Sunday, June 16, 2013

0950hrs Day Three Killrock

0950 hours Day Three Killrock  

1. The Counter attacks

General Manning looked at the new update on his digital map. In the last half an hour, his Rangers have been battled and pushed back to their original defense line. His earlier surprises gave them some relief but the overwhelming numbers of the Draconian was unmistakable too strong for them to repel.

The 1st and 3rd are carrying the heaviest losses but they have two Vampires to fight with. The 2nd and 4th are taking on casualties but they are holding well. The Juggernaut still operates and so was one last CT.

"Rangers, its going to be close combat now. And I am proud to served you all as the Commander." General Manning then called for the retreat to the Settlement.

"Let us fight there among the dead and wounded. Selvan VIII Settlement shall be our last stand." General Manning gave probably his last command of the day.

2. Northern Line

Duncan ejected the clip from his PH375 and reached for the fresh clip. As he placed it in, Duncan sighed as this was the last clip. He looked at the others in the same crater; four Rangers and among them was one of his crew named Jimmy.

"Jimmy, how many clips you have?" Jimmy raised up his thumbs and moved it downward. He then showed his PH450 and the last clip he slotted in. Duncan nodded to his crew and smiled. He then looked at the serrated blade on the ground and kicked it over to Jimmy.

"Jimmy, keep that handy. You may need it." Duncan heard the Juggernaut moving on his right and sighed again. That mean they are going to be battling the Draconian head on. He peeked over the edge of the crater at the Draconian line.

"I'll be damned if I cannot fight like a Tanker."

Across in the metal hull and above in the cupola, Captain Haus was looking at his driver as they reversed back from the front line. He was praying hard that the filter would not get clogged up again.

"Commander, we need to cease firing. Our projectiles are getting low. We need to be selective on who we fire now." The Gunner advised him on their situation. He has been ordering the fire to suppressed the advancing Draconian.

"Okay, move back by one kilometer and then we would stay there till the Draconian come close to us." Captain Haus gave the new order. "Sponson, looked for bombers."

His biggest fear was the Draconian coming up on the rear and placing those explosives at the tracks. It was then he saw the Ct parked near to his tank.

"Sergeant Pedro." The comms answered back. "I am the commander of the 'Sombrero' now. Lieutenant Marks died in the last shootout. I am down to three crew; driver, loader and gunner on the Cochise. The other guns are laid out flat."

"At ease, Pedro. I am almost out too but we would watched each other's back." Captain Haus answered back.

"Wind picking up, Captain." Pedro cautioned him as visibility would be minimal.

Captain Haus did not reply as he was watching the Draconian line. They would come out soon and we would be fighting soon.

"Captain Haus. This is Duncan of the 'Poppins'. I am here to assist you as ground crew." Duncan called in. "any spare clip for my PH375?"

Duncan and Jimmy then climbed up the hull and sat on the front hull to received the spare clips.

3. Southern Line

Moshe looked at the scene in front him; they are outnumbered by the six Vampire despite the two hijacked Vampires driven by the Rangers. They have lost one Vampire along with the crews of Rangers but they got one Vampire crippled in retaliation. Moshe then saw the Juggernaut did the final sweep and blew the crippled Vampire turret off.

"That fragged them back!" Moshe shouted out before he heard the tank shook. "What happened?"

"We been hit at the left rear tracks. Its spreading to the engine." The Ranger there was trying to fight the fire from spreading to the ammo. The electronic panels are going up in flames as the circuits developed fire.

"Ditch the tank." Moshe shouted to his Rangers. They all climbed out by the open hatches with the Major last to leave. He dropped down outside the tank just as the tank blew up. The explosion threw the Major back by a few metres and broke his back. He tried to get up but he can't move. A Ranger rushed up to him and pulled him hard despite his pain. They both fell in the sands crater and Moshe was screaming out loud for the pain he was feeling. Then all the pain was gone in his body as he laid there broken in the body. It did not matter much as in the next second, a Vampire landed on the crater and killed seven Rangers including Moshe.

Captain Morris saw the Vampire blew up and shook his head. The wo Vampires he was to protect are all gone leaving his tank all alone here. Its like being the single Leviathan in the large ocean. They are reversing back as the five Vampires are homing on the Juggernaut.

"Commander, we down to two projectile on the Apache." The Main Gunner called out.

"Ditto on mine. I have only three rounds for the two Cochise." The Loader for the guns also hollered out.

"Fangs incoming!" The driver shouted out.

"EM out." The crew handling the EM called out. "Brace for impact."

"I'll be damned." Captain Morris cried out.

The Fangs hit the Juggernaut hard hitting at the top turret off the hull, and another Fang also hit the right tracks badly. The other Fangs did not caused much damages.

"Can we move, Driver?" Morris shouted out but there was no reply.

"Driver dead. We are going to die." It was the Cochise loader and he was going berserk. The Main Gunner fired at the Loader with the PH450. No one confronted the Gunner as that was rule they all swore an oath to; shoot me if I ever go crazy during battle.

"Fangs!" The sponson gunner shouted out and that was last they heard of each other. The Juggernaut exploded when the second round of Fangs penetrated the weaken armor and exploded inside.

4. The Battle ain't over yet.

Duncan fired his rifle at the approaching Juggernaut as they tried to outflank them to reached the rear hatches. Jimmy was holding his own at the other side while the Juggernaut reversed back. The tank was conserving its last projectile to the end. There was three Draconian on his side and they are just keeping out of range. They are playing with the tank as they know its on its last legs or tracks.

Duncan clipped in his last ammo and looked to the Draconian. He heard a shot and one of the Draconian fell forward with the Helm bloodied.

"I'll be damned!" Someone was shooting at the Draconian. Then the second shot and another Draconian fell down. That leave the last Draconian who tried to run but was shot in the back by what may be a PH375 full burst.

"Squad Five, Scouts Rangers." Duncan heard the call out and breathed in a sigh of relief.

"Duncan, CT 'Poppins'. Come and joined me." Duncan asked them to join him and he saw them emerging from the nearby boulders.

"Duncan, we heard they are grouping at the rear another kilometer. Lets get there for the last stand." Basilus told the ex CT Tanker.

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