Monday, June 3, 2013

1645 hrs Day Two Killrock Part 1.3

1. Northern Line.

 Major Koenig was seeking cover in the crater with some Rangers. They were caught in the line by the approaching Draconian who had pinned them down here. He looked back at the overturned LTT on its back when the Major swerved to avoid the gun shots. He crawled up the slope to looked at the Draconian, and saw the Scorpion Walker coming up from the rear. There are no more Thor or Eagles among his Rangers there to used on that monstrous unit.

"Sir, you need to get out." Major Koenig looked at the young Ranger speaking to him. That young Ranger must had been a newly recruited from the Academy and already showing him the courage they needed in this condition.

"Sir, we would cover you." The young Ranger point to his three rangers all lined up on the front wall there to fire on the Draconian. "We are proud to served the 1st Rangers."

The Major shook his head, and point to the LTT. He cannot leave just yet. He could take off on the LTT but he doubt he would outrun those Draconian guns.

"There are some explosives inside there. Bring it over." The young Ranger crawled over to the overturned LTT and dragged out the bag containing the explosives. "Set it up to explode on contact. We would slapped it on the Scorpion legs."

The young Ranger nodded and passed the explosives out to the others while the Major crawled nearer to the edge to peek over. The other Rangers are laying cover fire and having stopped the Draconian advance. A few more Rangers dropped in and added in their fire. Major Koenig smiled but not soon then, the guns from the Scorpion took out two Rangers.

"Walkers! Get covered!" The Rangers shouted out and every one was hiding their head down. One Ranger took out the saucer disc and set it to activate. The disc whirred and then flew off towards the Draconian, but it was not effective as the distance covered was short.

The next gun shot came as the young Ranger who was setting the charges got hit on his left shoulder. He was shot in the rear of his shoulder as he had his back turned towards the Draconian. He fell forward and rolled over on the ground but the subsequent shots from the Walker ended his life.

Another Ranger saw the unprimed detonators on the remote, ran over to take up the set explosives. He grabbed the explosives and ran out of the crater going for the Walker while the other Rangers gave him some cover fire but it was infective as he could only cover less than ten metres. The Ranger dropped dead with the explosives in his hands.

Major Koenig ran to his LTT and tried to pushed it over but he was unsuccessful until aided by two other Rangers. He got in the LTT and drove off on the right side where the Walker gun shots have leveled part of the slope. Once up, he swerved the LTT in a tight turn and went towards the Walker. The gun shots came from the Walker but he managed to evade it. He picked up the bag of explosives from the dead Ranger; grabbing it as he drove past the dead Ranger before he drove towards the Walker's fore legs. He could not stopped in time, and crashed the LTT at the right front leg before he jumped out. The crash halted the leg from moving. At that moment, one of the Draconian crew rappeled down from the bottom hatch.

Major Koenig who was beneath the Walker, slowly picked himself. He saw the Draconian rappeling down and fired him with his PH450 drawn out of his holster. He got the Draconian on the left shoulder causing the Draconian troop to fell down. He then looked up at the bottom hatch and did not see the Draconian Sniper. The Sniper in turn shot the Major; the shot took him in the left forearm and waist. Despite both injuries on him, Major Koenig dragged himself back to the Walker stalled leg.

Up above, the crew of the Walker was trying to revered back from the crashed LTT before resuming it march. It was then Major Koenig placed the explosives at the Walker Leg and rolled back. He activated the switch before he was shot dead by another Draconian crew who was rappeling down from the hatch unseen bu him. The explosives blew off the mechanical limb and stopped the Walker.

The Walker was stalled as it could not moved with it existing three legs.

2. CT's to the fore.

Crazy Mac was in his CT saw the stalled Walker from which the Draconian crews was still firing. He shouted in his comms to the main gunner.

"Frag that Walker, two hundred metres." The gunner acknowledged the command and armed the main gun.

"Sponson, fire at the troops. Our boys are pinned down." The main gun fired off and hit the Walker on its other fore limb before it toppled forward. That took care of the Walker while Rangers rushed forward to attack the Walker crews trying to run away. Crazy Mac ignored the toppled Walker and moved on ahead to secure new targets.

 "Fangs!" The driver shouted on seeing the Fangs spread above it. The Main Gunner released the EM cannisters by instinct and waited for the result. This time the EM worked partially but the exploded bomb hit the ground on the left far side of the CT.

 "Move the tank now. We got a Vampire to skinned." Crazy Mac scanned the horizon to find the Vampire. He found it hidden in the crater at about four hundred metres to the left, and with only the turret showing.

 "Gunner to your ten 'clock, four hundred metres." The Gunner responded back and loaded the gun.

 "Then frag the bastard." Crazy Mac shouted as another gun projectile hit the CT right track, causing the tracks to be dislodged. "What the frag? Gunner, find me that source."

 "Another Vampire at our nine o'clock." The secondary gunner called in. "Am firing the Cochise now."

 The twin guns went off in laying fire on the other Vampire while the main gun shot off at the earlier Vampire. The projectile hit the dirt in front of the tank but there were no damages.

 Then the new call came in.

 "Mac, this is Poppins at nine o'clock. I am fragging the Vampire for you." Just as the call ended, the second Vampire exploded from the shot fired by Poppins at two hundred metres. Poppins had sneaked in with the setting sunlight and the strong winds brewing up the sand cover.

 "Thanks, Mac. We would take on the fragging sister now." Crazy Mac called out and all guns fired on the original hidden Vampire. This time they scored a direct hit and tore off the turret from the hull.

 "Mac, I would move on. You take care." Duncan of Poppins sounded out to Crazy Mac.

3. Battle at the Ruins.

General Manning and the Scouts there were taking on heavy fire from the retreating Draconian. He counted a total of unaccountable eleven Vampires and more Tigers than were reported earlier. He saw half his Scouts are dead or wounded while ammo were running low.

"Retreat back to the tunnels." Manning called on the Scouts. They done their task and did some damages.

The sun was setting over the horizon and the battle of the day had to end for now. As the Scouts retreated back into the tunnels, General Manning was upset at the new discovery. He got a serious discussion to do with the Intelligence Sections.

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