Friday, July 12, 2013

Oz; remake of the tale 1.16

16. The Monkeys Fight

"And I don't intend to." I told the monkey.

"You leave us no choice." The leader of the Monkeys flapped open his wings. I stepped back before turning to run, but I pulled out two buttons to throw it behind me. Once the explosion was over, I turned back to see the damages. I killed maybe fifteen of them, but there are thirty five more of them. I can see Droid rushing into them with his battle axe and Scarecrow swinging her staff over her head.

"Dorothy, get near to me." Scarecrow called me, and I ran to her. Once I was next to her, Scarecrow chant a spell which the staff soon covered us with an umbrella of force field. The Winged Monkey flying towards us could not penetrate the field. Scarecrow held the staff upright to keep the field covering us.

I can see Toto having evolved into his griffin state, flying and shooting his blue flame with the Winged Monkeys in an air fight. Meanwhile Droid was fighting them on the ground like a barbarian in a battle. It was swinging it wildly and stepping on any fallen Monkeys.

Soon it was over, as the surviving Monkeys withdrew from the fight. I counted thirty nine deads and another two more Monkeys unable to fly. I walked up to the injured one and looked at them. They are snarling at me despite their injuries. One of them have lost its wings, and the other lacks an upper limb with its wings damaged.

"You may go or stay here. None of us would harm you." I told them and we move on.

The Winged Monkeys did not just give up. We were ambushed later with them flying over us and throwing small boulders. Scarecrow had to called up the magic field again while Toto in her griffin mode chased them off.

"Scarecrow, are you okay?" I saw Scarecrow looking pale after she closed the field. She nodded to me and told the field takes up her inner strength. Immediately Droid offered to carry her on his back. I stood there and thought of how to fight this battle.

"Toto, find us a place to rest." I shouted to her hovering above me.

"That won't be necessary. I know the place." It was Cat. He has just rejoined us. "Hold onto the snuggles and kisses. I am a cat and I can't stand them stupid antics. You could scratch my glimmering surface."

"Follow me," Cat asked us to followed it. We came upon a small pond with a smaller waterfall. Its a beauty and an ideal place to rest. "The Winged Monkeys would not come here. All of you are safe."

The cat then pranced off but I stopped it.

"Cat, tell me where did you disappeared to after the Kalidah?" I asked the cat.

"You were already near Emerald City and my task was done. So I left." The cat whisked up its tail and shook it body. "I had other tasks to do."

"But why back now?" I asked again.

"Well, consider it as a favor to an old friend." The cat then turned it back and walked on. "We would move in the morning."

There was no more Winged Monkeys appearing that day, and by morning, we followed the cat. Soon we saw the Winged Monkeys again, and the cat told us to run for the trees. We did as he said, and was soon under the canopies of leaves. We could see fleeting images of the Winged Monkeys up there but they did not attack us.

"They can't see you here. Its their blind spot." The cat meowed. "We would marched under the trees and avoid the open road."

All of us did as we were told; but it was more tedious to move especially for Droid. The cat saw the predicament and told Droid to walk on the road.

"It does not matter. The Witch knows you are coming and so we got nothing to hide except avoid the Winged Monkeys. They can't harmed it, so the droid is safe."

The Winged Monkey saw the droid and used that to tagged us. They soon start dropping their stones again on the treetops.

Then the unexpected happened.

There were projectiles thrown up. They were discarded half eaten fruits. The monkeys in the trees were agitated by the bombing reciprocate in kind. They used the branches like catapults. Soon it became like a war between the monkeys. All around us, monkeys go screeching and trees swinging while they scoped up half eaten or rotten fruits from the ground to hand over to the ones doing the throwing or shooting.

"Keep on moving, The monkeys in the trees would distract them." The cat told us, as we make our way under the trees. It was later when I saw the four Winged Monkeys which came sweeping down with a long trunk in the limbs. They crashed into Droid and it topped over on its back. Then a group of Winged Monkeys grabbed the fallen droid and flew with it into the skies.

"Droid!" Scarecrow screamed out but I had to restraint her. If she runs outside, she would be caught too.

"We would find him, but not now." I consoled her as she cried into my shoulder. I looked up into the skies and cursed at the Witch. Droid was not the only one but also Cat. It must had tried to run to help Droid but was captured too. Thats' two taken by the Witch.

Those darned winged Monkeys are relentless; they came back for more of us, hovering above the treetops. I had enough and rushed out to fight them. But to my surprise, I saw the Winged Monkeys getting in a battle with the Hornets. The Hornets are there to help us.

I can see the General up there as it flapped its wings. Its leading his swarm of hornets and they are doing damages to the Winged Monkeys. Soon the Winged Monkeys were leaving and the Hornets gave us air cover.

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