Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Guenvere; the hidden secrets

PG-13 rated and read with caution. There is the devil at works here......It was written for a contest on the true Merlin. I showcased him from the view of one other.
The battle with the Saxons had taken its toll on him, as he sought his Lord's permission to leave the Hall. His Lord gave the consent with the whirl of the hand, but the focus was still what was laid on the round table. Arthur may had been a revered King by his subjects, but among us, those he shared his confidence finds him at time irksome to the point of wishing he was dead. He was one who had spent his lifetime securing the young man to the throne and even sought out the fabled sword for him. Merlin had done wonders for his so named chosen one or King as he called the figure then. I did my quiet exit without stirring the sight of the knights, but alas his still sought me out.

Lancelot, you are a fool. There can not be any love between us, perhaps the sheets may be smeared but never could we allowed our names be undone. Or our fame. I am your Queen and be faithful to me as that. I hasted my steps to followed the weary older man into the corridors. He had reached his personal chamber but I hailed him to await me.

"Merlin, hold the door for me." I commanded him in my tone as the Queen. He did as he was asked although reluctant, he knew that my influence on Arthur overrode him then. I stepped in and he closed the door before latching it. I took to the inner chamber where he holds his bedding and sat on there.

"It would be more appropriate for my Queen to sit in the main chamber." Merlin gestured to me as he poured himself a goblet of wine. I desired the bedding for its privacy but on his request, I got up and walked to the main chamber to seat myself on the very chair that he holds dearly. His high back chair to propped up his hunching back.

"Surely, the years have not mellowed your agitation towards me." Merlin replied after he had cleared the goblet of its content.
"Guenevere my daughter, you remained ever radiant like your mother."

If he was expecting me to spat at his words, I had humbled myself of this bastard father who left me to the clutches of another whose blood I was never related to. Merlin was my natural father, the one who spent himself into my mother's womb and bore me to this world. But he was not there to raised me from birth to womanhood. He was busy chasing the dreams of his own quest to find the chosen one. He may had done it so but never once he had sought me out.

"Why do you seek me today, my Queen?" Merlin asked of me. The man I saw before me in the dark coarse cotton robe with the hood thrown back to reveal the silver bearded man with the reclining top hair. His ears are his most apparent features; pointed and flared out like the dancing dandelions. He was a tall man not in height but by looks, with the robe holding justice to his frail body before it. His feet are in the sandals that he fashioned himself from the vines and wooden clogs.

"Merlin, your advise to my King for more conquest, had made me a widow in the waiting. Every time he rides out, he leaves me a pained journey of waiting. I need you to stopped his battles. He must be here with me in Camelot."

"Preposterous, Guenevere. The man is the King. He is needed to complete his quest, as fated by...." Merlin was interjected by me.

"A series of foolhardy quests that you conjured from your dreams, Merlin. Just as you did to my mother; a dream of life being happily married to the King, and yet you stole his maiden from him." My mother had met Merlin just before the marriage to King Leodegrance, the ally and friend of Utter Pendragon. The marriage was of convenience, a young maiden to an older King with no heir. Merlin in his guise as the charming musician had awed the lady in her country home, and soon sneaked into her room one dark night. She had told him that she was betrothed to the King and the sanctuary fo her maiden hood was be preserved. Merlin in his youth, had no such restrictions as he coaxed the lady into a total submission. She pleaded with him then but her whimpers were like love moans to him then.

According to my mother, Merlin was at the wedding as an unknown guest, and yet he sought her forgiveness, but there were things that even wizards cannot restored. She went ahead with her marriage and hid her shame from him, but whether he knew or nor, was never raised. She had me and the King was overjoyed. Like my current beau, the King was called to many quests that he neglected my mother to a life of twirling the loom and held me for comfort. Never once was Merlin to come to her aid.

"Merlin, as you did to my mother, and her husband; have you not felt the shame that your quests are never ending?" I raised my voice to him. "Is this kingdom so important to you that you have forsaken others who needed love?"

Merlin looked at me. He was a hard man, with a harder disposition to his needs. He took what he needed and discarded them. I seen him done that not only to my mother but to the eager knights that had come to served Arthur. Those he held not in favor to his quests, he had them sent to the walls or worse to their death in the battles. He once retorted a squire who shed tears for his broken lord who would never walked again.

"Your lordship made his name in the annals of King Arthur. His injuries are ordained as his contribution ends here. Take him back to his manor and cared for him. If he does not die on the road home. Then you may take his armor and see yourself befitting to serve the King one day."

Merlin poured himself another goblet of the sweet wine. He drew off his robe to reveal his lanky frame in the red knee length tunic with the bony legs seen from under it.. Merlin had his physical body wasted or eaten away by the devils he had kept as his servants. He walked to the back of his working table which was filled with scrolls and wizard' tools. He picked up a scroll and tossed it up into the air. It unrolled and showed me the general map of the isle.

"That is Arthur's kingdom. We are still short of it but would soon be done. All those there would pledge their loyalty to the King I had placed there for them." Merlin looked back at me. "Do you see yourself in there, my daughter? Your place would be at his side. Is that not more dignified than to be a nursing mother?"

"You would have more than one to suckled on your milk then." Merlin laughed out loud. "You would be their mother; the subjects your children."

I stood up on his vision, and glared at him.

"A vision of yours, as the one standing there would be you and not me. I need to be a mother and those who would suckled at my teats are only my own children. You can feed those other subjects your evil blood for all I cared." I cried out my needs. Its every woman desire to hold her own in her hands.

"Aha! That revealed your thoughts." Merlin spoke out in glee. Then he leaned over to looked at me. "But your lover lacks the vitality he holds in his hand. Or was it he held that too often?"

The man laughed at my husband' acts. He was more than a bastard, he was the devil in disguise. He used the people to fulfilled his needs. I grabbed the nearby ink container and threw it at him. Merlin had his magic to stopped the spillage and lowered the container to the flooring.

"If its a kid you desired, then perhaps you may seek out Lancelot. His desire for you exceeds his loyalty to the King." Merlin gestured to me with his hips. It was a lucid act that was unbecoming of the father. "I kept him here as he served me two purposes; his skills to win the battles and his lust for you. I had to create a hidden foe that would one day battled my chosen one. What better than the one who took his place in the bed?"

I had heard enough as I made my way out. I would not subject myself to his humiliation anymore. As I was unlatching the door, Merlin spoke up to me.

"Guenevere, you did not come to see me on Arthur. If it was to asked of my consent to be with Lancelot, I had given you my reply."

The bastard read my mind. I hated him. I went out and walked the far corridor and then down to the small chamber. There await my true challenger and lover, Morgan La Fay.

"Your potion worked. He does not know. He thinks I am for Lancelot." I threw myself into her embrace.

"Good, then the kingdom would rocked on its foundation when Arthur battles Lancelot. A fitting match for both men that sought your body but your love is mine to favored." Morgan La Fay pulled at the strings that held my bosom from the looks of others. She knew where I loved to be kissed.

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