Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Oz: A remake of the tales 1.5

6. The Witch is dead.  

The waiting for the tanning of the skin was getting to my patience, but that wait was soon forgotten when I saw the arrival of a round orb on the horizon. I shouted to my friends to looked at the new arrival.

"Its Glinda. I recognised her orb. She is the Good Witch of the South." Scarecrow spoke up from her half sitting position. "I wondered what she want. Its unlikely we are on her land, as I been there. There the plains stretched for days of walking, unlike here. We are probably in the east or west."

The orb arrived soon at the workshop which I am still taking refuge with the rest. The orb resemble more like a floating bubble; a large one with a figure sitting there on an invisible seat. The figure was dressed like a queen than a witch. Her free flowing silver gown with the intricate designs sewn in with beautiful minute gems placed strategically to bring out the beauty in its wearer. The figure head piece was a hair collar that holds the hairline up while it allowed the strands to flow behind the head in its splendor.

"I am Glinda, Witch of the South." The orb lands at the ground while the witch stepped out. "Welcome to Oz."

Glinda stared at the metal structure that landed with these new arrivals. She frown at the droid as she disliked automation for they had no emotional mind unlike the living being. She walked to the metal structure and smiled. Then she saw me.

"The prophecy was right." She smiled at me. "It was said that the Oz should always remained the ownership of its King and his descendants. We, the witches tested the prophecy and we succeeded in overthrowing him. But it looked like the prophecy would revert the land back to its true owner. There was a saying that said if the King was removed, a champion would come to restored it.:

"You may be that champion." Glinda placed her hands on mine. "Your name child?"

"Dorothy Gale."

"Dorothy, do you know that you killed the Wicked Witch of the East?" Glinda told me. "The whole land rejoiced in your effort. The Munchkins are dancing and celebrating at my city. They are also doing at the East City. Used to be a dreadful city but now its joyous."

"Me? Killed the witch? I am confused." I replied to her. "I just arrived this morning. I don't know how but I am here. Then this creature that got killed. Could it be that creature is her?"

I looked at the skin that was tanned by the Scarecrow. Glinda shook her head and the point to the ground beneath the workshop.

"Your metal contraption landed on her. She was passing by on this path, and your untimely arrival ...... well, squashed her to an early death." Glinda laughed out. "She never seen it coming."

"You mean she is underneath there." I barked back. "How can that be? We just arrived." Then Dorothy looked at her. "How come you know so fast?"

"Oh, news travelled fast. We have an instant messaging system. The news of her death went viral in seconds." Glinda smiled. "Welcome, Witch Slayer."

"No, I am no slayer. I did not come here to kill no witches. I don't know why I am here. I just want to go home. In my own dimension." I cried out. This is unbelievable was that raun through her mind. Glinda looked surprised. She stared into my eyes and tried to looked for more signs of some sort.

"You are not here as the Champion then. You just happened to be come here. A miscalculated event then." Glinda remarked and then worked her way to the workshop. She placed her hand on the structure and chant a spell. It raised the workshop up from the ground, and there was truly a person underneath. I mean a mass of flesh in a beautiful blue gown. There was also some blue dyed hair strands were seen but its coiffures are all ruffled up now.

Glinda spied what she was looking for; the ruby red boots. The limbs below her knees was missed by the metal structure. Its an ugly sight with the boots sticking out. 

"I did tell her that the boots won't fit in with the dress design and shades. She never did have any taste in dressing." Glinda muttered to herself. She reached down for the red boots; which she picked up with her index finger. It did have some mince flesh on it. She chanted a spell that cleaned the boots to its original state.

"Not my size and I never liked the color red. I prefer the color of silver and gold." Glinda picked up the boots, and walked over to Dorothy. "It may fill your feet."

I frowned at the color; red is also not my favorite.

"Put it on if you want to go home. You know; to your dimension." Glinda told me. I did as I was told. I actually grew fond of the brown felt boots. It fitted well and I liked the light weight on my feet. I wondered if it have a built in massager.

"Those are mine. I would have them back now." The loud screeching voice belongs to a newly arrived person on a cup and saucer shaded with the color of crimson red.

"Sister, how nice to see you here?" Glinda acknowledged her newly arrival sister witch from the west. "Sad to see our other sister, Gingema reduced to organic fertilizer."

"Yes, Gingema does not deserved that. But she still owed me a set of boots. In particular, that red boots belongs to me." The witch of West points to the boots on my feet.

"Nay, sister. I given it to Dorothy. She is borrowing them for her trip back home." Glinda picked up my previous boots and handed it to her sister. "You could have this. They remind me of your last lover. A boring piece of wood. Timber, was it his name. I thought a Twig would suffice but I give him some honor with the name of a lower Branch."

Glinda laughed out loud at her mockery of her sister's ex-lover.

"I want those boots and its now." The witch of West raised her hand but Glinda stepped in between us.

"Tempers, sister. If Papa hears of your tantrums, he would placed you in the basement again." That took off the angry sister from her tantrums. She marched back to her cup on the saucer. Then the witch of the West stared at me.

"I'll get you, my pretty...and your little dog, too!" The witch of West threaten me. I was then I noticed Toto cowering behind my back; actually afraid to faced the witch. In normal circumstances, she would had been transformed into the fearsome griffin.

"Sister, your magic does not work here. You remember that the separation of the land also give us ultimate power only over our own. In other lands, we can only perform the basic magic, and killing her may not an option for you today."

"Dorothy, my name is Momba. Remember that child. I would have you dead." Momba cup and saucer flew off to the western direction. Or I assumed that was the direction.

"Dorothy, my dear. I am truly appalled by my sister behaviour." Glinda looked at me.

"I don't know how you ended up here. Prophecy or none, you are here. An outsider to our dimension; actually we do move into your dimension but never your side to ours." Glinda continued. "You are in the land of Oz, once ruled by a King named ... Pastoria. He is gone now, and we took over. We split the land into four; with each of us controlling our own. You are in the Eastern block now; under the demise Gingema."

"She was also known as the Wicked Witch of the East; ruler of all that was named Munchkins among some others. I am named Glinda, the Good Witch of the South. You met my other sister, the twin to Gingema; Momba." Glinda smiled meekly at me. "East? West? They are the same; evil in their rulings, while me and my other sister of the North, we are the kind souls."

"Witches we may be, but there are also the good ones. We ranked there; the good ones." Glinda pouts her lips. "Wonderful to be associated with us, huh?"

"Of the four sisters, the one on the East and West are powerful ones; while my other sister and myself are mildly weaker. We get Papa to complain to on any misdeeds done by the other two." Glinda looked at the remains of her other sister. "Gingema was the strongest but she did not see this one coming."

"Gingema already dead, so all of you are not obliged...." I interjected but Glinda cut me off abruptly.

"NO!" Glinda paused. "I am sorry for the outburst. I meant to say; no, we are not obliged to moan her demise. She deserved to die. Gingema imprisoned her people, while many of them who managed to escape came to my land. They called my land; Sanctuary."

"You can have her land now. She is gone." I replied to Glinda but she smiled back at me.

"You are so innocent, my dear. Even with Gingema' dead, we still got to respect her throne. I cannot grab her land. I would let Papa decide."

"Papa?" I asked and I got a loud reply.

"THAT'S MY FAMILY ISSUE. SO STAY OUT." Glinda barked out loudly. Then she lowered her voice; "I am so sorry. I lost my manners there."

"That's it. I am wearing my own boots." I decided to change the subject and leaned down to remove my boots but Glinda stopped me.

"No, Dorothy. You need that boots. It would find you the yellow bricks road, for you to go home." Glinda cautioned me. "I hoped you understand that not only my sister disliked you here, but all of us do not welcome you. You need to get out of our land fast."

"Go to the Emerald City and seek the Wizard of Oz. He can guide you back." Glinda looked at my traveling companions. "Take them with you."

"You," Glinda points at the Scarecrow. "Be their guide or die in the trip. I am sure the other Munchkins would welcome you with disdain."

Scarecrow refused to looked at the witch and continue tanning the skin. Glinda climbed back into her orb and took off.

"Are they all gone? I can't stand witches." The droid appeared in front.

"To me, they should all be slaughtered and fed to the predators." The droid made the comment.

"Droid, do you have any emotions?" I asked of the machine.

"Dorothy, I am only a machine construct. There is no component named as a heart inside my chest. I do have a processor which tells me the action I have to take. For that, I find it very intriguing as its basic command was to obey you."

"More to it, emotions affect my logic and I may not performed my functions." The droid continued on his logic explanation. "You can comment that I am a cold logic machine."

I nodded to the droid as I hugged my pet, Toto who have reverted to the docile look of a furry ball.

"Toto, why are you shivering? I thought nothing makes you scared." But Toto did not answer me.

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