Thursday, June 13, 2013

Oz; a remake of the tale 1.8

8. The Nomes, Rampsies and Flutterbudgets

"I don't know who are the Nomes, but we cannot have them take over the Rampsies land." I was corrected on my remark by the cat.

"Its not their land. Its someone else' land." I wished I had my power back so I can howled away the glass from the marbles of this cat.

"Not a major issue. The Nomes are here and so are the Rampsies." I looked up and saw the two groups of people approaching us.

The Rampsies looked like me, with loose fittings tunics and tight pants tucked into some leather boots. On their head are the wrapped around bandanna that trailed behind their head. They are all armed with some farming tools now used as a weapon. The Rampsies numbered about fifty of their own people.

The Nomes are a squarty square framed people dressed in what may be termed as overalls carrying mallets and picks on their hands. Their head piece is a metal round bowl with a lighted wick in the front over their flatten oblong head. The same number of Nomes matched the Rampsies.

Both Scarecrow and myself stepped forth to greet the two groups. They ended up standing in between us.

"My name is Silv of the Rampsies. No one dig up these grounds without our consent." Silv is a tall man with a strong back joint by long limbs that rippled with muscles.

"No one tells Gourn where he can dig." That one Nomes you would missed in any crowd of Nomes. They practically all looked alike in their physical appearance, but Gourn seemed to have a louder voice,

"Stop your threats." I stood up to them with my defiant look. "I am Dorothy Gale. So listen up or I would have his land...... bought over. Then no one can come here anymore."

"I could lease from you. Name your price." I looked up to see a fat obese picking his way from the road. He is stepping carefully to avoid stepping on any blade of grass trodden before. I guess he does not want stepped on them in their last moments of living. "I am Nolan Rich; Flutterbudget and darned proud of it."

Immediately, Silv walked up the Flutterbudget and argued his case to remain on the land while the other Nomes tried to justify his digging. Nolan ignored them and walked up to me.

"Name your price and I may consider." Nolan flipped through the book he carried with him. "Hum.... According to the records, there are no Dorothy Gales owning any land."

"Who are you?" Nolan asked of me again. "Land owner? Land grabber? Witch?"

Then I saw the approaching reddish cup on the saucer. Its the Witch of the West. She is not alone, but with her are a group of .....flying monkeys.

"The Witch! The Monkeys!" Immediately, everyone dispersed off for the nearest treeline. I ran to the village structures and woke up the children.

"Run for the treeline." Soon as I shouted out the command, I can hear the cries for help. I looked back and saw the winged monkeys have descended on the Nomes and also the Rampsies. The ones that was captured by the monkeys are carried high above the tree tops and dropped down to the ground.

I can see Scarecrow assisting the people to run for the treeline or helping an injured one up. The droid surrounded by five children who did not make it to treeline now seeking protection from the droid. Toto meanwhile was running around leaving her oily substance, but she is no evolving as I am in no threat.

"Toto, come here." I grabbed the furry ball and can its shivering with fright. But against what it was shivering; I am not sure. "Toto, run for the treeline now."

Toto did as I said, but on route, she was captured by a monkey. I shouted out in fear for my pet and it may has sensed my panic call. Immediately Toto evolved into its fierce mode; the griffin with its extended wings. The monkey on seeing the heavier weight released Toto in midair, but the griffin is now flying. The griffin saw the threat to its mistress and used its flame to chase the winged monkeys. Two of the winged monkey got caught in the blue flames and dropped like overbaked cookings. The other monkeys soon withdraw from the fight.

"There would be another day, Dorothy." Momba cautioned me as she rode off with the monkeys.

I came out of cover to find the griffin was then a furry ball again, and shivering. It seems to be afraid of the Witch.

I discovered that the Nomes, Rampsies and Flutterbudgets cannot agree to anything anytime until I stepped in. It was the second day with the cat basking away on the top of the rooftop which prompted me to end negotiations. I finally spoke up.

"Mr.Nolan, your lease continue. So does the Rampsies growing your crops. The Nomes may dig at a thirty meters below ground."

They all finally agreed until Nolan asked me again; "Are you the new owner?"

I shoved him the red boots onto his butt.

As for the droid, I found a change in it. It was seen talking to the children since this morning. It even stood guard over them during meal time. I walked up to the droid and spoke to it.

"I can see you talking to the droids." The droid looked down at me.

"I explained to them the workings of my system and they are an appreciative audience."

"Did it feel nice inside you?" I asked again.

"If you asking me if I have a heart just because I entertained some children; you are mistaken. I merely did as per my programming, answering them back. I felt no surges or enhancement to my system." The droid looked at me and then walked away.

I guess we are making some progress.

"I can assure you the droid won't shed any oil for you." The cat spoke up as it paced across my path. I wanted to kick it but the cat read my mind. "Just making a small talk if you are keen."

I walked back to the village to see to the children.

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