Thursday, June 6, 2013

0450 hrs Day Two Killrock Part 1.1

1. The Command Center

General Manning took the LTT to Twin Peaks on the west side before he mounted the mesa. He wants a full view of the oncoming battle. Captain Dieter who was released from custody of the Rangers joined him up there. The Captain was still fuming with rage at the treatment in which he was subjected to. He saw his squad were packing up their survelliance equipment, and walked up to the General.

"Sir,I ..." The General cut him off in his protest.

"I told them to packed it and leave. You can however stay to see how we fight our battles the Rangers' way." General Manning looked at the Captain. "Your intel failed us on too many occasions and its befitting that you learned from us now."

"Lieutenant," General Manning called out to a young officer at the mesa. "Are the Scouts in place?"

"Yes, Sir. We have confirmed feedback from four of the five squads sent out. All is quiet on the front. " The Lieutenant replied. "Squad Five have also acquired a Vampire and locked for action."

General smiled and looked back at the Captain who turned away with disgust.

"Tell the Juggernaut to start the barrage. " General Manning called out his first order. "We need to wake the Draconian up."

2. The Juggernaut shows off.

Captain Haus saw the comms message and signaled the gunner. The clock reads one more click to the hour of the barrage. He then looked at his driver.

"Can the filter hold this time?" Captain Haus saw the grin on his driver and sighed on the reply. "Frag it. We are going to battle regardless."

The main Apache gun went off with its first volley, followed by the Cochise guns. The Juggernaut roared it engines and went forward. Captain Haus can see the two CT also shooting off their main guns.

"Monitor the filter or I would frag you to it." Captain Haus grinned at his outburst but its was good to do that to eased the fear in him. He has a personal phobia of trapping in the tank, which was why he stayed in the upper turret near the cupola.

The Big Banger was their target and the coordinates were pumped in by the Scouts sensor.

The first explosion came in.

3. The Ranger they named Dillon.

Dillon saw the projectiles coming on it set trajectory like a shooting star coming from the skies, before it hit the Big Banger at the left of the three Big Banger. The target was the ammo loader where the HESH projectile exploded and caused a bigger explosion when it hit the other explosives inside the loader section. The explosion created a chain reaction and triggered off the middle Banger ammo. The Draconian artillery mobiles vehicle blew up with the guns barrel flinging to the fore while the main tracks splitting into pieces on the sides hit into the middle Banger.

"Yes!" Dillon shouted out in joy. He actually forgot that he was in the enemy territory. He woke up to the real situation and picked up the comms.

"Juggernaut, this is scout." Dillon called in. "Sensor not working. Fire on my coordinates."

Dillon gave the new coordinates to the tank commander. He saw the second volley coming in and hit short on the target but it hit two Tigers happened to move there.

"Adjust by one hundred metres south." Ranger Dillon shouted the coordinates in while the Draconian are all organizing themselves. The second volley came and it hit the Banger there right on target.  

"You are on, Juggernaut." Dillon shouted into the comms and moved to retreat back. He then saw the two Draconian approaching his position and he reached for his rifle. He took it up but the Draconian was faster. The blast hit on the left shoulder and caused him to drop the rifle.

He reached for the PH450 with his right hand, but was relief when he saw this earlier mates did not leave him here alone. The two scouts fired their rifles and dropped the Draconian.

"Come on, Dillon." One of the Scouts grabbed hold of Dillon by his right forearm. "You are going to get a medal for your task."



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