Monday, July 29, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 1.17

17. The Witch Lair

We came to the Witch' Castle, but its more like a large tree house. Its built into an old willow tree that grew up to over a thousand meters high. The willow leaves are hanging over the tree to shield it like a veil while its branches supports the Witch's lair. The tree canopy spread out over five hundred meters and the structure inside must had been about four hundreds in diameter. At the bottom of the tree trunk is the army barracks of the Winged Monkeys. They are ready for war with my group and also hornets. Their barracks were ringed by a moat which have no bridges to cross with. The Winged Monkeys did not need it, as they can just fly over.

"Colonel Dorothy, I have reinforced with Hornets with 16 squadron now. We are armed with extra Stingers." The general gave me his update. "We are proud to fight alongside the First Marines."

I looked back at my remaining companion, Scarecrow and smiled. If there was any First Marines, we are probably  the only ones standing. Then I saw the column of ants marching in led by an ant named Leader Enit.

"Leader Enit reporting. I am told you needed reinforcements by the cat and the Queen sent us. We are ten thousand strong and ready to do battle."

"Thank you, Leader Enit, First Marines." I shouted out proudly. "Let us laid siege to the Witch."

"Affirmative, Colonel." Leader Enit signaled the ants to bring forth the siege machines. Its a catapult fashioned on a set of wooden boxes with ropes. "I can assure you, Colonel. Our siege machines are a wonder here. We copied it from a manual dropped from the skies."

I can only nod.

The ants lined up their siege machines and let loose the volleys of stones. It may be small but its making damages on the Winged Monkeys barracks. Its also bringing down some Winged Monkeys caught in the range. The Hornets stayed out of range and only moved into attack any Winged Monkeys trying to sneak out. Its not easy to fight the Hornets which was faster and more agile in turns on the air.

Scarecrow came up with a novelty bomb. She asked me give her some buttons which we placed on the siege machines. It did more than open a new roof hole, but blew up surrounding structures. Soon the over hanging willow leaves caught fire and the tree started shaking.

"Who set fire to my leaf?" The Willow Tree came alive to roared its displeasure but the siege went on. The Willow Tree saw the fight and shook its branches.

"Get off me. Take your fight elsewhere." The Willow Tree shrieked out. "I am not having my braided long leave damaged by your fight."

It was then the Witch of the West flew out. She had with her on a magical chain was the cat and the droid. They were hanging in mid air held by her magical chain.

"Stop the bombing, or I would drop the two of them." The Witch screeched out loud. I told the ants to hold on their firing while we negotiate.

"Released them now, Witch." I shouted to her. She looked down to me and smiled.

"So the young girl with the red boots wants to command me. So be it." The Witch of the West released my companions but they were still high above. The cat landed on its feet and proclaimed; "that's one life short now."

Droid came down hard but Scarecrow drew a soft mattress from her bag for his landing. The droid landed with a soft thud on the ground.

"Thank the stars, you are alright." Scarecrow hugged her droid.

"Okay, Witch. Now the bets are off." I took out a button and hurled it at her on her saucer and cup. The button hit the saucer and blew her off the sky. The Witch did not crash down but landed with a umbrella opened above her head. On her landing, the Witch stood there and closed the umbrella.

"Dorothy Gale, you caused me a lot of issues. I would have you hung on this tree for all Munchkins to see." The Witch declared.

She called up a spell and hit it on Scarecrow, who had her hat burned off. Scarecrow retreated but the Witch keep on throwing flames at her.

"Burn Scarecrow!" The Witch shouted out.

"I think not." I jumped up and gave her a flying kick but she caught me in the mid air with her magic. Once she had grabbed my leg, she pulled my right boot off. I was surprised as despite all my attempts I could not do it.

"One boot off and another to come later." The Witch shouted out. I was furious and lunged at her. I pushed at her and she fell back into the moat. There the Witch screamed out in pain. I can see the water around her frothing and then bubbles appeared.

"Help me, Dorothy'" The Witch pleaded but I ignore her. I reached for my other boost and this time it came off. I threw it at the Witch.

"No, please help me........ I am dying." The Witch keep on screaming as she began to melt there in the moat. But no one helped her. Not even the Winged Monkeys.

Soon it was all over and we all stood there at the floating red boots floating on the moat.

The Winged Monkeys came up to me and apologize for attacking me. They did it on orders of the Witch. She controlled them with the Magic Cap she wore under her wig. But now with her dead and the Magic Cap gone, they are freed of her. They can return to their own homes.

Then the Winkies appeared on the horizon. They began chanting 'The Witch is dead'. They numbered about two hundred of them but they are dressed in five different shades. They are the green, yellow, red, blue and black shades. Five of the shades leader walked to the moat and looked down on at the moat. Then they walked towards me. 

"The Witch is dead. With that, we are freed of our mistress and our war can resumed again." All five looked at me. "You got a day for the reprieve."

They all left the place but I can see that there is hostility now. It was then I saw the other Witch appearing; the one from the North.

"Dorothy, I can see you done the unexpected. Who asked you to killed my sister? You were supposed to go home and not start a war here." Glinda confronted me.

"I don't understand. How can we start a war? I thought we just removed a dictator." I protested.

"No, she was the peacekeeper. She may be a dictator but she kept the peace." Glinda spoke out.

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