Thursday, June 6, 2013

Luke; His last moments.....Thank God he's gone.

There was contest to write a tale in 1,500 words based on any of these selected prompts:

Choose one of the prompts below. Place the title of the prompt in your Author Notes so I know which one you have chosen. Meet me in the comment section with questions, check out the rules!

Memory Travel
[Fantasy, Science Fiction, Adventure]
A photo album in which you can relive any memory by placing a photograph in it. Can you damage the future? Can you relive memories multiple times? Will the outcome be the same regardless of what you do?
Inspired by Stella Dawn’s “Bottle it Up”
Seashell Soliloquys
[Adventure, Love, Fantasy]
You come upon a large unique seashell in a seemingly undiscovered beach cove. You press it to your ear and instead of the ocean you hear a woman’s voice. She whispers to you of the shell’s unique power and asks you to leave her a message in return.  You and her exchange dozens of messages as time passes. Until one evening when you reach the cove and see her whispering into the shell.
The Shadow Collector
[Fantasy, Horror, Adventure]
A villain possesses a knife capable of cutting the shadow from a person. He takes not only the literal shadow, but the darkness once secured within them. He’s slowly creating an army of darkness.
The room didn’t seem so daunting when she first entered. But as the seconds climbed into minutes, she felt trapped. The windows collapsed into walls and the walls closed in around her. She soon realized that she wasn’t in a room at all but trapped in her mind, and it was windowless.
Heart Tethers
[Love, Tragedy]
Scientists develop a device capable of reading people’s auras. As they experiment with it, they soon discover an ethereal tether line protruding from the chest of each patient. After following the tether to the end, the find it attached to another individual’s chest. Scientists refuse to answer the hard questions but as more people acquire the devices they soon believe that the other person is their soul mate.
Between Heaven and Earth
[Fantasy, Fiction]
Between the firmament and the heavens is another dimension, one invisible to the human eye. It was once a perfect combination of earth and heaven, a utopia free of strife or death. It was the Creators first attempt at life, and he failed. Immortals kill one another in a seemingly endless struggle, but when their numbers begin to dwindle, some families look to earth as an option of escape.
Forever Children
[Fantasy, Children]
Dead before ever receiving a chance to live, these children awake in a world unlike any they would have experienced. They grow and age, but only until their imaginations are at optimum potential, until they become Forever Children. They create their world. They walk on the ocean and swim through clouds and everything is topsy turvy and bright and dim all at once. Each one experiences a unique sadness though, forever dreaming of the men and women they could have been.
Rain Angels
[Children, Fantasy, Adventure]
Mother once said that when the Spirits above were sad, they would cry big blue tears. The tears would fall and break into millions of tiny drops and rain upon us. If enough of the tears gathered into a puddle, an angel would form from the essence of the Spirits. And the Rain Angel would search for a child to guard for eternity.
The Visionist
[Fantasy, Science Fiction=
A man who has never opened his eyes “sees things”. He draws his visions, collecting thousands of drawings of places and people. A journalist learns of his talent and visits the man. After browsing through the images he watches the Visionist draw a new piece. The Journalist looks at the new piece only to himself.
Luke the Lucid
[Adventure, Love, Fantasy, Science Fiction]
Luke died a long time ago. So long ago, that he really doesn’t remember how it really happened. He’s told so many fabricated stories about his death that he’s quite frankly forgotten the truth. Luke is a ghost, and a famous one. A celebrity, really. Everyone knows “Luke the Lucid”. He’s the only one of his kind and has been for a few hundred years. Well, he was the only one. 


And my tale here at 1498 words.

I have never been to the seaside. I did not hear of it until recently. I remembered getting off the bus and there it was the beach and sea. There was nobody on the beach; all quiet and lonely for me. That was how I felt then. Then I saw the seashell; large conch looking one. I was told you could hear the sea inside it. I placed it to ears and spoke our a greeting.

"Hello? This is me, Luke. I am....~" My voice was cut off by the shriek on the other side.

"Thank you, God. I found him. Luke, stay there. I would find you soon. Don't move." The voice replied to me. This was weird as to me but I recalled having heard her voice before. It was more like we used to communicate regularly; me telling her things and she was replying to me. But then, I was not sure; maybe I imagined it all. The voice in the shell and maybe this beach. I tried to walked but my feet was trapped in the sand.

I looked up and cursed at myself. It was then I saw the sight above me . It was a ceiling ad it was collapsing. The sides was the with a long rectangle windows. Good gracious me, I was not more on the beach but in a room with four walls and a descending ceiling.

"No!!" I screamed out and it was then, I realized it a dream. I was a free flowing soul in the realms of the mind. I smiled at myself.

"You got me there. For a while I thought I was really at the beach." I loved the change of scene. It was so fluid, and yet lucid in the images. I felt myself floating and then there was the voice again.

"Luke, I told you not to move." The voice was behind me, or was below me. I looked around, and saw the lady. I recalled having seen her, but again it could be my imagination. She was a lady; that was obvious from the looks of it. I was a Man so I should know she was one.

"Luke, we are soul mates. You and me." That was what I did not know. She pulled at cover on her chest.

"Pardon me, lady. I do not think....~" The lady had removed from her bosom the ethereal tether line .

"Its our connecting umbilical cord of the soul. Without our attachments, we would both float in the unknown dimensions. Luke, it time for you to come back." She reached out her hand holding the cord. It did looked like a ugly martian with a set of serrated teeth in the jaw.

"Hold on...lady. I am not sure who you are and right now I am not in the classified for any soul mate. So please hold back your ...whatever you termed that as." I pushed myself back to avoid any consummation with that vile bared bosom lady. She stopped and looked at me.

"Luke, open your mind. Let me take you on a journey of our childhood. We were once children. We were given a life in a world unlike any we had experienced. We grew and age, but never in the body. Our imaginations was our will to reality. Nothing could stopped us; that even the Gods named us the Forever Children. We were feared by them as we were too powerful. Like them, we could our own world, where we lived in peace with nothing in impossible to our mind. Till you shattered it. You dreamed of being a grown up. We all shared your dream and soon sadness. We were the Forever Children, never to be the men and women we could have been."

"Luke, you ran and that destroyed the world we had created. Luke, we were the Forever Children. With you in discord to mine, there was no more Forever Children."

Luke looked at her and then laughed. He recalled it all now. The Forever Children; a foolish dream of theirs, living in a world they had created.

"Lydia, my soul mate. I recalled it all. This was not Heaven, nor Hades, no was it Earth. We had a dream; created the world, and lived in it but my foolhardy mind which made us also destroyed the very fabric of that world. The world of the Forever Children was once a perfect combination of earth and heaven, a utopia free of strife or death. It was said to be the Creators first attempt at life, and yes, he failed. He was who was us, drew on the beginning of life to make mankind in our mold. We dreamed the world where we would be worshiped by them, but we made one fundamental mistake. We allowed the children to think. They developed awareness in their thoughts and from it, the sins of their kind evolved. I was also lost in that awareness thoughts. I also seek more enlightenment; much to the dismay that I inoculated envy. From there, not only mortals but we immortals slay each other for it. The losing immortals fled to the outer dimensions and eventually forgo their roles as immortals to become mortal worshiping slaves to the winners."

Lydia fell to her knees and cried. Her tears were to rolled off her cheeks, and formed big blue tears. The tears would fall and break into millions of tiny drops and rain upon the lower dimensions.

"Why do you cry, Lydia? If you think that the tears would gather to form the angels, then you are mistaken." Luke told her. "I was with them in the dimension called Earth. The mortal beings discarded there have blossomed in numbers, and lived with them. I have also died many a times; be it faith or at times in deceit. My life and death were told in many tongues, with more versions that even myself was no sure which was true. They all knew me with many names, given and treasured by them but I knew myself. I was Luke the Lucid."

"Lucid?" Lydia asked.

"Yes, lucid as I was easily mistaken for God." Luke laughed. "Mortals are fools. They would believed anything if they would to put their mind to it. They are easily fooled by us."

"But, Luke. You were not like this before we......" Lydia recoiled from the new Luke she had viewed as her soul mate.

"No, Lydia. Since our discord, I have experienced more than before; free of restraint, and above all, freed of his influence. God was not in me. I was God. To them anyway, those foolish heathens who believed me to be God. Little do they know I had removed my conscience with the God." Luke held up the pouch he carried on his waist. "My shadow; the being which God had placed on all us, lies in here."

"It was in one of our mortal lifetime, I stumbled on the item which allowed me to severed my ties to God. It cuts the darker soul of mine, and removed its influence on me. I am now without the restraint placed by God to hold us as his subjects. I would be his equal. I have done that to others, and all their shadows are in here. The released souls obeyed only me." Luke laughed as he eye the higher dimension.

"God would feel my wrath soon." Luke hollered out. "Just as he had ruled over the dimensions, soon I would ruled over him."

Lydia stood up and looked at the one who was her soul mate. She shook her head and then a mist overcome her body. What was once a lady then became an elderly man with a book in his hand. The Elderly man blind in sight so that he can feel for his creation and not only see them, looked to Luke, which once was a lovable subject and now evil incarnated. He could not find the vocals to speak his mind but he would do so with his action. In his hand, was the book of Life. It contained images of all creations and their evolutions. Their memories speaks of their lifetime. With this book, he could change or end it all the unfolded memories.

"Luke, in life, we were all chapters of a journal to be recorded. I never foresee the future but only the visions of past.  But unlike you, I hold the power to end the visions. I am ending yours. Goodbye my twin." God closed the chapters on Luke and thus avoided the second coming of the Devil.

"You lucky devil. How do I explain to my Mum now on your disappearance?" God sighed to himself. No fury more worse than that of your own mother' scolding. "Perhaps she would buy the tale that he had eloped with the fairies?"

"He did looked like one. Mascara, lipsticks and those false eyelids."


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