Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Pit Stop

The door to the Highway stopover opened with a creak; it was all it needed for the hot air to come zipping in. The temperature outside was really hot as we were in the Sonoran Desert area. Here the temperatures can soar from an average of 52º F in the winter, to 86º F in the summer. The air condition unit in the stopover was hauling smoke at its compressor trying to keep the inhabitants there alive.

"Could you come in and close the door?" The waitress was being nice about it. "We ain't exactly in the Artic here."

The person stepped in and we were treated to a grand sight. The new arrival was dressed in a clown suit with the red nose and paddle flop shoes. The clown walked in and took a seat by the counter. He was followed by a tall figure in a plain denims and sporting a baseball cap.

"Sorry, folks. We got lost on our way to California." The clown spoke up as he reached down to removed his shoes. "Darned thing won't make me sit right."

I guess that was a joke but Maria next to me held back her chuckle on the line. I walked up to the two gentlemen and offered them a cold drink; a long tall glass of Arizona Green Tea. The clown asked for a straw to go with the tea. I guess he does not want to smudge his lipsticks on the glass. The tall man then asked how far was the nearest town, if they have to spend the night.

"You got about another hundred miles before you find a motel if you go on, or turn back twenty for the last motel you passed." I swiped my glasses after cleaning them.

"The last one, under renovation. We would moved on after the fill up." He was referring to the gas pumps or was it the clown as he let off a flatulence that could be heard all the way to Los Angeles.

"Pardon me." The clown gave one his trademark smiles. "I couldn't help it."

The other patrons of the stopover broke out in laughter. I had a truck driver; one of the regulars on his usual route California-Mexico, a larger than normal girth around the waist Joe "Burger' Mitchum. He was nursing his drink while swallowing pain killers for his back pain. There was a young couple from Los Angeles doing the 'drive south' trip soon after their marriage whom I called the lovers. There was my usual silent friend, the native American, High Horse John. He comes over twice a week for his drinks and food; he sells his native wares while he sits there. He had sold to the lovers a set of talisman made from Arizona own state rocks. Or so claimed by him, but I knew he had them shipped in from Mexico for a fraction of that price.

"So you are passing by? Well, make yourself at home." I told my new customers and went over to speak to Maria on the new dishwasher.

"We would do so, if you hand over your cash there." I looked back on the clown who had drawn out a Uzi sub machine gun. His tall friend had then drawn an automatic on the others. Maria went into a shock and screamed her head off, which the clown did a short burst on her. She went flying past the kitchen door with her extra large bosom cherry red in shades. Darned! I just bought her that new cherry red bra and now its all blended into one colored chemise look on her. There goes my mail order value.

"Money in the machine. Take it but don't shoot no more." I voiced up as I backed over to the kitchen door. I looked down at Maria; rather awkward with her spread eagled on the flooring in her tight waitress dress. I loved that dress; being a reality show for me on those hot nights but on her now, it looked ugly.

"Heck, he got only a few fives here." The tall one had walked over and checked the machine. He pointed the automatic at me. "I ain't got all day. So where's the money?"

I pointed to the box below the counter. He reached for it and tried to open the cover. It was then Joe spoke up.

"Guys, I would suggest a reprieve. We got a wind up tornado coming at us." Joe pointed to the scene outside where the Sonoran flora was seen to tossed up like gum wrappers in the wind. "I would suggest we buckled down."

I did not hesitate as I ran past the tall man to reached for the window shutters. I pulled them down and latched it with the help of Joe who was familiar with the situation. John was of no help as he just wrapped up his wares into the leather bags of his and put on the dark shades.

"I saw nothing, heard nothing and be darned, I ain't nothing here." He muttered out. The lovers meanwhile had crouched underneath the table; holding dearly to each other as if the end of the world was coming due. I ran to close the last shutter as the wind hit the structure. There was some banging and on the walls and roof, but we were still holding on well. Then one part of the shutter came lose and the dust came swirling in. It was time to seek more secured shelter. I looked at the two highway robbers who had seek shelter behind the counter.

"Follow me if you want to live." I hollered to them as the wind made the sounds like Maria when she was in the throes of orgasm. The two robbers followed me to the kitchen, where I indicated a trap door.

"Its the store area. It can only accommodate two, so get in." The clown and the tall man went over to opened the trap door. It was dark inside but they went down. Once they were in, I closed the trap door and latched it. I could make out some screaming and shooting but then it was the wind which was louder. I walked out to the front and unlatched the shutters. Joe opened the door and walked out into the wind. Then the wind died down like it never happened.

"Thanks, Joe." I told the truck driver when he walked back in. I was joined by John who carried his bags of wares.

"Time to go, John." The other nodded and left with Joe following close behind. I walked up to the young lovers and saw them sleeping below the table. They would wake up soon, and not remember anything.

"The sacrifice worked. Mama Echidna very pleased. Threesome was always pleasing to her." I turned to looked at Maria. She had removed her dress and the cherry red bra dangled by her right elbow. The blood had caked up but the bullet holes had all disappeared.

"You brought one size too big. It flops inside the cups." I knew as that was how l liked my milk shakes.

"You need a shower, babe." I told her when I held her in my arms. Our lips clasped and the tongues twirled around ease other. "I got a large viper measured for your pit."

"If its pleases me, or I would let my fangs do the biting." Maria pulled away and walked to the rear of the kitchen where the shower room was situated. I loved those dainty red g-strings. They brought out the scales in her rear back. I followed her as I removed my shirt to let the cold air soothe my scale ringed back. One thing about us Viper tribe people, was that we do like to have a afternoon siesta especially after a sacrifice to the pit viper lair. The place was not called the Viper Pit for fun; its our front entrance to the world of ours.

Thankfully, we only sacrificed criminals and not innocent travelers. We get a few like the two clowns every now and then. I must thank John for the tornado distractions; he came from a line of shaman and they knew their trade well. You could always said John was a bag of hot winds.

In Greek mythology, Echidna (Ancient Greek: Ἔχιδνα, "she viper") was half woman half snake, known as the "Mother of All Monsters" because most of the monsters in Greek myth were mothered by her........ ouch, I been bitten.



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