, and Pollux the divine son of Zeus, who raped Leda in the guise of a swan. One day soon, when Castor was killed, Pollux asked Zeus to let him share his own immortality with his twin to keep them together, and they were transformed into the constellation Gemini.

"We heard of your plight. Or shall we declare as your wedding?" Pollux spoke up. "Why do you shed tears of misery when its your wedding?"

"If you are sad, then perhaps we could give you a gift to make you smile." Castor added on.

Hylonome shook her head, as she trampled the stones beneath the water surface. She looked to the twins.

"Both of you are born in the image of Man. You could walked among them and be with them. I can't." Hylonome voiced out. "I am part woman and ....mare."

The last reference made her sad. She never seen herself before let alone be offering that to another. Would it hurt or worse? She backed herself on the pond but cringed in her spine when the overhanging leaves swept her rear. It was so uneasy on her then.

"Castor, you been around? I seen you at the village of Man, with Pollux in concealment by the river. You enticed the ladies to the river banks. I seen your ... thing thrusted into them, and when you were spent, you feigned excuses to let Pollux take your place." Hylonome spoke out in quick succession of words lest she forget it.

"Yes, we did." Castor replied. "We are twins. We shared our love. And the ladies know not who was whom, but the pleasure they had was a combined effort."

Hylonome blushed again. She did remembered the expressions on the ladies. It was so different from that of the mare or cows on the fields. Some suffered in silence but none smiled. She then looked at the twins.

"Could you teach me?" Hylonome looked at the twins. "I needed to know what it was like. I had not done it."

"Conscientiously anyway." Hylonome spoke out meekly. The twins laughed and the stifle their emotions with their hands over their mouth. Castor then replied.

"I think we could showed you a trick or two?" Castor then whispered to his twin. The later nodded and fled off. "I would do the initial while he.....worked on his later."

If there was a general lesson in love making, then it would be the needed foreplay. Castor stepped into the pond and approached her. He was a tardy too short in the height so he had a larger stone placed there to stand higher. He took her face with his hands and looked into her eyes.

"I can't do this." Hylonome pulled her face away, causing Castor to loose his balance on the stone. He went splashed on her and she took that as a fun activity they do. She used her front limbs to kicked up the water at Castor. Soon they were splashing water at each other until Castor was all drenched.

"Oh, Castor. I think your weenie getting be weirder by the look." Hylonome looked away after she spoke. She was wet too but soon she was to feel the touch of the cloth on her back. She looked over and saw Castor had shed his clothes to used it as a brush on her back. It felt nice as Castor rubbed the soft yet coarse material over her body. He had soon nuzzle his face on her lower back and trailed the lips to her human back.

"Oh, Castor." Hylonome moaned out when she felt the lips of the other licked at her spine. She still had on her halter fashioned by her mother to cover her modesty on the front. Castor despite the difference in height had jumped onto her back. He rode astride her and leaned his body onto her back. He swept the long hairs there aside to lay light bites on her shoulder blades while his hands pushed their way to the front of her body. His fingers nifty removed the halter piece and caressed her breasts. Hylonome arched her back to ministration on her body as her four limbs spread themselves to steadied herself on the pond. Soon she felt a heavier weight on her back, and shuddered at the move.

"Its okay. " The assuring voice of Pollux was heard which lend more pleasure to her feelings. She felt the weight moved and the prodding at the rear. She reacted with a slight resistance on the prod.

"Pollux, its not proper...." Her words were stifle by the finger that caressed her lips and placed there for her to suckle on. She took it into the mouth and felt the most pleasurable move on her rear. She felt the movement of the push and then the sliding into her. She bit on the finger and then gently released it when her rear was released from the pressure. It was soon applied and even deeper into her. She could not bear it and yet did not wanted it to be removed. Her mouth opened out wide on the subsequent thrust as her hind legs went limp. She felt herself propped up not by her own legs but by another.

"No!" Hylonome pushed herself off. She shook Castor off her back into the pond. She galloped to the other end and saw the newly arrived creature. It was a Centaur with the fine mane and coat of dark brown on the body. His face was that could had been described as handsome; with the beautiful set of brown eyes and square facial structure, added with the swath of facial hair that gave it a rugged look. He was beyond doubt muscular and adorable. Hylonome blushed at the last thought.

"Who are you?" She called out. "This is my pond."

"I am Cyllarus. I had come to seek my bribe." The Centaur replied and then looked at the twin who was sitting partially submerged in the water. "Pollux told me that you would be here. I ....."

"Did the most heinous act..." Hylonome added to his words. "You disgust me."

"No, I plea innocence. It was Saggi." The Centaur looked sheepishly. "He does have a mind of his own."

It was Pollux who gestured to her with the finger. She gave out the expression of amusement; would had been appropriate to say. The Gemini twins stood up from their dip in the pond.

"Pollux, next time you do the blinders while I do the fetch. Do you know how it felt to be flattened between two humpbacks?" Castor stood erected to the fullest.

"Like a walrus flattened in between them." Pollux replied and then laughed out loud. He then challenged his twin.

"Well, then we ought to be going. Last one there wait in the river." The twin ran off to their rendezvous with the villager maids. Hylonome looked at the departing twins and then at the Centaur. He was holding onto her halter.

"Yours, I presume." Hylonome blushed. But what modesty when the 'intrusion' already done.

"Do you know I like that finger in my mouth?"She gave him the thwack with the long mane of hers.

"Only if you keep the molars out." The Centaur strode past her with his upright stance. "The last mare almost mangled me."

Not too far in the distance, Castor shrugged his shoulder. That would be lesson #911 in the list of 'what not to said to your love in a relationship'.





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