Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tawa Incident 1.1

                                  Another reason the World needs Jon Blake to save the day.
Jimmy Loong
Dec 2012


24 hours ago

"That's a Dream Catcher sign." I looked at her tattoo on the left side of her back; exposed by the large open sleeve of the shirt.

"Yes, it is. I had it etched on sometime back. Its the one spot where everyone close me would put their arms around. There I would capture their dreams; I let the good ones come in while the icon takes off the bad ones. From it, I I know you are one fated for me."

I just met this lady in the mall, and we started chatting over a cup of tea. Then she invited me to her place and I took the offer.. Now behind the closed door of her apartment, naturally we are to have sex, but here she is telling me a tale on her tattoo.

"Pardon me, Hewitt.." I did recall she told me her name was something to that sound. I am not sure now; pardon me, I was looking for a laid and not laid down for a lecture talk.

"Its Hehewuti; in the language of the American Hopi, it means Lady Warrior Spirit." She turned to face me and now I began to remember what was that attracted me to her. It was her heritage looks of the Great American with the sharp features of the people of the Plain. She was unlike any of the others who came in the glassy looks or classed down in the designing looks for females. This rare beauty was the one qualities which I spent my hour sipping tea with her talking about life. Funny, she sounded off with a lot of cliques, but I admit, I was more focused on her other attributes.

"You are not Paul Gauguin," I did let out that my name was that; a pick up stunt someone taught me. It was either that or McKartney. I know its a lie, but it drew on their attention. That's was what I needed then. " Your real name is Tawa: Spirit of the Sun."

"Hehe, I think I would drop the plans for the next round of tea. I just remembered I have an appointment with my doctor. You know the one they called a shrink." I got up from the settee and picked up my jacket. She pushed me down with both hands causing me to land back on the settee. Then she sat astride me on my lap and leaned over to looked at me in the eye.

"Place your hands on my waist." I mean if she is going to skip the introductions, and talks on spirits, I am in the spirits to proceed on. Her eyes are leveled with mine as her pouting lips are within my reach. I raised up both my hands and placed them on her waist.

"Higher nearer to my breasts." Wow! This is becoming my kind of an evening. I did as she told me and moved those fingers up like the slow train to Piccadilly. Soon I had my palms on her rib cage and the surge came on strong. I felt myself being dragged into her; no, not her as in here, but into her world. Soon I was standing next to her on the plains of the ancient land. We are both clad in the tanned leathers of the buffalo; me in long legged pants with an apron on the front, while she was a plain smock that reached to her knees. My chest was painted in the different shades and my hair was loose to the back flowing with the wind that blew it to the right side. She was like before with her waist length hair flowing behind her. On her neck was a necklace of rare stones and beads.

"Welcome back Tawa, Sun sprit of the Hopi People. Your name has been drawn to save your people in the coming crisis." I stood there and looked at where she points her hand at. I can see the great dark clouds that convene on the horizon. "The Bad Spirits are back to reclaim your people and land. And above it all, to cast the world into darkness."

"We plead with you to come back, and battle them for us." The lady that was standing next to me now prostate on her knees. I looked back at the approaching darkness and heard the calls of the land creatures.

I nodded to her request.

Then I am back in the apartment and the lady was still astride me.

"Could you be kind to boil some water in the kitchen. I do reckon I need a cup of tea would be ideal now." She got up from my laps and walked to the kitchen. I could had sworn she had clasped me too hard as I can now feel the arteries now beginning to expand again. I stood up and straighten my clothes; well, we ain't going to remove them, so I might as well be proper then. Then was the time, the apartment door was kicked in.

"Nobody moves, or you would be lying dead with more holes in your body." I looked at the new intruder; another fine specimen of the adonis features with tanned looks. He may be dressed casual but the gun he's holding was not; its a monster in his hand.

"Wrong address perhaps?" I tried to act funny but inside me I was flexing my muscles and joints. I could take this goon down in three seconds, but my lovely companion intervened. If you are expecting a flying tea pot, I would suggest you stick to British Intelligence.

"Ituha, put your gun away. He is a ....friend." My would be laid me down friend cautioned off the adonis. "Look at what you done to my door? That's coming out of your pocket."

She then looked at me.

"Pardon him. He is Ituha or its meaning Sturdy Oak. He's also my boyfriend." Ouch, that hurts; a blow beneath the belt for sure. "He's also my personal guard. My father hired him to protect me."

Well, Adonis placed his long barrel gun back into the holster under his suede jacket and offered to shake my hand.

"Ituha, but you can call me Itu."

"Blake. Jonathan Blake. Everyone calls me Sunny. I guess I am always the starlight of the party." He shook my hands; firm grip and well toned muscles. I like that in a man.

"Staying for tea?" He asked me and motioned to the table. There are three cups laid out now.

"I guess so. I like my tea stirred and not shaken." I took my seat across the lady of the house. This would be a long day.

An hour later, I was recruited by them to see their boss tomorrow. Just before I was getting kicked out of the apartment, I was trying to coax them that a threesome would be just as fine with me involved.

"Hehe, what about me? I am Tawa, the Sun Spirit." I looked at Hehe and she smiled. She grabbed my face and smiled.

"I needed you to be recruited so I weave a web for you. I am the Spider and you are in my web now. Play with me or I may consume you. They nicknamed me the Black Widow not for reputation but for my ability. The tattoo contains a chemical which made you hallucinate. Welcome to the world of espionage. "

I being sucked in.

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