Tuesday, June 4, 2013

2315 hrs Day Two Killrock Part 1.2

1. Back to the Ruins

At past the midnight, Basilus lead the way down the tunnel to the chamber where the Vampires were stored. The squad had new orders from the General; recon through the tunnels and create mayhem. The Rangers all had a bag with them; explosives and grenades. When he reached the chamber, they were aware that they were no Vampire there; all of them seem to have moved out except the one that was used to block the doorway. Its gun was bent when the Rangers must had done it when it crashed it against the wall. Basilus mounted the hull towards the turret and checked the hatch there. It was opened and he went in.

The Draconian did not do much damage inside except maybe for some equipments like the gunner sighting console and the Fangs controller. He checked the ammo storage and noticed it empty. So were the rotary guns which were  probably stripped off by the technicians. He tried the driver seat and noticed that the tank still can move. He came out and motioned to the squad to search for the doorway which the tanks could had exited.

It did not take them long to find it. There were the sign of tracks which they tracked to a section of the wall. They tried to open it but it would only opened up halfway. Basilus told the Squad to mount up.

Basilus got Pete to drive while Mira and Marc took to the rear hatch position where normally the Draconian troopers sits. Pete drove to the section of the wall where the doorway was partially opened. The Vampire driven by Pete drove up to it and crashed through. Once he cleared the doorway, he found them in another tunnel and drove on for over two kilometres before they found a slopping upwards exit. The exit was opened and looked out to the dark sky.

"Pete, drive on and then we would decide on the next task."

They came out onto the hot surface although the temperate outside was minus five degree. The wind was blowing again and it made visibility poor for only ten metres partially covered by the dark skies. The cool air would need till near dawn to cool down the hot surface before the new sunlight heat it up again. There were no Draconian there but there were a number of crates with their lids open. Basilus pulled himself out of the hatch and checked the crates. He found two projectiles; HESH in one of crates and then some guns projectiles. He looked more around and found some discarded projectiles; and the lucky find of a box of Fangs. There are four it in the crate.

The squad loaded the discarded projectiles and drove on looking for the Draconian. They found the others not far away. It seems that the Draconian have been busy too. Basilus counted fifteen Vampires there with their crews sleeping next to the tanks with some guards standing sentry. There were twenty metres when one of the guards came forth to challenge Basilus tank. Basilus saw the guard and he asked Pete to stopped moving. He then signaled Mira to leave by the rear hatch. She knew the game plan.

They waited for the guard to stepped forth to the front hull before Mira released the saucer disc. The disc flew towards the guard and slashed it on the back of the guard. The disc whirred and knocked on the hull several times before it fell down quietly. Basilus climbed out and looked at the dead Draconian.

"You could had shot the trooper. Why the drama?" Basilus asked her but she just smiled back at him.

"Get the projectiles ready." Mira and Marc had rigged up the projectiles to explode on contact or vibration. "We are joining the Draconian."

2. Back to the Battlefield

Leader Landi led her last four members of the squad through the tunnels but they took the other one to the dome where they last had their battle. They came near the doorway and saw the two sentries posted there. They could not risked the shots as they are not sure how many are behind that doorway. The saucer disc was not favorable as the disc could fly beyond the doorway too. She thought of the Toad but it was unmanageable if the gas slipped over the doorway.

The only was to distract the sentries; and that means something risky. She decided to act on it. The squad split into two groups and went into action. Landi was with the first group on the left, and had one other Scout with her.

Landi kicked at the stone to create a diversion and hoped for the best. Its a old trick of the Scouts but it was the only way to get the sentry attention. It did as one of the sentries heard the sound and walked over to checked. She looked at the Draconian Trooper walking towards their position. Its different from a close combat in the battlefield; there you just react to the situation but now you have to wait for the moment to react. She had pulled out her serrated blade and readied it in her hands. It would have to be a split second attack.

The Draconian came into the position they have earmarked for action, and the scout charged from the rear with the long stone slab. The scout impact on the Draconian on his left knee caused him to fall forward and when his body fell forward, Landi swung the blade like a chopper on the neck area. The blade cut into the exposed neck below the Helm, and severed the sound passages there. The scout had rushed forth and used the stone slab as a hammer on the back of the Helm. For assurance, Landi had pulled out the blade and thrust it below the armpit into the heart.

The whole killing took only five seconds but the noise made was the falling of the Draconian on the ground. It attracted the other sentry, who called out for his mate. When he was looking at the place where the dead sentry had walked to, the three scouts rushed out with their blades. The first one cut at the knee toppling the sentry and the second scout had his blade thrusted into the sentry jaw from below to prevent him calling out. The third scout jumped on the sentry back and thrust the blade into the back of the neck before pulling it upwards to cut into the brain area. The sentry struggled for a while and then stopped.

Landi stepped out and gave the thumbs up to the scouts, before she headed for the doorway. In the chamber where the statues are, there are three more Draconian resting soundly in their sleep. There are some stacked up crates in the circle with a rotary gun mounted on a tripod there. Landi took out the Toad and threw it in on activating it.

Later Landi smiled at the new acquisition.

Across at about four hundred metres, a three Scout team up crawled on their front towards the Big Banger. They are carrying target locator sensors to be targeted onto the big Banger. The scouts setup the unit and had its infrared laser pointer at the three Big Banger parked there. There was still three more missing.

Ranger Dillon asked the rest wait while he searched the next Big Banger location. He saw the silhouette of the Banger with its covered camouflage. He directed the laser light on the other unit but it would not work. He can't run back to the other unit as its in use. There was not much time left so he comms the rest to make their way back. He would need to direct the barrage by comms.

Dillon signaled the rest to leave while he remained there. He then crawled off to a nearby crater and took refuge there.

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